Friday, February 27, 2015

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Year of Living Blonde by Andrea Simonne

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for the Year of Living Blonde by Andrea Simonne.  Please  leave a comment or question for Andrea to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway, for a 420 Amazon/B&N GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You can also follow the rest of the tour by clicking on the tour banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your chances of winning. 

Year of Living Blonde
By Andrea Simonne
Sweet Life in Seattle, Book 1

Publisher:  Liebe Publishing
Release Date:  February 27, 2015
Genre:  Contemporary Women’s Fiction/Romantic Comedy
Length:  432 Pages


About the book: 

A funny and sizzling romp about discovering your inner pin-up girl...

Plain-Jane bakery owner Natalie Anderson has always followed the recipe for a safe life. When her husband dumps her for a seductive older woman, it’s time to throw out that recipe and start from scratch. She cooks up a plan to transform herself from mousy brown to sexy blonde. Meanwhile, she’s trying to expand her Seattle bakery, La Dolce Vita, but runs into an obstacle in the form of her irritatingly handsome landlord.

Astronomer Anthony Novello’s good looks and charm usually guarantees him a free pass with women, though that’s not the case with his new tenant, Natalie. Plain, plump, and persnickety—he’s never met a woman more annoying. But when Anthony returns from a telescope observing run, he makes a discovery of the non-celestial kind. Natalie has changed. He’s amazed to find himself attracted to her. Sparks fly as he tries to convince her there’s more to him than meets the eye.

However, when Natalie’s ex-husband decides to win her back, she’s forced to choose. Is her year of living blonde over? Or is this the start of a new and much sweeter life….


Natalie glances at the clock. It’s almost ten. Kind of late for visitors. Pausing the television, she goes over and peeks cautiously through the front window.

A bolt of lightning streaks through her.

Anthony is standing on her front porch. He’s wearing his motorcycle jacket and holding his black helmet at his side. The big bad wolf at her door.

What’s he doing here?

She glances at herself in the hall mirror. No makeup and her hair a mess. Great.

He rings the bell again and she marches over, ready to take the offensive. Ready to tell him to go away. But when Natalie yanks open the door and sees the expression on his face, she hesitates.

“What’s wrong?” she asks finally.

He takes his time with his reply. “I needed to see you tonight.”

“Did something happen?”

“It’s a long story.” He smiles, but there isn’t much humor in it.

She’s never seen Anthony like this before. He never looks anything less than perfect, but there’s strain on his face and around his eyes, and she suspects this is the real man

He takes a step toward her, lowering his voice. “Let me in, Natalie.”

Standing broad-shouldered and solemn in her doorway, he’s an imposing figure, but she isn’t afraid. Despite the fiasco with the bakery, she realizes she still trusts him.

Without a word, she steps out of the way to let him come inside.

The door closes and she walks back into the living room. There’s a sound and she sees that Anthony has dropped his motorcycle helmet on a chair.

“This is a bad idea,” Natalie tells him. “I don’t know why you came here. I shouldn’t even be talking to you.”

“I think you know exactly why I’m here.” His voice is low as it vibrates through the room.

There’s an erotic thrill at his words. “How can I be with you after what happened?”

“Because this isn’t about any of that.” For a moment, his eyes darken with regret, but then turn heated. “Whatever happens next is between you and me.”

Natalie shakes her head, but Anthony moves closer until he’s in right in front of her. She feels his hand on her cheek as the other cradles her head, gently holding her still. “Don’t,” he says, his tone imploring. “Don’t say no. Tell me to stay.”  
AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Andrea Simonne grew up as an army brat and discovered she had a talent for creating personas at each new school. The most memorable was a surfer chick named "Ace" who never touched a surf board in her life, but had an impressive collection of puka shell necklaces. Eventually she turned her imagination towards writing. Andrea still enjoys creating personas, though these days they occupy her books. She currently makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two sons.

You can find Andrea at:

Release Day Book Blast & #Giveaway for Soundings by Janine Donoho

Welcome to my stop on the Release Day Book Blast, presented by Romance Addict Book Blog, for Soundings by Janine Donoho.  Please leave a comment or question for Janine to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Is there hope for a grieving mother’s heart?

Ecopsychologist Dr. Margo Updike loses herself in a shadow life after her daughter’s tragic death. When a century storm deposits a young girl on Maggie’s secluded beach in Puget Sound, a miraculous renewal begins. Then the apparent orphan exhibits signs of neglect and worse, prompting Maggie’s vow to protect and heal her—no matter the cost.

The arrival of a mysterious man claiming to be Sorcha’s father upends Maggie’s life. She finds Morrissey strangely irresistible even as her friend Sheriff Ajax Smith questions the man’s motives and odd behavior. As a serial killer’s victims begin surfacing in Seal Cove, Jax must curb his suspicions to enlist Maggie as a profiler.

Will Jax and Maggie find the murderer before he strikes again? With Morrissey’s secrets trapping Maggie on destructive shoals between reality and legend, can she grasp his true nature before losing her chance to rebuild a life worth living? To what depths—and heights—will she go for a daughter, a beloved man and, ultimately, her humanity?

Title: Soundings: Water Elemental
Author: Janine Donoho
Genre: adult paranormal suspense/thriller
Publisher: Booktrope Publishing

Award-winning writer Janine Donoho grew up navigating extremes—perhaps due to the ups-and-downs of her San Franciscan birthplace. That Escher landscape primed her to embrace imaginary worlds. With one foot planted in fuzzy science and the other in invented realms, she inhabits the land of WHAT IF. Published in novel-length and short fiction, along with essays, Janine pursues the thumps that echo in the night—and writes about those, too.

With her intrepid husband, Italian greyhound and tuxedo cat, Janine makes her home in the spectacular Okanogan highlands of Washington State. Mountain lions, coyotes, and bears—oh, my!


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cover Reveal for Behind A Lady's Smile by Jane Goodger

Title: Behind a Lady’s Smile
Author: Jane Goodger

Publisher: Lyrical Press
Expected Release Date: August 18, 2015

The Lost Heiresses

It’s one thing for a girl to lose her way, quite another to lose her heart…

Genny Hayes could charm a bear away from a pot of honey. But raised in the forests of Yosemite, she’s met precious few men to practice her smiles upon. Until a marvelously handsome photographer appears in her little corner of the wilderness and she convinces him to take her clear across the country and over the seas to England, where she has a titled grandmother and grandfather waiting to claim her. On their whirlwind journey, she’ll have the chance to bedazzle and befuddle store clerks and train robbers, society matrons and big city reporters, maids and madams, but the one man she most wants to beguile seems determined to play the gentlemen and leave her untouched. Until love steps in and knocks them both head over heels…

Praise for the novels of Jane Goodger

“Fun, delightfully romantic—and sexy.” —Sally MacKenzie on The Spinster’s Bride

“A touching, compassionate, passion-filled romance.” —RT Book Reviews on A Christmas Waltz


Behind a Lady’s Smile is available at Kensington Publishing

Jane Goodger Bio:
Jane Goodger started her writing career as a journalist. She worked for several small, community papers before covering crime at a Connecticut daily, where she discovered life can be cruel and doesn’t often have a happy ending. Taking matters in her own hands, Jane decided to recreate a world where all women are successful and brilliant, all men are kind, sexy, and gorgeous, and every story ends happily. She likes this world much better.

Jane lives with her husband and three children in New England where they all strive to make certain Jane has her happy ending every day. So far, so good.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cover Reveal for Lady of the Flames by Barbara Monajem

Lady of the Flames
by Barbara Monajem
Series: A Most Peculiar Season
Genre: Regency Historical Paranormal Romance
Release Date: March 23, 2015

Magic is fraught with peril—but so is love.

Lord Fenimore Trent’s uncanny affinity for knives and other sharp blades led to knife fights, duels, and murderous brawls. Five years ago, he faced a choice: marry Andromeda Gibbons, the woman he loved, or find a safe, peaceful use for his blades by opening a furniture shop—an unacceptable occupation for a man of noble birth. The choice made itself when Andromeda turned to another man. The furniture shop prospered, but now Fen’s partner has been accused of treason. In order to root out the real traitor, he may face another unpalatable choice—to resort to the violent use of his blades once again.

Once upon a time, Andromeda Gibbons believed in magic. That belief faded after her mother’s death and vanished completely when Lord Fenimore, the man she loved, spurned her. Five years later, Andromeda has molded herself into a perfect—and perfectly unhappy—lady. When she overhears her haughty betrothed, the Earl of Slough, plotting treason, she flees into the London night—to Fen, the one man she knows she can trust. But taking refuge with Fen proves to mean far more than getting help—it means learning to believe in love, magic, and the real Andromeda once again.

Setup: After learning of a treasonous plot, Andromeda fled into the London night to find Lord Fenimore, a man she can trust.

There was a woman outside his window, and as Fen pushed it full open, he realized who she was. “What the devil are you doing here?” he said.

Andromeda burst into tears. Oh, hell. Fen climbed out onto the roof.

Diggs, the beggar who habitually slept in the yard, called from below. “You want I should fetch the Watch, my lord?”

“Unnecessary.” Fen pulled the sobbing Andromeda to her feet. She gasped as if in pain, and tears streamed down her face. Her hair lay in a tangle on her shoulders, and her slippers were torn to ribbons. Had she walked all the way here in footwear suited only for dancing at a ball? What in hell was going on?

His mind raced through the possibilities of what her arrival just before dawn, exhausted and distraught, might mean. She wasn't wearing the same gown as before--probably because she’d spilled her wine on it.

A knife on the roof beside her was making its presence known. Be still, he told it. Was that blood on the blade? “Damn.” Confound it, he’d cursed again, but he couldn't afford to have a woman on the premises. It just wouldn't do, and especially not this woman, and especially not now.

“Don’t usually see visitors of the female persuasion here, my lord.” Diggs sounded amused. Everyone knew about Fen’s past reputation, even though he’d been discreet for five years.

“That’s not about to change. She’s just a friend who’s gotten herself into a spot of trouble.”

Diggs snorted, and Andromeda gaped at Fen with wide, tear-drenched eyes. What if she really were with child? He hoped she wasn't such a fool, but he didn't intend to let it become his problem.

He pushed her gently toward the window. “Go inside and wait for me. I’ll take you straight home.”

“No!” squeaked Andromeda. “Please, you mustn't. It’s—it’s life or death, Fen.”

“Go inside,” Fen said through gritted teeth. “Now.”

Andromeda hiccupped on a sob and got a hold of herself. She hiked her skirts, hobbled to the window, and hitched one leg over the sill. Her gown rode up, revealing shapely legs. She sagged inward, raised the other leg, and would have toppled inside if Fen hadn't grabbed her by the arm and bum and let her down slowly.

He made a point of not noticing the soft plumpness of that bum.

He padded across the roof of the bump-out, got down on his haunches, and spoke quietly to Diggs. “Go back to sleep, and keep your mouth shut about this. There’ll be a shilling for you in the morning.”

“Right you are, my lord.”

Fen watched the beggar amble back to his pile of rags. What had happened to Andromeda between an hour ago and now? Why had she come to him? Why didn't she want to go home? And what the devil was he going to do with her?

He pulled himself together; he would get the story from her soon enough.

The knife came eagerly to his reaching hand. He climbed in the window, shut it, and closed the curtains. Andromeda was huddled on the hearthrug, eyes closed, her knees drawn up to her chest, racked by great, convulsive shudders.

He set the knife on the dressing table, examining in the candlelight the dark stains on the blade. He put one fingertip to the sticky blade, then sniffed it. Blood indeed.

Something terrible must have happened to drive Andromeda here, and she was clearly in a state of shock. He knew an urge to take her in his arms, to hold and comfort her, but dismissed that as insanity. He had almost ruined his life once for Andromeda; never again.

He lit the branch of candles on the dresser. “I’ll start a fire, shall I?” he said briskly. “Get you warmed up.”

She opened her eyes and stared at him, teeth chattering. “Y-y-you’re stark naked, Fen.”

Barbara Monajem grew up in western Canada. She wrote her first story, a fantasy about apple tree gnomes, when she was eight years old, and dabbled in neighborhood musicals at the age of ten. At twelve, she spent a year in Oxford, England, soaking up culture and history, grubbing around at an archaeological dig, playing twosy-ball against the school wall, and spending her pocket money on adventure novels. Thanks to her mother, she became addicted to Regency romances as well. She is the award-winning author of several Regency novellas, many of which include elements of magic, and the Bayou Gavotte series of paranormal mysteries. Apart from writing, she loves to cook (especially soups), and the only item on her bucket list is to be successful at knitting socks (which she doesn't expect to achieve). She lives near Atlanta, Georgia, with an ever-shifting population of relatives, friends, and feline strays.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for I've Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm by Kelly Bowen

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, presented by Tasty Book Tours, for I’ve Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm by Kelly Bowen.  Please leave a comment or question for Kelly to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway, for a $20 Amazon/B&N GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You can also follow the rest of the tour by clicking on the tour banner above.  My review is running a day late but will post by tomorrow am. 

I’ve Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm
By Kelly Bowen
Lords of Worth, Book 1

Publisher:  Forever Romance (Hachette Book Group)
Release Date: December 16, 2014
Genre: Historical Romance
Length:  338 Pages
ISBN:  978-1455583812

Buy Links:   Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

About the book:

Where Secrets Smolder...

Calm. Cool. Collected. Gisele Whitby has perfected the art of illusion—her survival, after all, has depended upon it. Years ago, to escape an abusive husband, Gisele "disappeared." Now she must risk revealing her new identity to save another innocent girl from the same fate. But she needs a daring man for her scheme, and the rogue in question shows a remarkable talent . . . for shattering Gisele's carefully constructed façade and igniting her deepest desires.

...Passion Ignites.

This isn't the first time Jamie Montcrief has awakened naked and confused from a night of drinking. It is, however, the first time a stunningly beautiful woman offers him payment afterward. Gisele has a business proposition for him, a mission involving cunning thievery and a brazen rescue. How can he say no to a plot this dangerous . . . and a woman this delectable?


Well, shit.  He deserved that.  “Who are you?”

She smiled at him, the first genuine smile he had seen, and it did strange things to his chest.

“I am… just Gisele.”

That was helpful.  He knew nothing more about her than he knew last night.  Annoyance bubbled up again.  “Very well then Just-Gisele, since you won’t tell me anything useful about yourself, would you be so kind as to enlighten me as to what it is you’d like me to do should I accept your generous offer of employment?”

Her smile turned brittle.  “Not yet.”

“Not yet?”  Jamie’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline.  “How the hell am I supposed to make a decision based on not yet?”

The ice queen shrugged.  “You’ll have to trust me.”

Jamie closed his eyes, fighting for patience.  “Will I need to steal something?”


“Kill someone?”

“Hopefully not.”

“Blow something up?”

“You’re familiar with explosives?”

His eyes popped open at the undisguised interest in her last question.   What the hell kind of woman used the word explosives the way most used the word marmalade?   Or teapot?

 Author Info
Kelly Bowen grew up in Manitoba, Canada. She worked her way through her teenage years as a back country trail guide and ranch hand. She attended the University of Manitoba and earned a Master of Science degree in veterinary physiology and endocrinology.

But it was Kelly's infatuation with history and a weakness for a good love story that led her down the path of historical romance. When she is not writing, she seizes every opportunity to explore ruins and battlefields.

Currently, Kelly lives in Winnipeg with her husband and two boys, all of whom are wonderfully patient with the writing process. Except, that is, when they need a goalie for street hockey.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for A Stolen Season by Tamara Gill

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for A Stolen Season by Tamara Gill.  Please leave a comment or question for Tamara to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway, for a $15 Amazon GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You can also follow the rest of the tour by clicking on the tour banner above.

A Stolen Season
By Tamara Gill

Publisher:  Entangled Select Historical
Release Date: February 23, 2015
Genre: Historical Romance
Length:  172 Pages
ISBN:   9781633751811
ASIN:  B00T3496CW


About the book: 

Time-traveling archaeologist Sarah Baxter just left a piece of 21st-century equipment in 19th century Regency England. Unfortunately, when she goes back to retrieve it, she makes an even bigger mess of things—resulting in the death of an English earl. Now his brother is not only out for revenge, but he also has Sarah's device. Now Sarah must find a way to steal back her device, hide the truth about the earl's brother and—most importantly—to not fall in love...


How did you tell a man of this era you would sleep with him, but marriage was certainly not a possibility? She was being cruel, leading him on. Who was she kidding? She felt the connection between them, too. It was like riding an out-of-control freight train that would eventually crash. And Eric would hate her if he ever found out why she was really here and what she’d done. She cleared her throat, unable to form the lie.

“Allow me to try and win your hand?” Eric asked, his eyes full of hope.

Sarah swallowed the lump in her throat. “You may try, Eric.” But you will fail.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tamara is an Australian author who grew up in an old mining town in country South Australia, where her love of history was founded. So much so, she made her darling husband travel to the UK for their honeymoon, where she dragged him from one historical monument and castle to another.

A mother of three, her two little gentleman's in the making, a future Lady (she hopes) and a part-time job keep her busy in the real world, but whenever she gets a moment's peace she loves to write romance novels in an array of genres, including regency, medieval and paranormal.

Tamara loves hearing from readers and writers alike. You can contact her through her website, and sign up to follow her blog or newsletter.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Cover Reveal & #Giveaway for Romancing the Paranormal Box Set


Romancing the Paranormal
Publication Date: May 19, 2015
Genres: ParanormalRomance

Amazon (Coming Soon!)
Add to Goodreads

13 BRAND NEW paranormal stories from your favorite USA Today, New York Times, and Amazon Bestselling authors.

Passions ignite in 13 dangerously hot romances

Stephanie Rowe - Shadows of Darkness
Haunted by a tormented past that has come to reclaim him, a former assassin must choose between saving the world, or protecting the one woman who can touch his heart and redeem his soul.

Robyn Peterman - Fashionably Hotter Than Hell
Book 5 of the Hot Damned Series

Victoria Danann - Konochur: Wolf Lover
In the middle of a war with dragon shifters, a human widow of a werewolf may get another chance at love, but feelings of guilt threaten a blossoming attraction to the one wolf everyone thought was untamable.

Kym Grosso - Lost Embrace
Dominant vampire leader, Kade Issacson, is devastated when his fiancée, Sydney Willows, is nearly killed by a demon and her transition into the supernatural tests the limits of their bond. Deep in the heart of New Orleans, they struggle to keep her alive while searching for an escaped killer who promises to end Sydney’s life once and for all.

Dakota Cassidy - What Not To Were

Claudy Conn - Harley-Awakening
Harley is a Hybrid that doesn't want to serve revenge up cold. She wants to serve it up now and she wants serve it up HOT.

Teresa Gabelman - Forbidden Hunger
A shifter without a pack, Janna Lawson goes in search of the man who her mother died trying to protect. What she finds is Garrett Foster, a man who has the power to decide her fate and causes a hunger inside her that is forbidden to them both.

Melanie James - Gertie's Paranormal Plantation
When you run a shelter for paranormal creatures, you can’t afford to let your guard down. When carefree—and quite naïve—witch Gertie O’Leary welcomes an enchanting new guest to the plantation, she finds herself caught up in an ancient struggle. Marie Laveau and the gang will have to pull together once again to save Gertie’s love life. Love, lust and laughs await on the Paranormal Plantation.

Gena D. Lutz - Sonnet Vale: Paranormal Hunter
Paranormal hunter, Sonnet Vale, has the unique ability to hunt and kill vampires. But a chance encounter with a handsome stranger is about to change everything, teaching Sonnet what it's like to be hunted and possessed.

D'Elen McClain - Fang Chronicles: Tyboll
A grumpy bear shifter, a stubborn she-bear shifter, and more growls than a bear clan can possibly handle. Will the two kill each other or discover they make the perfect mated pair?

Julia Mills - Her Dragon's Heart
Jace MacQuaid, the youngest Dragon Guardsman since the original knights has just found his mate, Melanie Whelan…the one the Universe made for him…the light of his soul. Of course, to claim her he will have to fight a force so dark not even the oldest of dragon kin has the answers. Fate really stepped in it this time.

Brandy L. Rivers - Seductive Solutions
When Toryn’s trusted friend begins failing, he’ll search for a way to free him of the destructive bond. Isa might have a solution for Scotty’s problem, if Toryn can help her find the courage.

Cynthia St. Aubin - From Hell to Breakfast
He's a supernatural bounty hunter with a broken heart and a loose zipper. She's a succubus with a smart mouth and a long rap sheet. When her crimes become his problem, they're in for one hell of a ride.

Here’s a list of all 13 paranormal anthology authors and where to find them!

1. Stephanie Rowe - Facebook
2. Robyn Peterman- Facebook / Twitter
3. Victoria Danann - Facebook / Twitter
4. Kym Grosso - Facebook / Twitter
5. Dakota Cassidy - Facebook / Twitter
6. Claudy Conn - Facebook / Twitter
7. Teresa Gableman - Facebook / Twitter
8. Melanie James - Facebook / Twitter
9. Gena D. Lutz - Facebook / Twitter
10. D’Elen McClain - Facebook
11. Julia Mills - Facebook
12. Brandy L. Rivers  - Facebook / Twitter
13. Cynthia St. Aubin - Facebook / Twitter

IndieSage PR

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Excerpt Tour & #Giveaway for Shattered Vows by Linda LaRoque

Welcome to my stop on the Excerpt Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Shattered Vows by Linda LaRoque.  Please leave a comment or question for Linda to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway, where Linda will be awarding three individual prizes during the tour:  1st prize— a sterling charm bracelet with baby theme and a handmade wooden jewelry box, 2nd prize—a handmade wooden shawl pin and an ecopy of Shattered Vows, and 3rd prize—an ecopy of Shattered Vows, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You can also visit the other stops on the tour by clicking on the tour banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.

by Linda LaRoque

Publisher:  Prayers & Promises Publications
Release Date: November 11, 2014
Genre: Inspirational Romance
Length:  188 Pages
ISBN:  9781310003288


About the book:

A mother, confronted with her husband’s infidelity, must decide whether to help raise his child or end her marriage.

Annie and Stuart Rayburn have loved each other since high school. Their life is idyllic until their baby dies of SIDS, and Annie falls into a deep depression. Months of therapy help her recover, and they look forward to another child sometime in their future.

Despite his own grief Stuart tries to comfort Annie, yet when he reaches for her in the night, his advances are rebuffed. In a moment of weakness, he turns to another woman. Stu learns his night of infidelity produced a baby girl. The mother died in a car crash, and her will gives Stu custody.

Stu can’t deny the child is his, and he’s determined to raise her. He begs Annie’s forgiveness. Hurt and angry, Annie must face her demons, decide if she can forgive Stu, and love the innocent child, or divorce him and move on without the only man she’s likely to love.


Rigid, Stu’s face appeared carved of stone. "She's my child too, Annie."

“Yes, and that’s what hurts so bad. Every time I looked at the baby, I’d remember my husband made love with another woman.”

“I didn’t make love to her, Annie. We had sex—simple and plain. It was a physical release, and that’s all. I know hearing that won’t take your pain away, but it’s the truth.”

Unable to look at him any longer, she turned her back and stuffed her knuckles in her mouth to hold back the sobs. She couldn't do it; she just couldn't do it. “But you kissed her, touched her body, and she touched yours.”

“You’ve changed, Annie. Where is the loving woman I fell in love with? The one with forgiveness in her heart?”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
 Linda LaRoque is a Texas girl, but the first time she got on a horse, it tossed her in the road dislocating her right shoulder. Forty years passed before she got on another, but it was older, slower, and she was wiser. Plus, her students looked on and it was important to save face.

A retired teacher who loves West Texas, its flora and fauna, and its people, Linda’s stories paint pictures of life, love, and learning set against the raw landscape of ranches and rural communities in Texas and the Midwest. She is a member of RWA, her local chapter of HOTRWA, NTRWA and Texas Mountain Trail Writers.

Linda writes contemporary western romances, time travel romances and futuristic romances. Shattered Vows is her first Inspiration Women's fiction.

Visit Linda at these locations.

Other Books by Linda LaRoque

Contemporary Westerns
Forever Faithful
Investment of the Heart
When the Ocotillo Bloom

Born in Ice

Time Travel
The Turquoise Legacy
My Heart Will Find Yours
Flames on the Sky

A Way Back
Desires of the Heart
A Law of Her Own
A Marshal of Her Own
A Love of Her Own
Birdie’s Nest
A Time of Their Own (A collection of three time travels
set in Prairie Texas—A Law of Her Own, A Marshal of Her Own, and A Love of His Own.)

What does it take to have a successful marriage?  Is love enough or does marriage require more?  In Linda LaRoque’s debut inspirational romance, Shattered Vows, we see a marriage tested by infidelity and the child resulting from the incident.  Reminding us that marriage is hard, that real love requires continual forgiveness and that regardless of where we are in life, God’s grace is sufficient, Ms. LaRoque gives us a story of love and redemption which had me shedding a few tears and rooting for her characters.

Emotionally overwhelmed and hurting after the loss of their child to SIDS, Annie Rayburn is distant and emotionally withdrawn.  Rejected by his wife, Stuart Rayburn turns to another woman for one night and then struggles with guilt over the betrayal of his marriage vows.  When the woman he turned to dies in an accident,  and Stuart discovers he has a daughter, he knows he must take responsibility for his child and confess to his wife.  As Stuart confesses his infidelity, Annie struggles with her anger, her guilt over her inability to move on from their daughter’s death, and her inability to forgive Stuart for what he’s done.  Will their love be enough to keep them together and will Annie be able to love a child who isn’t her own?

Ms. LaRoque does a good job developing both Stuart and Annie’s characters; their emotions are raw, gritty and easy to identify with.  Especially the anger Annie feels toward Stuart over what he’s done.  While I don’t believe there is ever a legitimate reason for a spouse to cheat; I do have to acknowledge that when we first meet Annie, she’s cold, somewhat distant and hasn’t really moved on from the loss of their daughter – even though she’s been gone for more than a year.  It made it a little difficult to connect with her at first, but as the story develops it becomes apparent that Annie has always had problems dealing with emotional issues.  It was easier to connect with Stuart, though there are times I wanted to smack him upside the head, because he so willingly accepts his new daughter and is determined to make the best of his situation; he’s very careful about how he deals with Annie and what she wants, even while hoping and praying that she’ll forgive him and give their marriage another try.

The secondary characters are also well developed and I really enjoyed getting to know Grace, Stuart’s mom, and Willie Lee, Annie’s mom.  Both are strong women who want what’s best for their children and will do whatever it takes to help bring them back together because they know they’re still deeply in love.  I also really liked “Bailey”, the baby who comes into their life through no fault of her own; she’s independent, sweet and easily adapts to all of the changes taking place in her life. 

Will Annie let God help her forgive Stuart for his mistake and room in her heart for a child she didn’t give birth to?  And will Annie deal with her anger towards God for letting people she loves die?  Will Stuart be able to prove he’ll be faithful to Annie and never betray her again?  You’ll have to read Shattered Vows to find out.  I think it’s an enjoyable story and I look forward to reading more of this author’s work.

My Rating:   4 out of 5 Crowns