Thursday, January 4, 2018

Blurb Blitz & #Giveaway for Man of Honor by Chris Malburg

Welcome to my stop on the Blurb Blitz, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Man of Honor by Chris Malburg.  Please leave a comment or question for Chris to let him know you stopped by.  You may enter his tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

Man of Honor
By Chris Malburg
Enforcement Division, Book4

Publisher: Chris Malburg
Release Date: October 23, 2017
Genre: Cyber Thriller
Length: 232 Pages
ISBN: 978-1978415621


About The Book:

There is a unit buried within the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Unit 61398—the cyber warfare unit. Li Yong prepared his entire life for command of Unit 61398. Li Yong believed this was the ultimate honor and service to the State

Then America’s airliners started plunging from the sky. There is no honor in being the world’s worst mass murderer. How do you right the most terrible wrong? How do you prevent the State from slaughtering your entire family if you fail? How do you balance a moral imperative against a lifetime of homeland allegiance? How does Li Yong stop the unstoppable?

From Chris Malburg, author of God’s Banker, comes the Enforcement Division Series’
next riveting installment--Man of Honor.  


The airliner rolled past the short approach taxiway. The radio crackled with unintelligible static and broken words. The DC-10’s landing lights merely bounced off the thick fog. The pilot pointed the jet’s nose down range.

The copilot rubbed his slick palms on his pants. This cannot be happening. The captain is ignoring me. Air Traffic Control isn’t responding. For all we know there’s a flock of seagulls ready to fly right into the engines. 

“That static must have been the tower giving us clearance,” the pilot said. He waited another ten seconds. “Screw it. We’re going.” He pushed the throttles forward and the DC-10 began its takeoff roll. The jumbo jet rapidly accelerated. Thick fog swallowed it in seconds.

“Speed 125, V-1,” the nervous copilot called as the DC-10 hurtled over Lanai’s short runway. The jet was now committed to its takeoff roll. He peered into the foggy gloom. “Pull up. Pull up!”

“Goddammit, goddammit,” the pilot shouted as he desperately yanked back on the control column and slammed the throttles forward. The DC-10 rotated, its nose coming up off the runway. But it didn’t yet have enough speed to get the lift needed to climb over the 747 crossing the runway. The plane’s empennage scraped over the concrete, leaving a massive trail of sparks in its wake. “Fly, baby, fly,” the pilot pleaded. 

 AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Chris Malburg is a widely published author, with over 4 million words published in 22 popular business books and four novels. Simon & Schuster, Putnam, Wiley and McGraw Hill all publish Chris' work which is consumed in most western countries. 

After Stanford Writers School, Chris began the fun side of his career. He has crossed the chasm into fiction with the fourth installment in his Enforcement Division series. Man of Honor is a cyber thriller about the storied Chinese PLA's Unit 61398—the cyber terror division.


  1. Congrats on the tour and thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

    1. Hi Jim,
      Glad you enjoyed the excerpt. And you're welcome for me sponsoring the giveaway. Quid pro quo is you buy the book and review it on Amazon. Best of luck.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What books are you looking to read in 2018? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  4. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  5. I enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing!

  6. This novel sounds enthralling and captivating. What a creative author.

    1. Hi Traveler,
      Thanks for the comment. When I settled on the topic, I knew it had to be something that captivated me. Figuring out the cause of an air disaster, cyber terror, and White House involvement in stopping a full-on assault against the US transport infrastructure filled the bill. Hope you like Man of Honor.
      --Chris Malburg

  7. I really enjoyed reading the entire post, thank you!
