Tuesday, July 12, 2016

NBtM Virtual Book Tour & #Giveaway for Claws for Alarm by T.C. LoTempio

Welcome to my stop on the Name Before the Masses Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Claws for Alarm by T.C. LoTempio.  Please leave a comment or question for T.C. to let erh know you stopped by.  You may enter her tiour wide giveaway, where one (1) randomly chosen commenter will be awarded a $25 Amazon/BN GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

By T. C. Lotempio

Anyone who knows ROCCO, the incredible blogging cat, knows he’s got an eye for good books!  Not only is he a voracious reader, but he is also the cozy mystery reviewer for Night Owl digital magazine!  There’s nothing my tubby tuxedo loves more than to sink his claws into a good book – preferably a mystery!

When we started our blog back in 2011, ROCCO thought it was important to “get his tail” behind a charity. And what better charity than one that focused on reading!  So, after doing some Internet searches, we found KIDS NEED TO READ.

KNTR works to create a culture of reading for children by providing inspiring books to underfunded schools, libraries, and literacy programs across the United States, especially those serving disadvantaged children.  And as a ruggedly handsome bestselling author, I know just how important reading is!

Reading inspires confidence, bridges the differences between people, and forms a fundamental stepping stone to better communication skills – in fact, it may be the single most important skill a child can develop to become a productive member of society.  Books open children’s mind to a world of possibility while at the same time stimulating their intellect, imagination and intelligence.  It’s a sad thing, but when budget cuts impact our school system, the first thing usually cut is the libraries, often leaving schools without the necessary funds to buy new books.  This is where KIDS NEED TO READ comes in.

KNTR was established to help provide exciting new books to underfunded libraries, school systems and independent literacy programs.  In addition, KNTR aspires to make an impact on childhood literacy by actively getting children excited about reading.  Remember the shot in the arm the Harry Potter series gave books only a few short years ago?  KNTR aims to have the same effect.  Their literacy donation list is carefully reviewed to provide high-quality books that will stimulate the imagination and engage the mind.

KNTR was founded in 2008 by author PJ Haarsma, its director Denise Gary, and actor Nathan Fillion.  Just like the children they help, KNTR has big dreams for the future. These include advanced reading programs and groundbreaking initiatives like their flagship READING REVOLUTION.  Developed in partnership with Arizona State University and ASU Prepatory Academy, Reading Revolution delivers a wonderfully enhanced curriculum to the middle school children it serves. Through RR, KNTR actively illustrates to children and adolescents the hows and whys of a skill they may heretofore have had little or no interest in.  This engaging program inspires students with thoughts of a brighter tomorrow.

You can learn more about KNTR, it’s programs, history and mission statement at: www.kidsneedtoread.org  and don’t forget ROCCO’s annual auction to benefit KNTR! You can find the link and check it out on our blog: www.catsbooksmorecats.blogspot.com

Happy reading!

Claws for Alarm
By T.C. LoTempio
Nick and Nora Mysteries, Book 2

Publisher:  Berkley Prime Crime
Release Date: November 3. 2015
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Length: 304 Pages
ISBN: 978-0425270219

Buy Links:  Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google Play | IndieBound | iTunes | Audible

About the book:

“The purrfect sleuthy duo”* is back, and this time murder hits close to home for Nora Charles and her partner Nick, a stealthy little feline gumshoe groomed to solve a shocking crime.


I sat up straighter. “You think he vanished on purpose?”

“Who knows? I’m just saying it’s a possibility. Nick knows many ways to make himself scarce.” Ollie paused and then added, “Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.”

“Maybe so, but I’ve never been one to do what’s best.”

He sighed heavily. “Okay. I can see your mind is made up. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. And if you need help—any help at all—you call me, y’hear?”

“I hear. And thanks.”

I put down the phone and nibbled at my lower lip. Almost as if he knew I’d been thinking about him, Nick appeared, jumping into my lap with surprising ease for a cat of his girth. I rubbed the sensitive area behind his ears and whispered into his ruff, “You’d like to know what happened to your former master too, wouldn’t you?”

Nick raised his sleek black head. “Er-ewl,” he mewled as his little (debatable point) kitty claws moved up and down, kneading my lap.

“That’s what I thought.” I picked up the piece of paper on which I’d written the address Ollie’d given me. “St. Leo isn’t far away—as a matter of fact it’s only about two miles from Aunt Prudence’s house. We could conceivably kill two birds with one stone, say, tomorrow afternoon?”

His steady rumble made me smile. I gave his head a quick pat. “I thought you’d agree.” I reached for my cell phone. “Maybe I’d better warn Aunt Prudence we’re going to be stopping by, though. So she can prepare my sister.”

Nick’s eyes popped wide, and he leaned back on his haunches, pawed at the air.

I laughed. “Yes, she might find you charming, and then again . . . with Lacey, you can never tell. We—we’ve never gotten along all that well. I’m sure she’ll like you, though.” I leaned over to stroke his head, and I didn’t imagine the cat smile he gave me. As I reached for my cell with my other hand, it started to ring. I snatched it up, glanced at the number, and then hit the button. “Aunt Prudence. You must be psychic. I was just going to call you.”

“Oh, Nora, I’m so glad I got you.” My aunt’s voice was a high-pitched wail of distress. “The most awful thing has happened.  “Your sister’s been arrested—for murder.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born in New York City, T. C. LoTempio is the national bestselling author of Meow If It’s Murder, the first in the Nick and Nora Mystery series. She has been a staff reporter at the young adult magazine Susabella Passengers and Friends for more than a decade. When she isn’t reporting or writing novels, she and her cat Rocco fundraise for Nathan Fillion’s charity, Kids Need to Read.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toni.lotempio.5 


  1. Congrats on the blog tour and thank you for the excerpt, I enjoyed reading it :)

  2. Thank you for hosting me today, and thanks to Goddess fish for the great tour

  3. I'm back and thanking you once again for the opportunity at winning your great giveaway

  4. Really great post! Thanks for sharing, I've enjoyed following the tour for Claws for Alarm and I'm looking forward to reading it. :)

  5. What draws you to this genre?

  6. I've enjoyed the blog tour and reading the excerpt. I wish you continued success with your book and all future endeavours! :)

  7. I was really enjoying following this tour, thank you for all the great blog posts and excerpts!

  8. Thank you for offering us this giveaway, have an enjoyable Wednesday!

  9. I have enjoyed the tour and learning about the book.
