Friday, December 11, 2015

Book Beginnings & Friday 56 - #12

Book Beginnings on Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader. Every Friday we share the first sentence (or so) of the book we’re currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

My Book Beginning:  

Bloodridge (The Spies Lie Series, Book 1) by D.S. Kane

Abel and Natasha Sommerstein’s flat,
20 Milner Street Number 14,
Cadogan Square, London
February 21, 6:19 p.m.

Jon Sommers listened, hidden in the walk-in closet of his parents’ bedroom. They were speaking in a language he was just beginning to understand, one of many no one had taught him. At twelve, he could speak seven languages and read five, but the one his parents were speaking now was the hardest.

My Thoughts:  I can totally remember trying to listen in to my parents conversations when I was a kid – my parents would switch to a foreign language (Spanish) for additional privacy but I too knew the language (the benefit of spending one’s first years out of the country) and was able to understand most of what they were talking about….lol

What do you think?  Don't forget to leave your book beginning below and to link-up at Rose City Reader.  


Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda’s Voice on every Friday.

To Play along here are the Rules:

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your post below. 
*Don’t forget to add your post URL (not your blog url) at Freda’s Voice.  
*It's that simple.

My 56 (Also from Bloodridge by D.S. Kane ): 
When the day ended, he pressed the lift’s buttons for the lobby and the fifth floor. The doors opened on five, and before anyone could get on, he got off, walking to the men’s room. Best to make it look like an emergency. 

Inside, he chose the stall farthest from the entrance, closed its door, and sat inside. Someone entered just behind him. Sommers pretended to retch. The other man asked if he was okay. Jon said, “No. I’m sick. Probably bad samosa from the cafeteria.” He pretended to throw up again. “Ugh, I’ll be here a while. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” The other man let the restroom door close as he exited.

My Thoughts:  I think those of us who have worked in a large office can confirm that people get sick at work and there’s nothing worse than walking in to the restroom stall next to a sick person – just saying.  

What do you think?  Don't forget to leave your Friday 56 below and to link-up at Freda’s Voice.  

Bloodridge (The Spies Lie Series, Book 1) by D.S. Kane

To find justice for those he loved, a man finds himself at the center of a dangerous global conspiracy…

When Jon Sommers finds out his fiancé Lisa Gabriel died in a terrorist bomb attack, he is visited by spymaster, Yigdal Ben-Levy, who throws Jon’s life into chaos, when he tells him that Lisa was not a fellow graduate student but a Mossad spy sent to bring him to Israel. Ben-Levy convinces Jon to seek justice for Lisa’s murder by joining Mossad and going after Tariq Houmaz, her killer. 

Don't forget to post your meme's and link up at both host locations.  

Have a great Friday! 



  1. What an intelligent 12-year-old! I'm wondering if he's the same person (grown-up) who's hiding in the restroom and curious about why he's pretending to be sick. Sounds like a good story.
    My Friday post features FEVER SEASON.

  2. Sounds interesting! I've never been able to master another language so I'm intrigued by this kid. The 56 raises some questions such as why an adult is pretending to be sick! Enjoy the read!

  3. Sounds intense and exciting...I am very curious about this one. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. Hi,
    Sounds like an intriguing mystery.
    Have a great day!

  5. This does sound interesting. Spies Lie as a series name is intriguing too. Enjoy.

  6. It has been a while since I read a thriller with spies. I'm adding this one to my wishlist. This week I am spotlighting The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan and Once Shadows Fall by Robert Daniels. Happy reading!

  7. Ugh pretending to throw up, that makes me cringe. Not sure I could handle it. Happy Friday!

  8. More than one thing to figure out already and I haven't started the book yet. You've got me most curious:)

    My 56 -

  9. Sounds like a gripping read! Happy weekend!

  10. Were the parent speaking an alien language? That would be very difficult to ever understand. Ha! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  11. Hi Maria,

    I haven't read any spy thrillers for years, however this does look like an intriguing and interesting series and as this is the first book, it seems like a good place to start.

    I wonder why the person in your 56 is pretending to be ill, it sounds as though he might be covering for something he has done previous to getting in the lift. I am not good anywhere near anyone who is being ill, including myself! If someone is sick I find myself retching with them and I am generally flat out on the floor at the merest sight of bleeding (again including my own).

    My parents both only spoke English, although don't you think that parents have a language all their own, when they are trying to talk about something they don't want the children to know about?

    Thanks for sharing, a great book pick this week :)

