Monday, October 31, 2016

Virtual Book Tour & #Giveaway for Eye of the Pharaoh by Nancy Fraser

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Eye of the Pharaoh by Nancy Fraser.  Please leave a comment or question for Nancy to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

Why I Set My Story in Egypt - the Land of the Pharaohs
by Nancy Fraser

It was a dark and stormy night...

Okay, maybe it was daytime and indoors at the fabulous Field Museum in Chicago. I’d always enjoyed movies like The Mummy (both the original and the glitzier Brendon Fraser remake) but I’d never really given the time period or culture much thought.

Then, as I strolled through their expansive exhibit, complete with simulated tomb and burial chambers, I found myself stopping at every engraved plaque, every glass-enclosed artifact. Despite what they originally held (internal organs), I fell in love with the beauty of canopic jars. I’m especially fond of the ivory bases with solid gold tops.

During the prerequisite stop in the gift shop, I bought three books, two pair of earrings, a t-shirt, and a set of miniature canopic jars (unfortunately, glass and gold plating). I was in sensory overload and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I needed to write a romance and set it in Egypt.

That was in 2004. And, with no regard for my best intentions and pages of scribbled out ideas, life intervened and my big plan was put on hold. When I began writing again, I found myself waylaid by other projects, a joint series with a close friend, and new interests.

Then, in 2011, happenstance brought me back. A beloved great-aunt passed away and, in her will, she left me a gift: a necklace and a note saying that for whatever reason (she wasn’t sure), this odd piece of jewelry reminded her of me. The necklace was an Egyptian collar made up of stones, beads and gold roping—a trinket my uncle had given her when they were courting (circa late 1920s).

Since I’d never mentioned my original plan about an Egyptian-themed romance to anyone, I took the gift as a sign. This was the story I was meant to write. I dug out all the books I’d originally purchased, ordered a couple more from Amazon and even bought a textbook assigned to the local university’s course on archaeology. And, I began.

The history itself is astounding. The idea of all those people, the great chasm of differences in the classes. The difficult and often contested rights of inheritance and claims to the title of Pharaoh. As I read, I could literally picture the bright sun, the scorching heat, the thousands of slaves it took to create one pyramid.

Even more interesting (at least to a writer of steamy romance) was the promiscuity of the upper classes. One of the real-life characters mentioned in my book is Princess Neferure, daughter of Queen-Pharaoh Hatshepsut. Although there are many conflicting reports about Neferure, there are also numerous statues and depictions of her as a consort to her teacher, Senenmut, even as early as the age of eight. I use one interesting piece of research about the procreation habits of the sexuality-challenged Pharaohs in the book...a fact that both amuses and shocks my heroine.

Although Eye of the Pharaoh begins in contemporary times, it was important to me to send my characters back to 1920s Egypt when the majority of the most valuable archaeological finds occurred. Then, because it was too hard to resist, I sent my heroine, a very modern-day woman, back even further to explore the possibility she is the reincarnation of Princess Neferure.

As for my hero, Professor Joshua Cain, I stuffed his brain with so many accurate facts about ancient Egypt, he’s a walking, talking expert. And a sexy one at that!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this insight as to why I wrote a romance set in Egypt. I know I enjoyed writing this book, no matter how long it took to come to fruition. 

Eye of the Pharaoh
By Nancy Fraser

Publisher:  Soul Mate Publishing
Release Date: October 19, 2016
Genre: Time Travel/Paranormal
Length: 212 Pages
ISBN: 9781682912102

Buy Links:  Amazon | B&NIndieBound

About the book:

Publicist Teri Hunter has her hands full promoting Professor Joshua Cain and his new non-fiction book, The Pharaoh’s Mummy. She’s not even sure it’s possible to turn this absent-minded, modern-day, Indiana Jones into a best-selling author.

Dr. Cain’s PhDs in archeology and art history have prepared him for almost anything on the lecture circuit and among ancient ruins. He’s just not sure about a book tour...or the sexy publicist sent to monitor his every professional move.

When an odd request falls in their laps while in New Orleans, Josh and Teri find themselves transported to 1920’s Egypt where they must resolve an ancient curse in order to be sent home. Will the dangers facing them hinder their success and threaten their very lives? Or will help from an other-worldly guardian keep them on-track and safe?


Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat.

Teri Hunter mouthed the motivational phrase she’d chosen for her personal mantra as she stepped across the threshold into the dark and musty storeroom.

A dim light shone from a glass-enclosed workroom in the far corner. Taking a tentative step forward, she faltered when the floorboards creaked beneath her feet. Something fast and furry brushed against her ankle. A shiver ran down her back, yet she fought the urge to retreat.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

This was obviously today’s obstacle. Were it not for her professional commitments and intricately organized schedule, she’d have no doubt bolted for the door and returned to the safety and illumination of the main building.

‘Sorry, but the storage area doesn’t have overhead lighting. Preservation of the antiquities. You understand.’ The dean’s words echoed in her head. What little outside light there was had become nearly non-existent due to an impending thunderstorm.

Drawing a deep breath, she took a second step and then a third, winding her way past a half-dozen crates, some open, some not. To her left she heard a rustling of paper; to her right the distinct sound of footsteps.

Her apprehension grew, the hair on her forearms stood at attention. She’d barely made it halfway across the room before bumping into something large and solid. Reaching out, she laid her hand against the oversized object. Slowly, she raised her head and came face to face with the painted mask of an Egyptian noble. The chipped finish gave the death mask a deranged look.

“You come here often, big boy?” A nervous giggle followed her softly-worded, albeit silly, question and she pressed her fingertips to her lips to stifle an outright laugh before lowering her hand to her side.

Go big! Home is boring.

Silently she cursed her habit of dredging up poster-worthy quotes to mask her fears.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Like most authors, Nancy Fraser began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet, which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published twenty-two books in both full-length and novella format. Nancy will release her 25th book in early 2017. She is currently working on a Valentine’s Day novella, her next Rock and Roll novella, and a story about a racy Scot titled “Kilty Pleasures”.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.


Twitter:  @nfraserauthor

Book Blast & #Giveaway for The Paranormal Bar & Grill Blog Tour

Welcome to my stop on the Paranormal Bar & Grill Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions for Will O’Wisp by Craig Bovack, A Thousand Yesteryears by Mae Clair, Vampire Island by Sandra Cox, The Glade by Harmony Kent and Love Set in Stone by Staci Trollo.  Please leave a comment or question for the authors to let them know you stopped by.  You may enter the tour wide giveaway, where one (1) randomly chosen commenter will be awarded a $50 Amazon/BN GC.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

About the Paranormal Bar & Grill Book Tour: 

October starts out warm and sunny, but this is the month when everything changes. Mornings grow frosty, leaves change colors, and the breeze takes on a bite.

Summer dies.

It’s a time for harvest celebrations. A boy loans a girl his coat. She snuggles a little closer and takes his hand. A riot of autumn splendor accompanies the farmer’s market where they stroll.

But the vibrancy of daylight doesn’t compare to the darkness of night. Is that chill on your neck the breeze or something else?

October night

You walk a tad faster and look over your shoulder. The trees creak when the wind whips through their branches—at least, you hope that noise came from the undulating bows.

You check under the bed and inside the closet before climbing under the covers. Sleep doesn’t come easy. The old house groans its complaints, and the night magnifies every innocuous noise until terror paralyzes you—because you know nefarious things go bump in the night.

Welcome to the Paranormal Bar & Grille Blog Tour

…where you can rub elbows with everyone from a gargoyle or vampire, to a creature from urban legend, or the ghostly realms of myth. Step up to the bar, grab a booth. You never know what’s on the menu, or if you might end up there yourself.

Sound like your kind of hangout? Then you’ve come to the right place. We’re a group of five authors who love nothing more than to trigger the chill that crawls up your back, the nervous glance tossed over your shoulder. We invite you to discover outstanding books and check out our awesome tour prizes.

Just be careful of what the bartender serves you. That heady brew may not be a beer, and witches can’t be trusted to provide effective antidotes.

Excerpt from Will O’ the Wisp by Craig Bovack

Headlights made their way towards us along the Bergamot Creek trail. "Damn it. I wish people would just stay away."

Pete looked at them and said, "They're far enough away we can still watch. Besides, they might not stay once the road ends. Maybe it's Mrs. Matthews with another one of her boyfriends."

"That's gross. I don't care to see that again."

"Satellite," Pete said.

It was no Comet Kahoutek, but we watched it pass overhead and waited for the next one. The car turned out to be a van full of older kids. Three guys and two girls. They built a fire and took out a styrofoam cooler. They looked like students on their way to college somewhere.

I turned my radio off and pushed my lower lip into my upper. "I suppose they're spending the night." The sound of their car radio reached our ears.

"So what? We might catch another satellite or a shooting star before we have to go home."

"Meteor. They aren't really stars. And now we have light pollution." I looked up once more and tried to have a good time.

"Holy crap. What's that?"

I snapped to attention and looked at Pete. He was fixated down toward the campers. A ball of green light, about the size of a softball, drifted along the stream bank. It was darker than the fireflies, more the color of moss, but it glowed in the dark. It lit up the gravel alongside the creek.

"That has to be the king of all fireflies," Pete said.

"Maybe it's a cluster."

It turned and headed our way. Pete crab-crawled away from the light.

The glow got softer. It headed back toward the campfire. It was like it couldn't make up its mind.

A blond boy with surfer good looks walked away from the fire toward the glowing sphere. He said something to his friends, but I couldn't hear it over their radio. They all stood and looked. He spread his arms wide then waved the thing toward the campfire like he was calling his dog.

The glowing ball started flickering and moved toward him. It hit his chest and pushed him back. Then it went -- it went insidehim. He arched rearward, then forward, hit the ground and convulsed.

The girls screamed and ran.

"What the hell was that?" Pete said. "Oh my God! What was it?"
AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

Craig Boyack

Just a fiction writer, trying to reach the world.

Craig came to fiction writing later in life than most authors. He always had to write, to one degree or another as part of various jobs. Early one winter morning, he conquered the Internet and didn’t feel like shoveling the sidewalk until the
sun came up. He tried a few pages of fiction and got hooked.

Craig doesn’t like limitations and calls himself a writer of speculative fiction. It’s a broad field, but he limits himself to science fiction, paranormal, and a bit of fantasy.

He has eight published works—six novels and two collections of short stories.

You can find him at the following locations:

| His blog: Entertaining Stories

Mae Clair

Mystery & Suspense…with a dash of Myth & Romance

Mystery, Psychological Thrillers, Supernatural Suspense, Romantic Suspense
Quirky fact I don’t want anyone to know:
(or maybe I do)….I saw a UFO when I was six. Probably why I write some of the stuff I do.

They say everyone has a story to tell.

I wrote my first childish “masterpiece” at six and was immediately bitten by the writing bug. Since then, I’ve been composing nonstop, and have dabbled in multiple genres over the years, writing everything from fantasy, westerns, and horror to inspirational fiction, romance, and sci-fi. It took me a while to find my niche, but I’ve settled comfortably into the mystery/suspense genre (with a just a dash of romance tossed in).

Several of my earlier works have strong romantic themes, but all are infused with threads of mystery. I have a passion for folklore, myth, and urban legends and that attraction often factors into my writing. You’ll find threads of archaic tales and mysterious places woven throughout many of my novels.

I am a member of the International Thriller Writers and a past president of the Central Pennsylvania Writer’s Organization. If I’m not camped out at my keyboard or have my nose buried in a book, I’m likely looking up blurry images of cryptids on Google, sorting through vintage photographs or imagining life as a cat.

Relevant Links:

Sandra Cox

Living life. Writing fantasy.

Sandra writes YA Fantasy, Paranormal and Historical Romance, and Metaphysical Nonfiction. She lives in sunny North Carolina with her husband, a brood of critters and an occasional foster cat. Although shopping is high on the list, her greatest pleasure is sitting on her screened in porch, listening to the birds, sipping coffee or a latte and enjoying a good book. She's a vegetarian and a Muay Thai enthusiast.

Relevant Links:
Amazon Buy Link:

Harmony Kent

The author who gets write into your head.
 Genres: Multi-genre
Quirky Fact I don’t want anyone to know: Wrote the entirety of The Glade while listening to the Twilight movie soundtrack. And she’s not mentioning the glass of white (ahem) ‘grape juice’ that kept finding its way to her computer station.

Harmony Kent is famous for her laughter, and has made quite the name for herself … she’s also, um, a writer … and fairly well known for that too. She’s even won a few awards. Harmony lives in rural Cornwall with her ever-present sense of humour and quirky neighbours and refuses to admit to her age.

If you catch her at work, you’ll see that she also offers editing, proof reading, manuscript appraisal, and beta reading services. Not to mention being passionate about supporting her fellow authors.

Links to Harmony and her books:

Staci Troilo

Writing Relationship Wrongs.

Romance, Suspense, Paranormal, Mystery, and Mainstream

Quirky fact I don’t want anyone to know:

The socks in my sock drawer and the books on my shelf are arranged in rainbow order.

I’ve always loved fiction, ever since my parents read me fairy tales when I was little. Today, my interests are much more eclectic. I love getting lost in sci-fi battles, fantasy realms, horror worlds, suspenseful intrigues, and romantic entanglements.

As goes my reading, so goes my writing. I can’t pick a single genre to focus on, so I don’t even try. I’m proud to say I’m a multi-genre author.

When I’m not reading or writing, I’m spending time with family and friends, possibly cooking for them, or maybe enjoying an afternoon in the pool. To learn more about me, visit me at or connect with me on social media.

Relevant Links:

Cover Reveal for The Fortune Teller by Gwendolyn Womack

The Fortune Teller by Gwendolyn Womack

Release Date: June 6, 2017 
Picador USA eBook & Paperback; 320 Pages 
Genre: Fiction/Romantic Suspense



Semele Cohen appraises antiquities for an exclusive Manhattan auction house, specializing in deciphering ancient texts. And when she discovers a manuscript written in the time of Cleopatra, she knows it will be the find of her career. Its author tells the story of a priceless tarot deck, now lost to history, but as Semele delves further she realizes the manuscript is more than it seems. Both a memoir and a prophecy, it appears to be the work of a powerful seer, describing devastating wars and natural disasters in detail thousands of years before they occurred. 

The more she reads, the more the manuscript begins to affect Semele's life. But what happened to the cards? As the mystery of her connection to the manuscript deepens, Semele can’t shake the feeling that she’s being followed. Only one person can help her make sense of it all: her client, Theo Brossard. Yet Theo is arrogant and elusive, concealing secrets of his own, and there’s more to Semele’s desire to speak with him than she would like to admit. Can Semele even trust him? 

The auction date is swiftly approaching, and someone wants to interfere—someone who knows the cards exist, and that the Brossard manuscript is tied to her. Semele realizes it’s up to her to stop them: the manuscript holds the key to a two-thousand-year-old secret, a secret someone will do anything to possess.

Pre-Order at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Praise for Gwendolyn Womack and The Memory Painter

“A sweeping, mesmerizing feat of absolute magic.” ― M. J. Rose, author of the Reincarnationist Series and The Witch of Painted Sorrows 

 “Gwendolyn Womack is a storytelling virtuosa, whose sexy, action-packed mind-boggler of a book is destined to become a classic.” ― Anne Fortier, author of Juliet and The Lost Sisterhood

About the Author

Originally from Houston, Texas, Gwendolyn Womack studied theater at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. She holds an MFA in Directing Theatre, Video and Cinema from California Institute of the Arts. Her first novel, The Memory Painter, was an RWA PRISM award winner in the Time Travel/Steampunk category and a finalist for Best First Novel. She now resides in Los Angeles with her husband and her son. For more information, please visit Gwendolyn Womack's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Collateral Damage by Susan Harris

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Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Juniper Grove Book Solutions, for Collateral Damage by Susan Harris.  Please leave a comment or question for Susan to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  Good Luck!

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Title:  Collateral Damage
Series:  The Ever Chace Chronicles #2
Author:   Susan Harris
Published:  October 31st, 2016
Publisher:  Crimson Tree Publishing
Genre:   Fairy Tales/Folk Tales/Legends & Mythology, Fantasy/Paranormal

Content Warning:  Some strong language.

About the book:

When Derek Doyle wakes up next to a ripped-apart body, he’s terrified he’s about to lose everything he holds dear—Ever, his job, and his family. Dealing with his past has never come easy to Derek, especially since he’s too afraid of what people would think if they knew exactly what kind of monster he really is. But finding out who’s setting him up could be harder than the team thinks. As long as Derek has lived, there’s bound to be a long list of enemies.

Ever Chace has a lot on her plate. Confronted with the possibility that she is indeed losing her mind, Ever tries to push it aside as they deal with the ramifications of Derek’s past. Every new relationship has teething problems, but learning to deal with a mate who’s used to being a lone wolf has its own set of issues.

Can the team figure out how to save Derek from a swift execution? And just how much strain will the revelations put on Derek and Ever’s shiny new relationship?

Collateral Damage is the exciting sequel to Skin and Bones by Susan Harris.

Pick up the first book in this series, Skin and Bones by Susan Harris FREE on Amazon!


He knew, in that exact moment, that he was going to die.

The kicks came more frequently now—to his stomach, chest, and his head. He lost count of how many times he blacked out. It hurt to breathe, and he could taste blood in his mouth. After what seemed like an age, two of the men backed away, and he heard one say, “Come on, Damo. You’re gonna kill him.”

He received one final boot, this time to his face, and felt bone crunch—he had broken his nose so many times he knew the feeling instantly—but his entire body hurt so much that a broken nose was the least of his worries.

He couldn’t help but think it ironic he would die in a darkened alley, leaving the world as he’d been brought in—alone and bloody.

Donnie opened his eyes to gaze once more on the sky before he died, but instead his eyes locked onto gunmetal grey eyes looking down at him. She was so beautiful, this angel who had come to take his life. Or perhaps she was a devil, a leather-clad one with skin so pale he wanted to reach out and touch it.

He felt his arm lift of its own accord, and he opened his mouth to speak, but the only thing that gurgled from his lips was blood.

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About the Author:

Susan Harris is a writer from Cork in Ireland. An avid reader, she quickly grew to love books in the supernatural/fantasy genre. When she is not writing or reading, she loves music, oriental cultures, tattoos, anything Disney and psychology. If she wasn’t a writer she would love to be a FBI profiler or a PA for Dave Grohl or Jared Leto.

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Crimson Tree Publishing Links:
Website  |  Facebook   |  Twitter

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Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following: 
*CTP Mystery Box

Giveaway is US only. Ends November 14th,.

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Spotlight & #Giveaway for A Knight Like No Other by Michelle Miles

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Bewitching Book Tours, for A Knight Like No Other by Michelle Miles.  Please leave a comment or question for Michelle to let her know you stopped by. You may enter her tour we giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  Good Luck! 

A Knight Like No Other
By Michelle Miles
Realm of Honor, Book Four

Publisher: Michelle Miles
Date of Publication: 10/4/16
Genre: Fantasy Romance
ISBN: 9781311162441
Number of pages: 280 pages
Word Count:  89,810
Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill

About the book:

Will the knight of Princess Allanna's heart be able to save her from a dark lord's evil plan?

By the king’s order, Princess Allanna is betrothed to Lord-Regent Marath, an Elven noble with an evil agenda who’s manipulated his way into royal favor. Marrying him will be a fate worse than death, especially when Allanna yearns for the sexy and irresistible Sir Drake—the knight who holds her heart. A knight she is forbidden to love. She flees her family to be with Drake, giving up everything she knows for him.

Enraged at her defiance, Marath summons a mage to kidnap and kill Allanna. Drake, determined to protect the woman he loves, will stop at nothing to see her safe. Their desire for one another burns hot and nothing can keep the two lovers apart. Nothing but Marath’s evil plan to do away with the Fae and separate Drake and Allanna forever.

Buy Links:  Amazon     iBooks     BN     Kobo     Smashwords


His mouth moved to her throat. Her skin burst into flame as he made his way around to her earlobe and nibbled. This was what she dreamed of, what she wanted. Now that it was finally happening, her mind exploded with more possibilities. Little pinpricks of light pierced her vision as her eyes fluttered closed. Heat flooded her body and pulsed dampness between her legs, making her feel things she never expected.

And, oh gods, she loved the velvety feel of his mouth.

“Sir Drake…”

“Aye?” His breath wafted over her skin, sending heated chills over her.

“I…came to…to…” Oh gods, she couldn’t think. Her mind wouldn’t form the words. She knew what she wanted to say but how to say it was another matter. And her tongue swelled into a thick, useless muscle.

“To?” His eyes glinted almost as though he knew what she wanted to say.

Oh, bollocks. “To kiss you back.”

She swept her tongue over his lower lip then sucked it gently between her teeth. He groaned again. His body felt good under her hands, the way his chest curved and the sprinkling of coarse hair. The tips of her fingers trailed down his corded abs to the edge of the waistband of his breeches and halted. She couldn’t go forward even though she wanted to. Fear clasped her, made her stop. She knew what she wanted to do yet she couldn’t force her hand to move.

Breaking the kiss, she dropped her head to his chest, inhaling the deep, masculine scent of him. A woodsy scent. Something that was inherent to him. Mayhap because he was human. She didn’t know.

He stroked her hair as he held her and then dropped a kiss on the top of her head. It was then she remembered his wound and bolted upright.

“Did I hurt you?” Her gaze landed on the bandage on his side. She was relieved to see there was no blood.

He chuckled. “No, princess. You didn’t. You couldn’t.”

“I meant your…your wound. Is it better?”

“Almost healed like Turin said.”

“That’s good.” Her gaze flickered over him and she blushed when she saw the hardened length between his legs. The length she had stopped herself from running her fingertips over.

“I came to check on you,” she said. “I’m glad you’re better.”

“Is that the only reason you came?”

Could he read that on her face? Was she so transparent? She bit her lip again.

“Ah, you really shouldn’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“That.” His gaze fixed on her lips.

“Why?” She blinked.

“Because I like it too much.”

A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Her confidence soared. “You like it?”

“Aye, I do.”

“And what would happen if I did it again?”

“You really shouldn’t do it again.”

“Shouldn’t I?” She did it again.

He reached for her and dragged her to him. “Are you trying to torture me?” He said it against her mouth, his breath mingling with hers.

“No. Am I?”

“You are.”

“Should I apologize?”


“Do you intend to do something about it?”

He growled.

“Is that an aye?” She grinned, enjoying teasing him.


“Do you want to deny me again?”

“I will not take what does not belong to me.”

“I do belong to you, Drake,” she whispered. “I’ve already given you my heart. Isn’t that enough?”

She could see the flash of pain in his eyes before he regained his composure. “I wish it were, princess.”

“What more do you require of me?” she asked.

“I require marriage vows. You are too precious to me. I would not ruin your innocence.”

“Oh, Drake. It wouldn’t be ruining my innocence. I give myself to you freely.” She pressed her hands against his chest, slid them upward to his shoulders. “I’m prepared to love you. Here. Now.”


“Please don’t deny me again.”

A moment of indecision flashed through his eyes and then he pulled her tight against him before he pushed her to the mattress. His body pressed against hers. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him, into those deeply penetrating eyes. Was he going to forget all that he was? Would he make love to her here? Oh gods, she wanted him.

“I do not deny my feelings for you,” he said.


“You are still chaste. And I’m still a knight.”


“I’m still a knight but by Saint Mary you drive me mad.”


“You challenge my honor with every flutter of your lashes.”


“And with every flutter, I find you harder to resist.”

His mouth covered any retort she had. She was conscious of every touch. Every movement. He leaned on his good side, kissing her. His hands slipped over the curve of her body, over her small breasts and flat abdomen. Flames followed by a warming shiver swept over her.

About the Author:

Michelle Miles grew up in North Central Texas in a rodeo town but was far more interested in nerdy things like Star Trek and Star Wars. She started writing fan fiction in high school. When being an archeologist like Indiana Jones or a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader didn't work out, she decided writing was her gig and has wanted to write her own stories ever since.

Her love of romance started when she picked up Victoria Holt and Daphne du Maurier and was immediately smitten with the genre. But she also found another love in the fantasies of Patricia A. McKillip and Anne McCaffrey. Since she couldn’t decide which genre to pick—and because she’s a true Gemini—she decided it would be super fun to write contemporary and fantasy romance. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and has served on the board of several chapters as president and treasurer.

In her spare time, she enjoys listening to music, reading, cross-stitching and watching movies. A Native Texan, she loves castles, dragons, fairies and elves and is an avid Game of Thrones fan. She can be found online at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Goodreads.

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