Friday, February 17, 2017

Book Beginnings & Friday 56 - #69

Book Beginnings on Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Gilion at Rose City Reader. Every Friday we share the first sentence (or so) of the book we’re currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

My Book Beginning:  

Among the Wicked (Kate Burkholder, Book 8) by Linda Castillo

She waited until 3 A.M. She'd tried to sleep but it was a fruitless endeavor. Instead, she spent five hours twisting in sheets damp with fear sweat, heart pounding, her mind running the gauntlet of the myriad things that could go wrong.  
My Thoughts:  I have read all of the previous books in this series - well actually I have listened to all of the previous books in this series - and I've had this book since it came out in audio but haven't had the time to listen so I just started listening this week.  So far I'm really liking it.    

What do you think?  Don't forget to leave your book beginning below and to link-up at Rose City Reader.  


Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda at Freda’s Voice on every Friday.

To Play along here are the Rules:

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your post below. 
*Don’t forget to add your post URL (not your blog url) at Freda’s Voice.  
*It's that simple.

My 56 (Also from Among the Wicked by Linda Castillo – about 56% on Audible audio file):  

When I was a kid, my brother Jacob would help our neighbors bail hay for extra cash.  The summer he turned 13, he used that money to buy his first bicycle.  My sister Sarah and I, being females, were handed down his skateboard.  

My Thoughts:  I haven’t gotten this far into the book yet so I'm not sure what's going on but I do know that "Kate" usually reminices about her youth and her Amish family when she's lonely, confused about something in a case she's working on, or when she's trying to make sense of the decisions she's made.  I really love this series.  J

So what do you think?  Have you read any of the books in this series? Tempted by the teasers? Don’t forget to leave your link below and to link up at Freda’s Voice.  

About Among the Wicked (Kate Burkholder, Book 8) by Linda Castillo
Chief of Police Kate Burkholder is called upon by the sheriff's department in rural, upstate New York to assist on a developing situation that involves a reclusive Amish settlement and the death of a young girl. Unable to penetrate the wall of silence between the Amish and "English" communities, the sheriff asks Kate to travel to New York, pose as an Amish woman, and infiltrate the community.

Kate's long time love interest, State Agent John Tomasetti, is dead set against her taking on such an unorthodox assignment, knowing she'll have limited communication - and even less in the way of backup. But Kate can't turn her back, especially when the rumor mill boils with disturbing accounts of children in danger. She travels to New York where she's briefed and assumes her new identity as a lone widow seeking a new life.

Kate infiltrates the community and goes deep under cover. In the coming days, she unearths a world built on secrets, a series of shocking crimes, and herself, alone... trapped in a fight for her life. 

Don't forget to post your meme's and link up at both host locations.  

Have a great Friday! 


  1. I need to catch up on this series. I've read the first few and remember enjoying them. Today I have Echoes in Death by J. D. Robb. I love Eve and Roarke. Happy reading!

  2. I've been curious about this author. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy! Here's mine: “RIGHT BEHIND YOU”

  3. That beginning is pretty intense! Happy weekend!

  4. I really want to try this series - I've heard a lot of great things about the series. :)

  5. There are a lot of thrillers featured in this hop. (It's my first time joining). It's not a genre I read much, but I enjoyed your quotes and thoughts.

  6. I've come across other books in this series. I think I'd enjoy it.

    My Friday 56 from The Blood Gospel
