Thursday, June 15, 2017

Blurb Blitz & #Giveaway for Ahe'ey by Jamie Le Fay

Welome to my stop on the Blurb Blitz, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Ahe’ey by Jamie Le Fay.  Please leave  a comment or question for Jamie to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

By Jamie Le Fay

Publisher: Jamie Le Fay
Release Date: March 8, 2017
Genre: Epic Fantasy Romance
Length: 688 Pages
ISBN: 978-0646969183

Buy Link for All Booksellers:

About the book:

Morgan's feminist books didn't prepare her to deal with the dashing Gabriel and the land of Ahe'ey . . 

Morgan is a dreamer, change maker and art lover. She is a feisty, slightly preachy, romantic feminist full of contradictions and insecurities. Morgan uncovers a world where women have the power, and where magic is no longer just a figment of her wild imagination. Sounds like a dream, but it may, in fact, turn into a nightmare.

The world of the Ahe'ey challenges and subverts her views about gender, genes, and nature versus nurture.

The strong and uninvited chemistry between her and the dashing Gabriel makes matters even more complicated. His stunning looks keep short-circuiting her rational mind.


Before she could process her actions, Morgan found herself walking towards the door, signalling the guards to follow her. Outside, the strange woman shouted.

“Where are the Ma’asai?”

“At the venue, in the Great Lawn in Central Park. We enclosed the perimeter and created some security checkpoints,” said the blonde man.

“You betrayed my direct orders, Bastian.”

“I received no such order my Sky. Please! We are already here. It’s just for a few hours. We don’t want another incident like the Met where he disclosed his skills to protect her. Let me prevent further—” The blonde man stopped talking as he saw Morgan and the security guards approach.

The woman wrapped her cinnamon-coloured cape around her body, fully covering her weapons and her unusual outfit.

How odd. They look like they belong in a sci-fi TV series, thought Morgan.

“Good afternoon,” Morgan said loudly. She flashed a theatrical smile, trying to defuse the situation. “Hey, nice outfits. Is this Comic-con weekend? I love Comic-con. Which character are you?” She looked up to meet the eyes of the imposing Amazon. The woman looked at Morgan with an expression of cold indifference.

For one moment, Morgan felt like she was looking into a mirror. She recognised the texture and the fire of that hair. How strange. 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Jamie is an accomplished writer and speaker that focuses mainly on topics related to girlhood, feminism, gender equality, and the misrepresentation of minorities in media and marketing.


"In this romantic tale, a champion of women's empowerment stumbles on a hidden--and seemingly perfect--society. A bracing mix of emotionally and intellectually honest fantasy." - Kirkus Reviews

"A compelling and creative work of paranormal romance. Le Fey takes her characters to places seldomly seen in fantasy fiction that readers will find empowering and prescient. Ahe'ey is a fairly polarizing book. As an example of feminist fantasy fiction, you won’t find much better than this. Ahe’ey is an impressively thought-out story, with many original touches and a fairy-like romance that will deeply satisfy readers of the genre." Self-Publishing Review, ★★★★ 

"This book is a thoughtful look at empowerment for women. At the same time, it's a rollicking trip into a fantasy world complete with dragons, love and strength, and ideas that really get you thinking. This book is highly recommended for all ages." - HUGEOrange

"They're flawed, real, and honest characters that can be easily related to. Ahe'ey is the kind of novel society needs to read, to create inspiration and to make people think. Ahe'ey is daring, complex, and honest. A must-read novel that tackles heavy and real topics with a mix of serious and humorous, charm and tragedy." - Reader's Favorite - ★★★★★ 

"Ahe'ey contains a richly imagined world that raises complicated and timely questions about our own. Jamie Le Fay's Ahe'ey is an action-packed love story that puts forth a nuanced vision of gender stereotypes, body politics, and the dark side of seeking perfection." - Foreword Clarion - ★★★★


"Jamie is a fine writer with a rich imagination and is able to convey her strong feelings about women’s rights, feminism, gender equality and other important matters of injustice, primarily because she keeps us involved with the characters of her strong story.” - Grady Harp, Amazon Hall of Fame Top 100 Reviewer, Vine Voice - ★★★★★ 

"As a liberal and committed feminist who is increasingly frustrated by the simplistic self-righteousness of my own side, and the belief that all that is needed is for a few smart people to start a revolution, I found "Ahe'ey" to be refreshingly multi-sided, while also maintaining its core beliefs.” - E.P. Clark, Author - ★★★★


  1. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

  2. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. this book looks interesting 😍

  4. I thought that the excerpt was very well written.

  5. Lots of glowing reviews!


  6. This sounds like a book I'll enjoy - thanks for sharing & for the great giveaway :)

  7. What is your favorite series of books? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  8. Hope you are having a fabulous weekend! Looking forward to checking out this book!

  9. enjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for the giveaway
