Friday, February 17, 2012

Book Beginnings and Friday 56- Prior Bad Acts

Book Beginnings is a weekly MeMe hosted by A Few More Pages every Friday. 

To Participate:

  • Share the first line (or two) of the book you are currently reading on your blog or in the comments below.  
  • Include the author and the title so we know what you are reading.  
  • If you like, share your first impressions of the book based on the first line and let us know if you liked or didn't like the sentence.
  • Share your link at A Few More Pages 

I've been on a Suspense/Mystery kick for a couple of days and going through my TBR pile and My Book Beginnings comes from:

Prior Bad Actsby Tami Hoag. 

"He knew before he entered the house that day that something was very wrong".   

Friday Fifty Six (56)

Is a weekly MeMe hosted by Freda's Voice.  To Play along:

  • Grab the book closest to you, not your favorite but what's closest
  • Turn to page 56  
  • Find the Fifth (5th) sentence and post it to your blog, or if like an additional sentence or two.  
  • If you don't have a blog, post your sentence in the comments below. 

My Friday 56 is also from  Prior Bad Actsby Tami Hoag.

Bobby Haas and Liska returned then, and the son handed the father half a glass of water.  Liska gave Kovac a look and nodded toward the door.  They stepped out onto the porch, and Kovac drew the door shut behind them.  

So what's your Friday Book Beginning and Friday 56?


  1. Great excerpts! I haven't read this author in awhile...this one sounds good!


  2. I'm unfamiliar with this one and the author, but that first line is direct and straight to the point huh?
    i hope you enjoy the read! thanks for stopping by!

  3. Sounds mysterious, and I like that!

  4. I like mysteries but have not read any of her books. They look good. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I wonder how he knew there was something wrong? Too quiet maybe? Good beginning.

    Here's my post:

  6. Suspense/Mystery sounds very interesting. Thanks for the visit. Nice to meet you!

  7. Thanks so much for the visit :) I have never tried Tami Hoag - thanks for sharing.

  8. I used to enjoy Tami Hoag's books, but I haven't read any in a long time. This one sounds really good.

  9. Hello! Thanks for the visit to my blog!

    Interesting teaser.

  10. I have never read any of her books.....but I think I should!

  11. Sounds mysterious! I love mysteries!
