Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Blurb Blitz & #Giveaway for Deception Island by Judith A. Boss

Welcome to my stop on the Blurb Blitz Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Deception Island by Judith A. Boss.  Please leave a comment or question for Judith to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway, where one (1) randomly chosen commenter will be awarded a $50 Amazon/BN GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

Deception Island
By Judith A. Boss

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
Release Date: March 25, 2016
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: 302 Pages
ISBN: 978-1628308686

Buy Links:  Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | All Romance |  Google Play |  Indigo CA |  Wild Rose Press

About the book:

While at an archaeology dig in Afghanistan, evolutionary anthropologist Rachel St. Claire discovers a pendant with strange shifting symbols. Not long after, she receives an urgent call from her colleague, Dr. Grace McAllister, insisting Rachel come to Antarctica to examine an unusual body with ethereal properties found in an ice cave. Before Rachel can respond, bandits storm the desert dig site.

Just as they are about to seize Rachel, a helicopter appears with Trevor Brookenridge, a handsome polar geophysicist sent by his Aunt Grace to bring Rachel to Antarctica. Sparks fly, but Rachel already has a fiancé. Rachel must decide who she can trust when a group of bioterrorists engaged in secret genetic experiments in an abandoned World War II Nazi base under the Antarctic ice sheet come after the pendant--and her. For it seems everyone knows a secret Rachel does not, one which will change her life forever.


Rachel peered over the rail as the hydrofoil eased into a slip at a floating dock.  Whalebones on the floor of the bay, from the days whaling ships used the harbor, could be seen through the clear water.  As usual, the beach near the dock was bustling with penguins.  A Snow-Cat, a sleek, bullet-shaped vehicle with yellow stripes painted on it, was parked just above the beach line.       

As they disembarked and started up the beach toward an awaiting Snow-Cat, some of the gentoo penguins scattered, lurching and stumbling over the cobblestones.  Others raised their bright orange beaks in protest. 

“The penguins seem particularly jumpy today,” remarked one of the crew.  “Like something spooked them during the night.”

Two men unloaded what looked like a body bag from the Snow-Cat and loaded it on the hydrofoil.

In the distance beyond a ridge, Rachel noticed a small hut silhouetted by the low sun.  “That’s the Argentinean hut,” said Antonio, shouldering his overnight bag.  After saying a quick farewell to them, he slipped on a pair of snowshoes and headed up to the hut.

“All aboard,” one of the men said.  He reached out a hand and helped Rachel climb up into the cab of the Snow-Cat.

From her seat on the Snow-Cat, Rachel could see the skittish penguins watching the receding vehicle wind its way up to Shackleton Station.  What had upset them?  The very air seemed to bristle with angst.  She glanced over at Trevor sitting across from her, but he didn't seem to notice anything amiss.  

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Judith Boss (née Wager) was born in the village of Honeoye Falls, south of Rochester, New York in the heart of wine country. She attended elementary school in Irondequoit, where her family moved when she was two.

When not in school, she enjoyed wandering the woods and fields around her home and picking beans for 25¢ a basket for Mr. King, who owned the truck farm behind her house. She also loved hiking and camping and was active in the Girl Scouts throughout high school.

An avid writer, when Judy was 11 years old she wrote and illustrated her first “novel," a story about her beloved parakeet “Sparky." My Little Sparky was followed by several other short novels and a book of poems.

Following graduation from high school, Judy attended the University of Rochester for a few years before dropping out and emigrating to Australia. Both of Judy’s daughters were born in Australia. She also finished her B.A. in philosophy and anthropology at the University of Western Australia.

From Australia, the family moved to Nova Scotia, Canada for graduate school. After graduate school, Judy worked for eight years as a writer/researcher for the Nova Scotia Museum. In 1979, Judy and her two daughters moved to Newport, Rhode Island where she continued to work as a writer. She also worked as a lecturer for several years at the University of Rhode Island before going back to full-time writing.

Judy currently lives in rural Rhode Island with her family and Corgi. An avid traveler, she has traveled with students from the University Of Rhode Island and Brown Medical School to work with undeserved, indigenous people in Guatemala and Mexico. Her favorite travel destination, however, is Antarctica.

Cover Reveal for Owning It by Leah Marie Brown

Welcome to my stop on the Cover Reveal, presented by Pump Up Your Book, for Owning It by Leah Marie Brown.  Please leave a comment or question for Leah to let her know you stopped by.  

Title: Owning It
Author: Leah Marie Brown
Publisher: Lyrical Shine
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Format: Ecopy 

The chance of a lifetime . . . or just another bad decision?

Delaney Lavender Brooks needs to grow up. At least, according to her parents. After getting evicted from her apartment and wrecking her car, Laney is almost ready to trade in her paintbrushes and surrender to a more sensible 9-to-5 existence. Almost. Until she’s awarded an internship at a prestigious art gallery in Paris. What else can the free-spirited artist do but follow her dreams? Even if her latest attempt at chasing rainbows might cost her a real future . . .

Once in the city of lights, Laney is almost undone by the glaring truth: maybe she isn’t sophisticated or talented enough to make it as an artist—or an independent woman, for that matter. And when she’s hotly pursued by a seductive Frenchman, she has to wonder if she’s about to be a fool for love, too. Soon Laney’s greatest challenge is not proving herself to her parents, but having the courage to live the life—and love—of her dreams . . .

“Leah Marie Brown has a wily way of bringing her stories to life with sharp dialogue and drop-dead sexy characters.” —Cindy Miles, National Bestselling Author

“When it comes to crafting clever, intelligent, wonderful escapist fiction with a heroine every woman wants to know, Leah Marie Brown is a new voice to watch. Prepare to fall in love!” —Renee Ryan, Daphne du Maurier Award-Winning Author



I am an American writer with a penchant for Paris and all things pink!
Before writing novels, I worked as a print journalist for a Pulitzer prize winning newspaper and served in the United States Air Force as a Radio and Television Broadcaster.
An avid traveler, I have had adventures and mishaps from London to Tokyo, which I write about on my blog, On Life, Love & Accidental Adventures, and in my contemporary romantic series, The It Girls.
I was once a collector of truly useless bric-a-brac and cheesy tee-shirts.  My cheesiest? A tee with a cartoon Jesus riding a surf board and the words, ”And on the eighth day, Jesus went surfing in Greece.”
Today, I prefer to gather friendships and memories as travel souvenirs.
I live in the shadow of Pike’s Peak Mountain, near Colorado Springs, with my family and shamefully pampered poodles.
In my free time, I like to watch movies, read, and snap photographs.  You can view my photography by clicking on the Adventures tab above or by following me on Instagram.
I love to hear from readers, so send me a note! Or connect with me on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
For More Information
Visit Leah’s website.
Connect with Leah on Facebook  and Twitter.

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Vacation to Graceland by Phillip Cornell

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Vacation to Graceland by Phillip Cornell.  Please leave a comment or question for Phillip to let him know you stopped by.  You may enter his tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below. You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above. The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

Interview with Phillip Cornell

Me: Vacation to Graceland is the first book you published - did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

Phillip: No! I did not know I wanted to be a writer. I just discovered my talent about 4 years ago. I started writing as a stress reliever, and saw I had something going. Even till this day, it feels awkward to tell people I am a writer. But I will say that the more people who do discover my novel, give me confidence in saying I am a writer.

Me:  How has becoming published changed your approach to writing?

Phillip: The business side of publishing is eye opening. I just want to write, and for people to know I have legitimate talent in the field. The way publishing is set up, for me to reach the maximum viewing crowd, I have to promote. I never saw myself as a promoter, but time and time again I find myself practicing speeches, and reading back through my novel to properly sell it to anyone who ask me about it. I know my writings are entertaining, so I do not write to target specific audiences. If you like it, you like it! If you do not, you don’t.

Me: What is a typical day like in your life? Do you write every day?

Phillip: My days are typically boring. I go to work 5 days a week. I do not work on Friday or Saturday, so I use Friday as my taking care of errands day. Sunday through Thursday I wake up around 8:00 am and knock out work. I then come home and take a nap. After my nap, I do some sort of in home workout. It is either a jump rope session or pushups. After the workout, I either chill and watch TV, or begin the writing process before I go to sleep. I do not write every day, because it mostly depends on my mental state. I am a moody person, so if the mood is right then I will write. If I am distracted or not feeling creative, I will just go to sleep and start over again the next day. 

Me:  Do you listen to music while writing? If so do you make a playlist for each story or do you just randomly listen?

Phillip: No music what so ever. My mind moves like lightning through the sky. I need silence, or miner background noise to keep my ideas in order while I write. I can see an entire story in my mind, and all I have to do is power through, and lay it down on paper. There is nothing wrong with listening to music. I just submerge myself in it so much, that I want to listen and digest it; not write my stories to it. 

Me: Who or what has been the biggest influence on your writing?

Phillip: The “who” would be my family in general. They have been awesome with the support. They call and text, to keep me going! The “what” is a little more complicated. I was really down about my life. When I was 25, things were not going the way I envisioned them. I had a choice of either being sad, or write about how I was feeling and make plans to change my life. I chose option 2, and I am happy I did 

Me: What do you think it is about “family reunions or even holiday “get togethers” that brig out the best and worst in us and often the comedic?

Phillip: Most people do not know how much their family has rubbed off on them, until they are separated from them for an extended amount of time. College really showed me this. I met people from different families, and lived with them. I realized certain things I did, and certain ways I acted was not typical. So learning how to do things differently on your own, then going back to the environment where you learned how to do things originally. You see how silly somethings, that your family does, really are. This all happens because you are able to look at things from the outside perspective

Quick Get to Know You Questions:

1. Favorite Color? Any Earth tone colors
2. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate on a cold night? Hot Chocolate
3. Favorite season? Fall
4. What upcoming book or movie are you looking forward to the most in 2017? Anything Marvel drops I am excited for!
5. Favorite holiday and holiday meal? Thanksgiving, and any meat entrée associated with it

Vacation to Graceland
By Phillip Cornell

Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing
Release Date: May 23, 2015
Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Travel
Length: 92 Pages
ISBN: 9781457537387

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N iTunes | GooglePlay

About the book:

A man, his mother, his sister, his granny, his niece, and his nephew make a trip to Memphis Tennessee for a family reunion. During the course of the trip, the family encounter a series of circumstances that mold the trip into an unforgettable experience. Through the arguing and internal bickering within the group, they come together and strengthen the blood bond they share with each other. Reflecting on each and every situation encountered, the man realizes the trip is an overall social, emotional, and educational journey.


Ardella went into the women’s restroom, and I waited by the sculpture until she was done. While I was waiting for Ardella, I lost track of Mike. I knew he had not gone far, but I could not see him. All of sudden a crowd of people rushed into the court! Most of the women ran into the women’s restroom, and some of the guys ran into the men’s restroom. I stepped out the way of mob. I assumed someone had gotten shot, but I did not hear a gunshot! After 10 minutes of chaos, Ardella found me standing by the sculpture. She asked me what happened. From her vantage point, she just saw a bunch of people rush into the restroom while she was inside of it. I told her I was not sure, but I did not hear a gunshot. Ardella shrugged it off, and we found Mike and his friend by the barbeque stand.

Mike’s friend told me that the barbeque stand, I was standing next to, was the best barbeque in Memphis. My initial observation of the food stand was that it was nothing but Africans cooking food. I was not sure if I wanted to eat there, but after short consideration, I decided to roll the dice and give it a try. I stood in line, with Ardella, waiting to be serviced.

Before we got to the front counter, I asked Ardella what she was eating. Ardella usually eats clean, and does not eat greasy fattening food. This night she had been drinking, so she was fine with taking a break from her usual eating habits. She did keep her strict policy of not eating pork. This cut her options of food drastically! She was restricted to about 5 items on the menu. I felt bad for her, but it was her choice. I personally did not plan on giving up pork until I was 30 years of age. Ardella got some chicken, and I got a pulled pork sandwich. 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Phillip Cornell is a college graduate. He gained his degree in Biological Sciences, and currently works at a local pharmacy.  He is the only son of Harron and Connie Cornell, and the youngest of 3 children. In 2006 his father passed away due to colon cancer, and his mom became an inspiration to him and his family in the way she supported everyone. He has a passion for all types of competitive activity, with sports being the favorite. Overall he lives for different experiences to stimulate the mind, and firmly believes that life is something that has to be lived, read about, and dissected. His biggest weakness is beautiful women, and the thought of being a failure. Firmly believing everyone deserves their moment no matter how long or short it is, Phillip listens to anyone who has something to say. The more he writes. The more he realizes what he creates, is something that needs to be shared with someone other than himself. 

SnapChat:  Phillipthedeal2 

Book Blast for An Enlightening Quiche by Eva Pasco

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blast, presented by Pump Up Your Book, for An Enlightening Quiche by Eva Pasco.  Please leave a comment or question for Eva to let her know you stopped by.  

Title: An Enlightening Quiche
Author: Eva Pasco
Release Date: August 22, 2016
Publisher: Infinity Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Women's Fiction
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Dysfunctional. Deceptive. Demure. More than meets the eye at face value, Augusta Bergeron, stuck in a holding pattern, engages in morally destructive behavior she attributes to maternal abandonment. In for a rude awakening upon eggs-huming her mother's quiche recipe, she unravels its significance and forsakes erroneous assumptions. Enlightened, Augusta feels compelled to redress all the havoc she's wrought in the aftermath of a tragedy.

Augusta:Tarry in northern Rhode Island with us unpretentious French-Canadians, eh?

Tried-and-true friendships tested. Quest for Mr. Right. Impoverished mill. Unleashed secrets.  Enriched by geographic entities, historic references, and regional culture--Blackstone Valley beckons.



Augusta: Just as a note from Mrs. Blais had enticed me to sift through stowed away sagas inside a leather crypt and revived my dormant flair for writing, Tante’s recent memoir had me scrambling inside the keepsake box for the index card bearing the brunt of a quiche recipe whose basic ingredient of spinach packed a Popeye punch to knock the wind out of a brute. I glided my fingers over the scanty fragments of my mother’s legacy, absorbing her wretchedness through parched ink still resolute in its faded glory.

Genetically endowed with Simone’s temperament, exotic features, and allure, I followed in her footsteps. Both of us derailed off righteous paths and marginally skirted brinks of disaster from having suffered the scourges of maternal abandonment.

Tante’s memoir illuminated the significance of a recipe I intended to follow exactement in revival for my birthday gathering.  Though a breakthrough for me at the time, it hadn’t yet sliced all the way through the custard as to why Monique felt compelled to salvage this from a trash basket at my mother’s last known whereabouts for me to warrant its reclamation an enlightening quiche with far-reaching effects.


 An arrow’s fly shy of America’s fowl tradition, a presidium of pulchritudinous birds of a feather flocked together at my place to feast and frolic in observance of my birthday sans gifts per my request, same as last year and every year since turning the screws past thirty. Engraved-in-stone inductees Estelle and Paul held court at the heavyset dining room table while Noel and Jenny set up camp in the adjoining parlor, away from the adults and in control of the television set with chips and dip all to themselves. The honorable Marchands, add-ons by ultimatum as in “you’re coming or else,” seated themselves accordingly according to chivalric order with Norm and Oncle prevailing as heads of state at opposite ends of the mahogany ball & claw.  Though Lindsay made the A-list of invitees, she reserved weekends for spending time with her dad whom she affectionately tagged an absentminded professor. Monique, permanently exiled from attending family functions, prevented Tante from squaring off with the gal she squarely blamed for exerting her libationary influence on me through our pigs-in-a-poke camaraderie.

Oncle prefaced the sit-down repeating aloud his last year’s wish for me to make an honest woman of myself by getting married well in advance of my setting down chocolate mousse cake with dulce de leche cream and truffle ganache, another triumph by Pâtisseries Évocatrices.  Everyone with the exception of Norm let his comment slide by rewinding their stalled conversations.

Crediting my landlord with the memory of a non-Republican elephant and a disposition to get even, I believe he expelled an untoward remark as overdue payback for my having bested him in front of Lindsay when I divulged his struggles to squeeze into an army uniform and blabbed about his scrapbook.  While placing a serving platter of bite-sized slices of French bread hors d’oeuvres alongside a large bowl of salade verte, his jab stopped me in my tracks en route to the pantry for the quiche, stingily allocating a split second for me to reload and fire back a retort of last resort.

“The other day Bernard Paquin mentioned he saw you and some fella leavin’ Chuggers by the light of the moon makin’ a run for it. Maybe he’s the one!”

Well, if that didn’t divert their attention again! “Oh, was Bernard oot and aboot making one of his special deliveries at the Post?”

My Vancouver Canuck slapshot summoned the hokey expression, “the eyes have it” through the blank stares of those dumbfounded and confounded by an innuendo.  Norm’s eyes threw daggers at me, confirming his wife hadn’t confronted him about the girlie mags.  Yolande’s eyes darted everywhere and ultimately fixated on her hostess. “Tabarnak!  What are you waiting for? Bring out the quiche!”


Undergoing a midlife renaissance, Eva Pasco rekindled her passion for storytelling by featuring flawed and feisty women over forty who grapple with, confront, and overcome their personal dilemmas to become empowered in making profound life changes for the better.


Book Blast for Scandal's Splendor by Collette Cameron

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blast, presented by Pump Up Your Book, for Scandal’s Splendor by Collette Cameron.  Please leave a comment or question for Collette to let her know you stopped by.  

Title: Scandal's Splendor (Highland Heather Romancing a Scot Book 4) 
Author: Collette Cameron
Release Date: November 30, 2016
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing, LLC
Genre: Historical Romance

A determined Scottish lady 

Seonaid Ferguson, a lady of Craiglocky Keep, is through with London’s Marriage Mart. After learning she has the second sight, the haut ton attempts to exploit her abilities. Even though it means she condemns herself to spinsterhood, Seonaid sets a desperate course to rid herself of her gift turned curse. As she rushes home from England, a snowstorm strands her in a crowded inn with the last man she ever wished to see again. A handsome French baron who once thought her a courtesan. And just her misfortune, only he stands between her and certain harm.

An honorable French nobleman 

Jacques, Monsieur le baron de Devaux-Rousset, ventures to Scotland to oversee his new investment; a silver mine near Craiglocky. Only a handsome profit will save his family's destitute estate in France. But when the mine is beset with one problem after another, Jacques must instead search for an heiress to wed. He certainly should not be falling in love with the lovely, spirited sister of Laird Ewan MacTavish, a lass whose dowry is insufficient to restore his ancestral home. Nor should he consider, even for a moment, her risqué, but deliciously tempting scheme to rid her of the second sight.

A danger most dire 

Matters are torn from their hands when a dangerous adversary vows to expose Seonaid as a witch, just as Jacques's problems at the mine escalate into deadly violence. Is it by chance, or a dark design, that both of them are beset at once? Dare Jacques and Seonaid throw caution aside and forge a future together?


Meet the Author: 

An escapee from the Pacific Northwest’s rainy, gray coast, COLLETTE CAMERON believed teaching her destiny until she dared to tap out her first novel. She’s been enthralled with writing ever since. Blessed with three spectacular children, fantastic fans, and a compulsive, over-active, and witty Muse who won’t stop whispering new romantic romps in her ear, she still lives in Oregon with her mini-dachshunds, though she dreams of living in Scotland part-time. A bestselling, award-winning author, Collette pens Scottish and Regency historicals featuring rogues, rapscallions, rakes, and the intelligent, intrepid damsels who reform them. You’ll always find dogs, birds, occasionally naughty humor, and a dash of inspiration in her sweet-to-spicy timeless romances. A member of Novelist Inc., Romance Writers of America, as well as several RWA chapters including The Beau Monde, Hearts Through History, Celtic Hearts, Rose City Romance Writers, and the Greater Seattle Romance Writers, Collette admits to a quirky sense of humor, enjoys trivia and inspiring quotes, adores castles and anything cobalt blue, and is a self-confessed Cadbury chocoholic. Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, too many flowers, or too many books. She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list. To learn about Collette’s career as an author, visit here, and if you are interested in Tidbits and Trivia about Collette, take a peek here.

  Connect with Collette: 

Website | Facebook | TwitterInstagramPinterest    

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Book Blast & #Giveaway for Bounty's Song by Mandy Colton

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blast, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Bounty’s Song by Mandy Colton.  Please leave a comment or question for Mandy to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck! 

Bounty’s Song
By Mandy Colton

Publisher:  Cavalcade Press
Release Date: May 25, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 144 Pages
ASIN: B01G736G1K

About the book:

Gage Knight is a Texas bounty hunter and just doing a tough job when he’s sent to Nashville to pick up a grifting high-dollar fugitive. He arrives at the right place at almost the right time, but he makes a big mistake when he leaves.

Once a debutante, Danica Chastain is now a struggling songwriter with a dream of landing a job in the music business. On the day when her hard work seems to be heading in the right direction, a gruff man with a dark presence and wolfish eyes arrives at her door.

Although their immediate chemistry is off the charts, the two clash—for good reason. Danica is not who he thinks she is, and he’s not listening...


That little bitch had pulled her con off so smoothly, Danica knew just like she knew her rent hadn’t been paid that Tara, if that was even her real name, the money, and her stuff was long gone. She would just wait and call the cops after her appointment at the record company tomorrow. Focus on your meeting with Hank, Danica. If that went well, she’d just find her another roommate, take what was left of her clothes, and leave this dump. She would hold her head up and keep moving forward with her mind on her future and dreams.

* * * *

The next morning, Danica spent much of her time stomping around and grumbling. Her routine was screwed. She’d found the coffee pot gone first and then, after taking her shower, found her blow dryer lifted as well. She’d had to painstakingly brush her hair dry. Then there was the underwear dilemma she’d faced next. She had none. It was all gone, and the only thing she could do was put the bra back on from the day before, which was not going to work for the panties. There had been too much freaking out the night before about bigger issues than to remember to wash them out or even worry about something as minor as going sans the drawers. She’d just have to temporarily go commando and leave early enough to buy herself some undies on the way to her appointment.

She was about ready to leave the apartment when there was a knock on the door. Danica looked out the peephole but didn’t see anyone. Hmm. She shrugged, opened the door to take a step out and look, immediately walking into a wall of man and muscle. Yelping in surprise, she quickly moved her eyes up to his face. Whoa. At first glance, the guy had a dark, daunting presence, almost intimidating as he loomed over her. A closer inspection made another thought cross her mind. What a hunk-o-man! Talk about tall, beefy, and ruggedly handsome. Not exactly swarthy but deeply tanned and a nice amount of past-five-oh-clock shadow framed a nicely chiseled jawline. The whole package made her shiver a little. She could smell the guy, he was so close, and his cologne was a heady alpha male blend of sweat, the non-stinky man-musk kind, and spice. Ooh, and leather. In fear of being zapped by a jolt of supercharged testosterone mixed with potently virile pheromones, she took a step back.

He stood there, intimidating-like, looking down his nose at her, eyeing her, nothing moving except for a pair of odd color eyes. They were mesmerizing. He cleared his throat, which broke her staring spell.

She finally said, “If you’re looking for Tara, she’s gone.” She scanned him again. At least the bitch had a little taste in who she screwed. Couldn’t say the same for the guys.

Suddenly his eyes changed and he looked a bit amused. What a pair of peepers he had on that strikingly handsome and chiseled face. The guy had bright-gray eyes, like a husky dog or a wolf. My goodness, how beautiful they were and framed by lush lashes, those making her a little jealous. Danica was curious if the eye color was real or if he might be wearing contacts. Before she had the chance to ask, he opened his mouth.

“Is that right?”

Wow. The beefcake wasn’t the meathead she was expecting, he could speak. Smooth, sexy voice too. “Yup, bitch is gone. That’s for damn sure.”

He snickered at that. “Mind if I come in?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. I have somewhere I gotta be.”

The guy rudely bumped her aside with his broad chest and walked right past, making her gasp because he didn’t have permission and she was pretty sure that brief contact had created a few sparks underneath her chassis. Sparky, like after a bump in the road and your loose muffler intermittently drags the asphalt before scraping your undercarriage again with a zing. Yeah, like that.

Danica put her hands on her hips and cleared her own throat this time. “Excuse me, but I think I just told you that Tara’s not here and I have someplace to go.”

He walked right through the apartment, opened a bedroom door, and turned to grin at her. Then he walked to the other and opened it. “Mmhmm. Bet you do have some place to go, being that you just missed your court date. Again. Skipping for a second time on the same bondsman. He warned you last time. Somebody was gonna be comin’ for your lily-white ass.”

“Why are saying ‘you’? Like I did that? I don’t have a clue what you’re even talking about. I haven’t done anything, and for your information, my white ass is clean. I have never needed a bondsman.”

That made the corners of his mouth quirk upward into a smile. “Nice to know. Let’s see some ID, sweetheart.”

She still had her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at the guy. “What? You think I’m her, don’t you?” Thoroughly insulted by the thought, she continued, “Freaking Jesus H. Believe me, I could never be as bad as that nasty-ass, thieving, nympho skank is.”

Those sexy lips began twitching at that. She couldn’t stop focusing on them. He stuck his hand out, doing a “give it”-type motion with his fingers. “ID, please.”

Aggravated now, she grabbed her bag and snapped, “Fine! Who the hell are you, walking right in and demanding ID? Why are you here?”

“I’m a bond enforcement officer working on behalf of the bondsman in Texas. The law and bond was broken by not showing on the scheduled court date. I’m here to collect Tara Morgan and take her to jail. If you’re not her, then just kindly show me some ID and I’ll go.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Mandy Colton is from Louisville, KY, and lives a very quiet life with her husband and teenage son. A fan of romance, fun adventure, drama, humor, and on occasion, sci-fi stories. Her first book, Way to Go, and the continuing series came from her years, own adventures and experiences working in the travel industry.
Although she’s a great fan of the human imagination, she is also of the opinion that there are just no better stories than those that involve a bit of true life.
If you like my books, please review on Amazon or Goodreads. Subscribe for notifications on future new releases!

Connect With Mandy 

Book Blitz & #Giveaway for Buried Secrets by J.C. Valentine

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blitz, presented by IndieSage PR, for Buried Secrets by J.C. Valentine.  Please leave a comment or question for J.C. to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below. Good Luck! 

Buried Secrets
by J.C. Valentine 
Publication Date: November 29, 2016 
Genres: Adult, New Adult, Mystery, Thriller, YA, Suspense


About the book:  

How do you live with yourself when you don’t even know who you are?

On a chill October night, a girl goes missing setting the small town of Oakridge on edge. James has spent the last five years running from a past that still haunts him to this day. Now he finds himself thrust back into a life he thought he left behind. Finding out his new home may be haunted and reconnecting with an old friend while being thrust into a murder mystery, James finds himself trying to figure out which end is up while questioning his own sanity.

  **AUTHOR’S NOTE** Buried Secrets is a New Adult, mystery thriller with very little romance but heavy on the suspense.



Blackness surrounded him, its endless pools of ink swallowing him whole. He couldn’t see his hand in front of his face, but he felt the terror seeping through his skin, past his bones and making its way down to his very soul.

James knew he was in the throes of one of his nightmares again. He could never make out a thing, just knew the feeling it left him with.

He tried to make himself wake up, but couldn’t find his way out. The feeling that someone was coming for him caused panic to swell and his heart to accelerate, threatening to break free from his chest.

Not knowing what was coming, fear lacerating his insides, James started to run blindly. In his bed, his feet kicked out wildly, tangling in the linens and ratcheting up his terror, because to James, he was trapped.

 His breathing labored and coming in short, sharp bursts, James cried out at the same time his body bolted upright in the bed. Sweat beaded on his brow and dampened his skin, his clothes suctioned to his body uncomfortably. He was clammy and winded, shaken, but he already felt better for knowing he was free from that awful feeling of suffocating terror that had threatened to overtake him just moments ago.   

Scrubbing his hands down his face, James breathed deeply, hanging his head to his chest while his body calmed. As his adrenalin levels normalized, and he began to feel more like himself, James gave a final sigh of relief. Stabbing his fingers through his hair, he was readying himself to try to go back to sleep when he looked up and choked on his breath.

His entire body went rigid in an instant. His breathing, his heartbeat. Everything ceased to work. In the next instant James threw himself back against his headboard, fear gripping him once again. 

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He would chance rubbing his eyes to be sure his vision was true, only he was too frightened of what he would find once he opened them again.


J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Series. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn’t sorry. J.C. earned her own happily ever after when she married her high school sweetheart. Living in the Northwest, they have three amazing children and far too many pets and spend much of their free time together enjoying movies or the outdoors. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor’s in English and when she isn’t writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors. Sign up for J.C.’s newsletter and never miss a thing!