Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Virtual Book Tour & Giveaway for Huckleberry Spring by Jennifer Beckstrand

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Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, presented by Pump Up Your Book, for Huckleberry Spring by Jennifer Beckstrand.  Please leave a comment or question for Jennifer to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter the giveaway, provided by Queen of All She Reads Blog, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  The prize is a Print or eBook copy (winner’s choice) of any book in The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series.  You can follow Jennifer’s tour by clicking on the tour banner above.

Huckleberry Spring
By Jennifer Beckstrand
The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill, Book 4

Release Date: January 27, 2015
Genre: Amish Romance/Sweet Romance
Length:  352 Pages
ISBN:  9781420136494

About Huckleberry Spring:

Nothing gives Anna and Felty Helmuth greater satisfaction than seeing their grandchildren happily married–except for planning their next matchmaking venture. And as springtime comes to Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin, the air is filled with promise. . .

Ever since the Helmuths’ grandson, Ben, abruptly broke his engagement and moved to Florida, Emma Nelson has kept busy tending her vegetable garden and raising award-winning pumpkins. She can put her heartache aside to help Ben’s Mammi with her own pumpkin patch. At least until Ben shows up to lend support to his ailing Dawdi. . .

Gardening side by side with pretty, nurturing Emma is a sweet kind of torture for Ben. She could have her pick of suitors who can offer what he can’t, and he cares too much to burden her with his secret. Leaving once more is the only option. Yet Emma’s courage is daring him to accept the grace that flourishes here, and the love that has been calling him back to Huckleberry Hill.  

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Jennifer Beckstrand Bio:

I grew up with a steady diet of William Shakespeare and Jane Austen. After all that literary immersion, I naturally decided to get a degree in mathematics, which came in handy when one of my six children needed help with homework. After my fourth daughter was born, I started writing. By juggling diaper changes, soccer games, music lessons, laundry, and two more children, I finished my first manuscript—a Western—in just under fourteen years.

I have always been fascinated by the Amish way of life and now write Inspirational Amish Romance. I am drawn to the strong faith of the Plain people and admire the importance they put on enduring family ties. I have visited and studied Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where I met with a bishop and a minister as well as several Amish mamms, dats, and children. It has always impressed me at what salt-of-the-earth people they are. My interactions with these kind people have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have a dear Amish friend with whom I correspond in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She helps me keep my facts straight and gives me inspiration for my stories.

My goal is to write uplifting, inspiring stories with happy endings and hopeful messages. If my books make readers want to give themselves a big hug or jump up and down for joy, I’ve done my job. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers and am represented by Mary Sue Seymour of The Seymour Agency.

There are three Amish romances in the Forever After in Apple Lake Series (Summerside/Guideposts). Kate’s Song, Rebecca’s Rose, and Miriam’s Quilt are all now available.

I have six Amish Roamish buggymances in the works with Kensington Books. The first and second books, Huckleberry Hill and Huckleberry Summer, are now available in stores and online. The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill is set in northern Wisconsin Amish country.

The series, The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill, is about an elderly Amish couple who try to find suitable mates for their grandchildren. What could be more fun than throwing two young people together to see if sparks ignite? No one would ever suspect two octogenarian Amish folks of mischief.

Romantic Times gave Huckleberry Hill 4 1/2 stars and chose Huckleberry Summer as a TOP PICK.

I have four daughters, two sons, three sons-in-law, and two adorable grandsons. I live in the foothills of the Wasatch Front with my husband and one son still left at home. 

Matchmaking grandparents, a confused would be groom and his dumped fiancée are the focus of Jennifer Beckstrand’s Huckleberry Spring, the fourth book in her Matchmaker’s of Huckleberry Hill series.  Colorful characters, emotional angst and a second chance romance kept me turning the pages from start to finish.  Reminding us that “Love is patient”, Ms. Beckstrand’s story is one any romance lover will enjoy.

Ever since Ben Helmuth broke their engagement and took off for Florida, Emma Nelson has kept busy and worked on “self-improvement”.  Determined to “keep on a happy face” and not others see how heartbroken she is, Emma has attended every social gathering, improved her cooking and concentrated on being less accident prone.  One area where she naturally excels is gardening so when Anna Helmuth, Ben’s Mammi (Grandmother) asks her for help, she reluctantly agrees.  After all, it’s not like she’s going to run into Ben since he’s in Florida.  Only Emma didn’t know about Anna’s matchmaking plans, or about Ben’s return from Florida. 

Ms. Beckstrand does a great job developing the characters in this story; I easily connected with Emma; she’s a sweet girl who thinks of others first, is somewhat of a day dreamer and needs help with her homemaking skills.  Ashamed of being dumped by someone like Ben, who she considers the perfect man, after having overlooked so many of her failings in the past, Emma takes all of the blame for their failed engagement. Even though she’s really clueless as to why Ben dumped her. 

Ms. Beckstrand also does a good job developing Ben, I was also able to connect with him even though there were plenty of times I was frustrated by his behavior.  Hard working and kind, Ben has the tendency to take responsibility for everything and everyone around him.  He also has a tendency to keep secrets or keep things to himself that he should share and he never thought about how breaking off his engagement the way he did and fleeing to Florida would make others look at Emma.

As usual, Anna and Felty Helmuth are fabulous secondary characters and Anna’s plan to get Ben back to Huckleberry Hill really required Felty to make some personal sacrifices.  I have to say she’s been very lucky so far that her “schemes” haven’t really injured anyone yet.  They both make me laugh though and their marriage is a shining example of what being in love should look like, regardless of your age.

Will Emma ever discover why Ben really broke off their engagement?  Will Ben share his secret with his grandfather and take his advice about matters of the heart?  Will Emma and Ben’s love really be able to conquer all?  You’ll have to read Huckleberry Spring to find out.  I enjoyed it and can’t wait to see what new adventure Anna cooks up next when she decides to match up another one of her grandkids.

My Rating:  4.5 out of 5 Crowns


  1. Thank you so much for your very kind review of Huckleberry Spring. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about the book. I loved writing both Ben and Emma, and it's always so fun to come up with crazy things for Anna and Felty to do. Yep, Anna pushes Felty pretty far this time. All in the name of true love. :)

  2. I am looking forward to reading this book.

  3. I look forward to reading this book.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Carol. I hope you enjoy!

  4. Thanks, Tammy! So glad you enjoy them.

  5. I am so ready to read this book! I cannot wait to see what these "crazy" grandparents are up to next!! I have read the other books in this series and have enjoyed them very much!! Thank you for your wonderful work!!

    1. Thanks, Elaine! Anna really puts Felty through the wringer this time. :)

  6. I love that the matchmakers are in their eighties. I am 68 and it is so difficult to find anything that even approaches my age for characters in books. Sometimes I think older people are the forgotten people. I would really love to read your book.

    I grew up in Indiana and there are a lot of Amish people in the far north and southern Indiana. Last time I went to see my brother in Indiana, I visited two towns that had the best Amish restaurant and got stocked up on Amish jams and jellies!


    1. Carol, I just discovered this cute little Amish store in Utah. I bought some dandelion jelly just to try it out. :)
      One of my favorite things about Anna and Felty is how much they love each other. The younger generation can learn so much about love and commitment from some of the older folks.

  7. The Huckleberry books are great!

    1. Thank you, Terri! I'm so glad you enjoy them. Nice to hear from you, friend. :)

  8. I adore this series! Jennifer really has a knack of making characters come alive and it feels like you are smack-dab in the midst of the story!

    1. Debbie, I love hearing that. I worry quite a bit over my characters, because I want them to be real. I'm glad you think I've succeeded!

  9. I love Anna and Felty and can not wait to read Huckleberry Spring. The first 3 books of the series are great.

    1. Thanks, Marsha. There are some very funny moments between Anna and Felty in this book.

  10. I have read the first 3 books and love Anna and Felty. I can not wait to read this.

  11. I have been a fan of amish books for over and a year and I really enjoy your books. Look forward to the next one!

  12. I think its wonderful that you correspond with an Amish lady from Lancaster, Penn. Its my favorite place to visit! 6 books in the works, that is quite an accomplishment! Amish fiction is my favorite genre to read.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Mary, my PA friend's parents have a quilt shop so I get to talk to her on the phone sometimes. She is so kind and so helpful.

  13. It sounds like a wonderful book. I really like the idea of colorful characters, and a second chance at romance. I would love to read it. Thanks for having the giveaway.

    1. Thanks, Anita. I hope readers find it very romantic and very redemptive.

  14. I love your books already!!! You are an excellent writer!!! I love to read Amish books, better than almost any other books! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! I am hoping and praying that I have the honor and I am blessed enough to win this book! This looks like it is going to be a great book to read, but who would expect less of you, Jennifer!!! God Bless You and Your Family! Have a wonderful, blessed day!

    1. You too, Frances! I hope you find it as fun and romantic as my others. :)
