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my stop on the Book Blitz, presented by YA Bound Book Tours, for Tompkin’s School for the Dearly Departed by Tabi
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Tompkin's School: For the Dearly
by TabiSlick
Genre: YA Paranormal/Dark Fantasy
Release Date: August 2nd 2017
Visions of the past, powers beyond belief, and a school that has been waiting
for them for over a hundred years. Kain and Izara's abilities have advanced far
greater than they ever imagined possible and it's all due to their new friend
that has joined them. This year will bring the Torvik twins closer to solving
the mystery of who they are, why they have these powers, and even closer to
unveiling the school's most haunting secret.
“The lights of the Artesian Hotel flickered as the party drew on into the
night. I saw Bart Bessler dancing with Mary, and the bright, dazzling yellow
eyes of the French, red-headed woman as she drew in the light around her. I
shivered at the sight of the wolf-man killing one of the intruders that night
they had chained Bart to the ground.“Destiny of beings is about to come to fruition,”
the voice of the being’s human companion rang in my ear.The scene turned to
liquid and then I saw Izzy standing in front of me.“You know his face,” a voice
that didn’t belong to my sister bellowed from within her.I will return....I
will return to my children. My whole
body writhed in pain as the voice filled my head.”
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**Tompkin's School: For the Dearly
Departed in the 2nd book in the Tompkin's School trilogy but each read as a
Previous book in the series (click on
image for Goodreads link):

About the Author
Tabi Slick was born in Kansas and grew up in the country where she was homeschooled for the greater part of her childhood. In middle school, her family moved to Davis Oklahoma where she attended public school for several years. Here she began her writing adventure and soon the world of Tompkin's Academy came to life. After graduating from high school in 2008, she spent a few years in Puerto Rico and wound up in Texas where she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics from the University of Texas at Arlington. She was born with an immense appreciation for literature and continues to dedicate her time to her passion of writing.
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