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10 Things I learned While Writing The Gift of Maybe by Allison Carmen1. Uncertainty can be our friend if we are willing to embrace the mindset of Maybe.2. Every beginning has hope.3. Rejection can teach us to be strong and humble and prepare us for our success.4. Sometimes we give ourselves the best advice.5. Putting our hearts on the line is our greatest opportunity to feel the joy of being alive.6. Uncertainty can feel dark and scary. But only because we forget that everything new and beautiful in our lives will be born from the unknown.7. Fear makes us believe that things will workout for the worst. Maybe reminds us there are possibilities beyond fear that could be good!8. Things fall apart just until they come back together. Keep hope alive!9. If we seek wisdom instead of certainty then we will find more possibilities for success.10. Maybe everything is still okay.
The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in
Uncertain Times
By Allison Carmen
Publisher: Perigree Books
Release Date: November 4,
Genre: Motivational/Stress Management
Length: 160 Pages
ISBN: 978-0399169533
About the book:
Carmen spent many years fighting a powerful addiction. It wasn’t drugs, alcohol
or fame. It was an addiction to certainty. If she didn’t know what the future
would bring – and who does? – she felt anxious and afraid. This decades-long
struggle followed her through college, marriage, parenthood, and a successful
law career. While everything seemed fine from the outside, Allison was in a
constant battle that was unwinnable, sapping her energy, attention, and spirit.
Until the day she discovered The Gift of Maybe.
Maybe is a simple yet
powerful philosophy that has transformed Allison’s life, and the life of her
many clients (now that she has ditched her legal career and has become a
successful life coach). The message is this: In the face of uncertainty, Maybe
opens your mind and heart. It creates a little space for hope. It allows you to
take a deep breath, stay in the present, and forge your own path.
Many things in life are
beyond our control, but the mindset of Maybe presents a simple, powerful way to
stay connected to what’s possible, and work to make it happen. It is just one
change of perspective, but Maybe it changes everything!
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
EXCERPTFor most of my life, I had an addiction that no doctor could cure. This addiction caused me anxiety, depression, sleepless- ness, and sometimes such hopelessness that my next breath itself seemed a burden. My addiction wasn’t to alcohol or drugs. I wasn’t a shopaholic or a compulsive gambler. Yet this addiction almost destroyed me, and it afflicts millions of people around the world.My addiction was to certainty. At every moment in my life, I desperately sought to know what was going to happen next. My need for certainty caused me to believe that the unexpected was always negative. I became devastated when- ever things took an unexpected turn because I believed it meant the life I had envisioned for myself was no longer possible. I continually sacrificed my goals and desires in an effort to feel safe and secure. Yet no matter what I did I could not escape uncertainty, and the choices I made in an effort to attain certainty always led to compromise and disappointment.The symptoms of addiction to certainty are peculiar and particular to each person, but the common denominator is unnecessary suffering. In my case, I would lie awake at night in fear of what might be, unable to catch my breath and unable to control my mind’s chatter. Was my livelihood secure? Would my husband always love me? Could I afford my life? Were the stocks I invested in safe? Would my parents, children, and other family members stay well? Would there be a large-scale disaster in my city? Would I or would I not get a raise this quarter? What would the results of my annual checkup be? This onslaught of sleeplessness and anxiety began taking a toll on my immune system and I actually started getting sick.The need to know the future had gripped me as a teenager, and most of my twenties were spent in stress. In my thirties, though I was at the top of my career as an attorney, I was deeply unhappy and suffering physically. No doctor could identify my illness, but my symptoms included an array of infections, allergies, anxiety, and depression. So I turned to alternative medicine, meditation, acupuncture, and any other practice I thought might relieve my physical and emotional pain. I found some tools to ease my mind, but when a big issue or conflict infiltrated my life, I still spun out of control. I even went so far as to become best friends with a woman with psychic abilities in hopes she could lift the veil of uncertainty and tell me what the future had in store for me.One day, still in the midst of pressing anxiety about the future, I went to see my Qigong teacher for a lesson. I related to him my tale of woe, and he responded with a simple story that, for me, changed everything.Here is the story.One day, a farmer’s horse ran away.His neighbor came by and said, “You have the worst luck.”The farmer replied to the neighbor, “Maybe.”The next day, the horse returned with five mares, and the neighbor came by and said, “You have the best luck.”The farmer replied, “Maybe.”The day after that, the farmer’s son was riding the horse and fell off and broke his leg, and the neighbor came by and said to the farmer, “You have the worst luck.”The farmer replied, “Maybe.”The next day, the army came looking to draft the boy for combat but he could not go because his leg was broken.The neighbor came by and said, “You have the best luck.”Again the farmer said, “Maybe.”
I will remember the moment I heard this simple story for the rest of my life. It was in this moment that I was able to feel space in my breath. It was in this moment that, for the first time, I had a place to park my thoughts and just sit in a place called Maybe. In this place, it felt all right not to know the future, and suddenly I was filled with an inexplicable hope.

Allison Carmen is a business
consultant and life coach and the author of The Gift of Maybe, a book offering
hope and possibility in uncertain times. Allison is a blogger for The
Huffington Post and Psychology Today and she has been featured on
Psychcentral.com, InnerSelf.com, LifeHacker.com, EnergyTimes.com,
bookcountry.com and examiner.com. She
lives in New York City.
Twitter is @giftofmaybe https://twitter.com/giftofmaybe
Website is http://allisoncarmen.com/
Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/allison-carmen/
Psychology Today Blog: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-gift-maybe
Looks like a useful book; thank you for the chance to win :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you consider to be your best accomplishment?
ReplyDeleteThank you for interviewing me today and highlighting my book on your blog!
ReplyDeleteMai T, my greatest accomplishment is being a mother to my beautiful two daughters. It is also my hardest job!
I look forward to answering more of your reader's questions.
What an impressive book. I enjoyed learning about the author and her life. Unexpected major illnesses have impacted my life greatly for the past 3 years but I forged ahead and was able to deal with it bravely and continue to hope and have strength. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteTraveler, Sounds like you have the Maybe mindset. Wishing you good health!
DeleteSounds like a great read.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the excerpt
ReplyDeleteGreat excerpt..thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThe entire post was exceptional but I especially enjoyed learning more about the author, and, of course the Ten Things! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeletewow! inspiring and very interesting book. Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteI love this: Many things in life are beyond our control, but the mindset of Maybe presents a simple, powerful way to stay connected to what’s possible, and work to make it happen. It is just one change of perspective, but Maybe it changes everything!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway. To win a signed book, is my greatest thing. I love my books, and a signed one, by the writer, it doesn't get any better than this.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the excerpt! Thank you for the post and contest!