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by Laurie Larsen
Inspirational Romance
Date Published: June 20, 2017
Date Published: June 20, 2017
Publisher: Random Moon Books (indie)
Hardworking, successful lawyer Nora Ramsey, was at the height of her career. Now, she's questioning everything in Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina.
When she accepts her aunt's dilapidated estate as her inheritance, Nora is plagued with misgivings and doubt. When one of her newly inherited horses takes ill, she prays for guidance and receives it in the form of veterinarian Shaw Flynn.
Dedicated and rugged, he assists Nora through the trying time. In Shaw, she sees someone gentle, caring and deeply devoted to God. The more she’s with him, the more he inspires her to embrace her own faith. And as their relationship blossoms into a something real and beautiful—like the coastal sunsets of Murrell’s Inlet—Nora stumbles upon Shaw’s deepest secret. Her trust is destroyed and the wisdom of her life-changing decision shaken as the future she envisioned is threatened.
As the truth becomes clear, can she find forgiveness within the sanctuary of her heart or will his betrayal destroy her faith in him once and for all?
ExcerptThe next morning at ten, Nora and Patty waited outside the barn for the veterinarian to arrive. The name on the receipts from the file said, Shaw Flynn. They dragged two folding chairs from inside the barn and sank into them in the sunlight. Nora closed her eyes to soak it up.“I wonder what a Shaw Flynn looks like,” Patty mused.Nora scoffed. “Why? What does it matter what he looks like?”“Because. Shaw Flynn? It sounds like a movie star name. I bet he’s young and handsome and virile.”Nora laughed at Patty’s choice of words. “I don’t know about handsome and virile, but he can’t be that young. Aunt Edie has been employing him for at least ten years.”“So? Let’s say he was in his mid to late twenties when he became a vet, he’d be in his late thirties now.”“Or maybe he’s Aunt Edie’s age, and is only vetting part-time because although he’s of retirement age, there’s a lack of veterinarians in this small town.”Patty looked up. “Well, we’re going to find out very soon, aren’t we? Care to set a wager?”“No.” Nora stood.“I believe that’s because I would win.” A big red pickup truck rumbled into view. The glimpse Nora got of the driver wasn’t conclusive, however she could see he definitely was not Aunt Edie’s age.The truck parked and the driver side door opened. Patty came reverently to her feet and murmured, “Oh. My. Gosh. Would you look at him?”Nora nudged her. “Stop it. I’ll do the talking.” She took two steps towards the truck, turned back and said over her shoulder, “Don’t embarrass me.”Patty laughed and gave her a smug look.Shaw Flynn wasn’t in his seventies, and he wasn’t in his thirties, but he landed somewhere in between. Beautifully in between. Rugged but handsome, he looked like he could’ve just walked off the set of a western movie, his chiseled chin and ruffled hair making him the best-looking cowboy on screen. His gait was effortless and as he moved toward them, Nora took in his jeans, boots, flannel shirt and cowboy hat.Nora didn’t realize she was staring till Patty nudged her back and whispered, “Don’t embarrass yourself.”
About the Author

Award-winning author Laurie Larsen leads a double life. During the day she's a respected Project Manager in the fast-paced world of Information Technology. After dinner and a glass of wine, she becomes a multi-published author of Christian fiction grounded in today's modern world.
Laurie's been published for 17 years, but feels she finally found her writing "niche" in 2009 when her first inspirational romance, Preacher Man was published. It won fans, accolades, and the prestigious EPIC Award for the Best Spiritual Romance of 2010. From then on, her path was clear. She was put on this earth (in part) to tell love stories combined with a strong message of faith.
Her Pawleys Island Paradise series is a much beloved, at times best-selling series of six books following Leslie and Hank, and the Harrison clan, as they face the daily challenges of life while trying to include prayer and praise. Reviewers say the books are heartwarming, life-changing and an example to follow for including God in your life.
Laurie loves the beach (obvious to anyone who's read the Pawleys Island Paradise series) and she's fondly looking forward to a day (not too far away) where she can retire from the demanding day job, and spend her days living at the beach and writing novels. Until then, she travels back and forth between Illinois and South Carolina just as often as possible.
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