Friday, October 6, 2017

Blurb Blitz & #Giveaway for The King's Own by W. Marshall

Welcome to my stop on the Blurb Blitz, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for The King’s Own by W. Marshall.  Please leave a comment or question for Mr. Marsha to let him know you stopped by.  You may enter the tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below. You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!   

The King’s Own
By W. Marshall

Publisher:  W. Marshall
Release Date: May 15, 2007
Genre: Low Fantasy
Length: 268 Pages
ISBN: 9781546638971

Buy Links:  Amazon B&N
*ebook on sale for $.99

About the book:

The King’s Own are as feared as they are ruthless, doing all of those hard, and sometimes terrible, things necessary to ensure the safety of the realm. Owing allegiance to the King alone, they are his spies, his assassins, and his advisors. They exist to walk in the shadows, to enforce the King’s will, to change the course of entire wars, and to root out dissenters. They live without family, in service to the crown, unknown and unsung.

A young man conscripted to fight in a war far away from home. Blood and loss tempered with hope and a vow. Recruited into the King’s Own, he must learn quickly to do whatever it takes to serve the kingdom so that others can live their lives in relative peace and safety. But just how far will he go to keep his oath, especially when the King is murdered?


“Alright,” Commodus said. “I guess I’ll be the bait. I’ll just stroll right up there and announce myself and hope they don’t riddle me with arrows.”

I smirked, pointing off to the left to show Samarra where I wanted her to scout.

“You’ll be fine, old timer,” I said, giving him a familiar nod. I turned and slipped off into the thick woods, circling far enough around to avoid detection by the sentries. Samarra had proven to be even more skilled than I was at infiltration like this, moving quietly and quickly, unseen and unheard. Years of practice had made me an expert, but she took to it as naturally as walking.

I blended with the shadows, slipping among the trees as easily as a panther, my eyes searching for my targets. There. Not very well-hidden to the trained eye. My hand clamped over the first sentry’s mouth, my dagger slitting his throat. Two more followed, their bows showing me they were indeed there to kill us if things turned sour for the rebels.

Quickly then, back to Commodus, before he decided to pull something stupid and become a martyr by attempting to rescue the Princess by himself.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

W. Marshall was born in Florida, but found his home when he moved to Colorado. He is a lover of movies, books, dogs, science fiction, fantasy, and military history. His debut novel, The King’s Own, is a work of dark fiction that asks hard questions as it examines the life and labors of the protagonist.

In his free time, he enjoys running, reading a wide array of fiction, and writing science fiction and fantasy.

Connect with W. Marshall online
Facebook: AuthorWMarshall


  1. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway and Congrats on your new release.

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Thank you for having me here today! I'm looking forward to saying hello and answering any questions anyone has about my novel, writing, books, or anything else!

  4. The Kings Own sounds like a good read. Thank you

  5. Thank you to everyone who stopped by, and for your interest in my novel!

    A special thanks to my host, Queen of All She Reads :)
