Thursday, December 29, 2016

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Incompetent Gods by Gabriele Russo

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Bewitching Book Tours, for Incompetent Gods by Gabriele Russo.  Please leave a comment or question for Gabriele to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  Good Luck!

Incompetent Gods
Gabriele Russo
Gods Inc Series, Book 1

Publisher: Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC.
Release Date: December 13, 2016
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 213 Pages
ISBN: 978-1946143136

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Fiery Seas | iTunes 

About the book:

In a dimension created by the ancient gods, most are now stuck working at Gods Incorporated. CEO Queen Louhi Pohjola, a mortal demigoddess turned vampire (on a diet), holds the planet in the palm of her hand and while she cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called a nice person, there’s worse lurking in her shadow.

Goblin, a bitter hybrid with childhood issues and shape-shifting abilities, has a grudge against the world. First on his to-do list is getting rid of the Queen and take her place by forcing the titan Ba’al to devour her.

As her friends and allies fall one-by-one into Goblin’s traps, the Queen’s fate seems inevitable. With no one left to fight, will Ba’al’s friends, a bunch of over-the-hill incompetent gods, be enough to stop Goblin from turning the world into hell?

About the Author:

Gabriele Russo, AKA Lucie-Gabrielle Jolicoeur-Rousseau, was born in Quebec City amidst a family of book lovers – her father had dreamed of being a writer and both of her brothers are published authors.

Since she earned her Bachelor’s in History, it was no surprise (except to her) that she ended up working in restaurants, eventually owning two, which almost drove her mad. She sold them and was nursed back to pseudo-sanity by Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.

That’s when she answered the family calling and decided to write. Armed with her ideas for the Gods Inc. series she went back to the University and got her Master’s in Creative Writing.

She now lives with her husband in Culpeper, Virginia, where she divides her time between painting, ripping apart and reconstructing her recently bought historical home, playing tennis and, of course, writing more books.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Girl of Glass by Megan O'Russell

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Bewitching Book Tours, for Girl of Glass by Megan O’Russell.  Please leave a comment or question for Megan to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You  may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

Guest Post by Megan O’Russell

How much of our humanity actually has to do with our DNA? How much of it has to do with the world we’ve created?

Defining “human being” is a matter of genetics, how we’ve evolved, the chemicals that make up our insides and build our bodies. There is no question in our world as to what being human means. But what if someone challenged your claim of being human? What if there was something more important than DNA, such as the human experience?

Art, family, love: they mold who we are as people. The ability to learn and pass on that knowledge has helped the human race to create amazing things. We’ve built cities, cured diseases, and traveled to the moon!

So what’s more important: the things that humans are capable of or genetics?
In Nola Kent’s world, that question is one of life and death.

Two glass turning back.

The human race has been divided. The chosen few live in the safety of the domes, watching through their glass walls as those left on the outside suffer and die. But desperation has brought invention, and new drugs have given the outsiders the strength to roam the poisoned night unafraid – but it comes at a price.

Seventeen-year-old Nola Kent has spent her life in the domes, being trained to protect her little piece of the world that has been chosen to survive. The mission of the domes is to preserve the human race, not to help the sick and starving. But when outsider Kieran Wynne begs for Nola’s help in saving an innocent life, she is drawn into a world of darkness and danger. The suffering on the other side of the glass is beyond anything Nola had imagined, and turning her back on the outside world to return to the safety of the domes may be more than she can stand. Even when her home is threatened by the very people Nola wants to help.

In the dangerous outside world, drugs have created a new group able to survive the toxins that have driven the Domers to lock themselves away. But those drugs alter them at a genetic level, giving them a super human ability to heal, resistance to disease, and strength beyond anything possible for a normal human. To save their lives they have become other. They’ve become vampires. The Domers hate and fear these creatures for changing themselves at the most basic level, regardless of whether or not it was their only chance for survival.

But the Domers have forgotten what it means to be truly human. They’ve abandoned the less fortunate to death and pain, rid themselves of art in favor of science, and locked themselves away from the world that gives life meaning.

Human or humanity. The two no longer co-exist.

So which is more important: to be human or to maintain humanity?

At the end of the world, which path would you choose? 

Girl of Glass
By Megan O'Russell
Girl of Glass, Book 1

Publisher: Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC.
Release Date: December 6, 2016
Genre: Young Adult
Length: 240 Pages
ISBN: 9781946143105

Buy Links: Fiery Seas | Amazon | B&N | Kobo

About the book:

Two glass turning back.

The human race has been divided. The chosen few live in the safety of the domes, watching through their glass walls as those left on the outside suffer and die. But desperation has brought invention, and new drugs have given the outsiders the strength to roam the poisoned night unafraid – but it comes at a price.​

Seventeen-year-old Nola Kent has spent her life in the domes, being trained to protect her little piece of the world that has been chosen to survive. The mission of the domes is to preserve the human race, not to help the sick and starving. But when outsider Kieran Wynne begs for Nola’s help in saving an innocent life, she is drawn into a world of darkness and danger. The suffering on the other side of the glass is beyond anything Nola had imagined, and turning her back on the outside world to return to the safety of the domes may be more than she can stand. Even when her home is threatened by the very people Nola wants to help.

About the Author:

Megan O’Russell is the author of the young adult fantasy series The Tethering, and Nuttycracker Sweet, a Christmas novella. Megan’s short stories can also be found in several anthologies, including Athena’s Daughters 2, featuring women in speculative fiction.

Megan is a professional performer who has spent time on stages across the country and is the lyrist for Second Chances: The Thrift Shop Musical, which received it’s world premiere in 2015. When not on stage or behind a computer, Megan can usually be found playing her ukulele or climbing a mountain with her fantastic husband.

Spotlight & #Giveaway for My Highland Rebel by Amanda Forester

My Highland Rebel
By Amanda Forester
Highland Trouble, Book #2

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Release date:  January 3, 2017
Genre: Historical Romance
Length: 416 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-492605-4-61

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | All Romance | Google Play | iTunes

About the book:

A conquering hero
Cormac Maclean would rather read than rampage, but his fearsome warlord father demands that he prove himself in war. Cormac chooses what he thinks is an easy target, only to encounter a fiery Highland lass leading a doomed rebellion and swearing revenge on him.

Meets an unconquerable heroine
Jyne Cambell is not about to give up her castle without a fight, even though her forces are far outnumbered. She’s proud, hot-blooded and hot-tempered, and Cormac falls for her hard.

It’s going to take all of Cormac’s ingenuity to get Jyne to surrender gracefully—both to his sword and to his heart…


Highlands, 1362

She had always wanted to have an adventure. That was her first mistake. Her second was to set off for a little privacy in the thick fog of the Highland morning.

Lady Jyne Campbell tramped along the cold ground of the Highland moor, trying to retrace her steps back to camp. She could not have gotten far. Could she? She considered calling out to her brothers for help, but rejected the idea. She wished to show her clan that she was capable of taking care of herself. Admitting she had gotten lost in the fog was not going to help her cause.

Being the youngest daughter, Jyne was accustomed to being bossed about by all of her fourteen siblings. And not just any siblings—Campbell siblings. Her eldest brother was David Campbell, laird of the pow­erful Campbell clan. The Campbell brothers were tall, broad-shouldered, hardworking, and a formidable foe to their enemies. The Campbell sisters were statuesque, brave, bold, and ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with any man to defend the Campbell clan, or against any clansman who got out of line. Jyne’s mother had borne fifteen children, and not one of them had the audacity to die in childhood. No, frailty was not allowed in the Campbell household.

All except Jyne. She had been born a little too soon and had always been small. In childhood, she was prone to illness and had a delicate constitution. Being of questionable health during her formative years, she was never chosen to travel or have any adventures. Though her dreams were as big as any of her siblings, she had to content herself with listening to the stories of others and making herself useful about the castle, while the other siblings returned with wild tales of their exploits.

Jyne paused a moment, straining to hear sounds from the camp. She would rather search for hours than admit to her over­protective brothers she had gotten lost in a bit of mist. She continued walking in the thick gray fog, which blanketed the rugged landscape. Straining to see ahead of her in the fog and stepped onto something she thought was firm ground, but suddenly wasn’t.

“Oh!” She fell forward into a bog, gasping as the cold, muddy water engulfed her to her thighs. “Oh, no!” She struggled, trying to find firm ground to drag herself out of the treacherous moor, but everywhere she touched was made of cold, wet mud. Her efforts were rewarded only by her sinking into the bog a few inches more.

The freezing sludge seeped through her clothes and held her fast, like an icy claw. The smell of rotting swamp gas made her gag. Her heart pounded in her throat, along with the remnants of her last meal. She had heard stories of people getting trapped in the bog and never returning.

She clenched her teeth to stop them from chatter­ing. Should she call for help? The thought of the looks on her brothers’ faces to find her stuck in the bog shut her mouth. She made another try for solid ground, straining her reach for a crop of grass.

She could almost make it. Her fingertips brushed tantalizingly against the stems of the grass, but there was nothing to grasp. She could not reach solid ground. Her efforts had only caused her to sink another few inches as fear slithered down her spine. Nothing she could do was going to get herself out.

“Help! David? Help!” Her pride was gone. She only hoped her brothers would hear her before she was gone. “Can anyone hear me?”

She had expected her siblings to come running as soon as she called. She could not be that far from camp. Could she? She listened for footsteps, for any hint that help was on the way. She heard nothing.

Panic surged within her, tinged with frustration. The one time she actually wanted her brothers to hover over her, and they were nowhere in sight. She made another lunge for solid ground, but the more she moved, the farther the bog sucked her down, and soon she was up to her waist, panting with exertion and sheer terror.

She closed her eyes and screamed with all her might, “Help! Heeeeeelp!”

“Here, lassie, take my hand.” A man, a stranger to her, flung himself onto the solid ground and reached out his hand over the murky bog. She grasped it, and he began to back up slowly, pulling her from the quagmire. He pulled hard, but the swamp resisted, as if unwilling to release its prize from its cold clutches. Finally, he wrenched her from the deadly swamp, and she collapsed beside him on firm ground.

“Thank ye,” she gasped, not sure if she was trem­bling from the fear of coming near death or the frozen chill of the mire still permeating her bones.

“Are ye hurt?” asked the stranger. He was a tall man dressed in the plaid kilt of the Highlander, belted at the waist and thrown over one shoulder. He had a wild mop of unruly brown hair and glint­ing dark eyes. He was armed with a bow and quiver of arrows and had several scrolls stuck into his wide leather belt.

Her teeth chattered. “N-nay, just relieved to be out o’ the bog.”

The stranger stood up and took her with him, easily lifting her to her feet. “Ah, lass, ye’re chilled to the bone.” He pulled her close and wrapped the ends of his plaid around her, warming her with his own heat. She melted into the comforting warmth and safety of his arms.

Jyne sighed. She had a vague feeling she should not be enjoying an embrace with a total stranger. She must be simply thankful to be out of the bog. At least that is what she told herself to justify resting her cheek against his chest.

“Thank ye. I dinna ken what would have happened to me if ye hadna come along,” said Jyne into the man’s solid chest. “Ye must have been sent by the angels to save me.”

The man laughed. “Angels? That would be the first time anyone said that about me.”

Jyne looked up at him. He had a decided jawline and sharp cheekbones. His face was almost angular, but attractive. His dark green eyes gleamed in the early morning light. He was a trim, muscular man who looked to be in his early twenties. Perhaps it was her brush with danger, but she decided he was the most handsome Highlander she had ever seen.

“Then I am glad to be the first to say it to ye. Ye truly are my hero.” Jyne’s voice trembled with sincerity.

“I’m nobody’s hero.” He tilted his head with a sardonic smile.

“Ye are to me. I am Jyne and much in yer debt.”

He shook his head. “Ye owe me naught.”

She touched her hand to his cheek, and he tilted his head toward her, leaning closer.

“Unhand my sister!”

Jyne jumped away from the stranger and turned to see her brother, Laird of the Campbells, emerging from the mist.

Amanda Forester holds a PhD in psychology and worked many years in academia before discovering that writing historical romance was way more fun. A Publishers Weekly Top Ten author, her books have been given starred reviews from Booklist, Publishers Weekly, and a Top Pick from RT Book Reviews. Whether in the rugged Highlands of medieval Scotland or the decadent ballrooms of Regency England, her novels offer fast-paced adventures filled with wit, intrigue, and romance. She lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest outside Tacoma, Washington.

Social Networking Links

Twitter: @Amanda_Forester

Giveaway Sponsored by Sourcebooks Casablanca

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for The Lizard's Tale by Kurt Kamm

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for The Lizard’s Tale by Kurt Kamm.  Please leave a comment or question for Kurt to let him know you stopped by. You may enter his tour wide giveaway, where one (1) randomly chosen commenter will be awarded a $50 Amazon/BN GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above. The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

Interview with Kurt Kamm

If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?

I had lifelong friend and years ago I told him I didn't want to hear from him again. He was doing something at the time that really bothered me and I had had enough of it. In hindsight, lifelong friends don't come along that often.

If you could keep a mythical/ paranormal creature as a pet, what would you have?
I would like to keep Kneph in my closet. For the few who don't know who Kneph is, he's an Egyptian god with a man's body and a ram's head. So think of the fun of this:

>Kneph riding next to me on Pacific Coast Highway in a Porsche convertible.
>Sending Kneph out on a blind date.
>Booking Kneph to appear on Dancing With the Stars.

OK, you get the idea.

How do you keep your writing different from all the others that write in this particular genre?

Let's go back a step. I have never been sure what my genre is, and have had difficulty finding comparable work. One of my books, Code Blood, won a handful of awards as a cross genre novel (paramedic/firefighters and a kid who thought he was a vampire). My firefighter series was classified as "mystery," but those books were really about the lives of firefighters and I never found anything similar. In the case of The Lizard's Tale, I read enough drug cartel books to steer away from writing the standard violence/smuggling/law breaking story. My plotline and characters are atypical. I write faction—fact based fiction—and while my stories are very realistic, they are very unusual.

What are the best and worst pieces of writing advice you ever received?

The best and worst advice is "write what you know." On the positive side, it is true that it is easier to write what you know. You have less likelihood of going off on a tangent to write something that is utterly false and unconvincing. Doing detailed research will help you expand what you know. On the other hand, following that advice can be very limiting. You can sit around all day and think about things you know nothing about and end up writing a 2,000-word novel. I have learned that it can be worthwhile to write what you don't know. If you have a good imagination and use it with skill, you can write stuff that is realistic, entertaining and unusual. Try writing what you don't know and see what happens. Just make sure your editor has a look at it.

Are the experiences in this book based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Not much of the material in The Lizard's Tale is related to my life. Dedo, the cartel's, banker has financial knowledge and skills which are drawn from my own Wall Street experience. The difference is that he has several billions of cash to invest, and I never had that problem. Ryan, the young DEA Special Agent, is a composite of many agents whom I met and spoke with while attending the DEA Citizen's Academy. Alejandro, the Guatemalan agricultural engineer is purely fictional as is Gina, the wildlife officer who is a real man-eater. Finally, the stunning, beautiful Mexican prostitute, Maria Gabriella, is pure fantasy. I should be so lucky as to have her as an event in my life!

The Lizard’s Tale
By Kurt Kamm

Publisher:  MCM Publishing
Release date: June 21, 2016
Genre: Mystery/Crime Thriller
Length: 210 Pages
Format: Print/eBook
ISBN:  978-0997441307

Buy Links:  Amazon | B&N 

About the book:

When the DEA goes up against the Sinaloa Cartel, an orphan and an endangered lizard are caught in the conflict. The action moves from Guatemala to Mexico to Catalina Island off the coast of California.

Alejandro, a middle class Guatemalan, wants his share, and makes a deal with the cartel. Now he’s risking his life to deliver the goods.

El Dedo, a brilliant financier, is the Sinaloa Cartel’s banker. He worries about what to do with the billions of dollars collecting dust in his underground vault.

Ryan, a DEA Special Agent, needs to make a high profile case to get a promotion. Is the big yacht headed for California carrying a Mexican drug shipment?

Kate, a wildlife officer on Catalina Island, smells smoke. When she heads out in the middle of the night to investigate a fire, she makes an astonishing discovery.

Jorge, an orphan from the streets of Mexico, is abandoned in the United States. Will he find his way back home and track down his mother’s killer?


Gina wasn’t looking for a husband—she was far too independent to let a man run her life—but she needed male companionship. After coming to Catalina, she spent a lot of time alone until she met Brad, a captain with the Los Angeles County Fire Department. He worked at Station 55, and was big, strong, and good-looking. All her Latin lovers had been dark and she was attracted to his blond hair. She loved running her fingers over the blond carpet that covered his chest. At thirty-six, he was five years younger than she was, and married. Brad was perfect.

Their affair lasted almost two years. She didn't see him every day—in fact, she didn't want to see him every day. His wife and daughter lived in Seal Beach, and once a week he took the ferry to the mainland and spent three days at home. But he didn’t always head home right away, and they often stole a few hours together on one of the remote beaches on the rugged, wind-swept west end of the island. During the off-season, they sometimes managed to spend a night at a local bed and breakfast in Avalon, and occasionally she cooked dinner for him at the ranch house. When nothing else worked, they drove up into the hills and screwed in the back of his SUV. For Gina it was a perfect relationship—she got what she needed without making a major emotional commitment.

 AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Malibu, California resident Kurt Kamm has written a series of firefighter mystery novels, which have won several literary awards. His newest novel, The Lizard’s Tale, provides a unique look inside the activities of the Mexican drug cartels and the men dedicated to stopping them.

Kurt has used his contact with CalFire, Los Angeles County and Ventura County Fire Departments, as well as the ATF and DEA to write fact-based (“faction”) novels. He has attended classes at El Camino Fire Academy and trained in wildland firefighting, arson investigation and hazardous materials response. He has also attended the ATF and DEA Citizen’s Academies. After graduating from the DEA Citizen’s Academy in 2014, he began work on The Lizard’s Tale.

Kurt has built an avid fan base among first responders and other readers. A graduate of Brown University and Columbia Law School, Kurt was previously a financial executive and semi-professional bicycle racer. He was also Chairman of the UCLA/Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Foundation for several years.

Visit his author website at


TUNNEL VISIONS  (MCM Publishing 2014)
2014 USA Best Book Award -Fiction: General – Finalist

HAZARDOUS MATERIAL  (MCM Publishing  2013)
Best Novel 2013 – Public Safety Writers Association
Winner of the 2012 Hackney Literary Award for best novel of the year ($5,000 PRIZE)
Reader's Favorite 2013 – Finalist – Urban Fiction
The 2012 Dana Award – Finalist
Eric Hoffer Award - Finalist (2014)
Excerpt published in Birmingham Arts Journal

ONE FOOT IN THE BLACK  (MCM Publishing  2012)
The 2012 USA Best Book Awards – Fiction: General  – Finalist
The 2013 Beverly Hills Book Awards – Fiction: General  – Finalist
Excerpt published in Felons, Flames and Ambulance Rides: Stories About America's Public Safety Heroes

CODE BLOOD  (MCM Publishing 2011)
Writer’s Type -  First Chapter Competition.  January 2011- First Place
2012 International Book Awards -  Fiction: Cross Genre Category –  First Place
National Indie Excellence Book Awards – Faction (fiction based on fact) -  Winner of the 2012 Award
The 2012 USA Best Book Awards -  Fiction: Horror  -  Winner
LuckyCinda Publishing Contest 2013  First Place – Thriller
Reader's Favorite  2013– Finalist – Horror Fiction
Knoxville Writer’s Guild -  2011 Novella or Novel Excerpt – 2nd Place

RED FLAG WARNING  Aberdeen Bay 2010
The Infinite Writer– Mystery 2010 – First Place
The Written Art Awards -  Mystery/Thriller 2010 – First Place
Royal Dragonfly – Mystery Category 2011 – First  Place

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Promo Blitz for Harrington Manor by Ronald M. James


Welcome to my stop on the Promo Blitz, presented by Reading Addiction Book Tours, for Harrington Manor by Ronald M. James.  Please leave a comment or question for Ronald to let him know you stopped by. You can follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above. 

Historical Fiction
Date Published:  October 8, 2016

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A murderer stalks the orange groves of 1923 Southern California. Detective Sidney Snipes is called to the Harrington Manor when retired Colonel Peter Wescott Harrington is found slumped over his desk by his family. Snipes entrusts the sensational new crime fighting technology—Fingerprint Analysis to find a fierce fiend.

Just when he though he had the murderer cornered, a neighbor discovers a shallow grave in the orange groves; an unsolved missing person's cold case files. A case that has haunted the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for three years. The evidence in the missing person's case rumples Snipes proficient sleuthing skills as the leads take him in circles. Then to add to the muddying discord, another Harrington turns up dead, apparently murdered in his sleep.

But when a sinister child’s Jack-in-the-box, seemingly from the grim reaper himself, materializes on the Colonel’s desk, the detective is bedeviled more than he cares to admit. Nevertheless, Snipes had enough moxie to send fingerprints to every city where his suspects had ever lived. The leads take Snipes in a direction he never saw coming. Within days, he's shocked to his eyebrows by the results; the identity of the murderer befuddles his mind. Alas, the oldest Harrington son, Shep, supposed wife, had a mock wedding to him in Manhattan, New York, and their plan was to kill the whole Harrington clan for their wealth.

Praise for Harrington Manor:
"Harrington Manor is James at his very best."-Publisher's Weekly

About the Author

Ronald James was born during the great depression, and as a toddler watched WPA men build a new street, from his home’s big front window. His playmates were a red rider wagon, a small black satchel and rocks. By using his imagination he had conversations with mythical street workers that bloomed into fashioned fantasies by age four. He used cardboard boxes to create fun spaces for his neighborhood playmates to enjoy and he kept telling stories all through high school. In college he abandoned writing and studied architecture. James had a successful architectural career and retired, however he wanted to keep his creative juices fluent, so he returned to his childhood story telling days and joined a writers group. Like architecture, each day he couldn’t wait to create, finish, and start new stories—like, Harrington Manor.

Contact Links

Purchase Links

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Fatal Fiction by Kym Roberts

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, for Fatal Fiction by Kym Roberts.  Please leave a comment or question for Kym to let her know you stopped by.  You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above. The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good luck! 

Fatal Fiction
By Kym Roberts
A Book Barn Mystery, #1

Publisher: Lyrical Underground
Release Date: December 6, 2016
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Length: 224 Pages

ISBN: 978-1601837325

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google Play | iTunes | ARe 

About the book:

When kindergarten teacher Charli Rae Warren hightailed it out of Hazel Rock, Texas, as a teen, she vowed to leave her hometown in the dust. A decade later, she’s braving the frontier of big hair and bigger gossip once again . . . but this time, she’s saddled with murder!

Charli agrees to sell off the family bookstore, housed in a barn, and settle her estranged dad’s debt—if only so she can ride into the sunset and cut ties with Hazel Rock forever. But the trip is extended when Charli finds her realtor dead in the store, strangled by a bedazzled belt. And with daddy suspiciously MIA, father and daughter are topping the most wanted list . . .

Forging an unlikely alliance with the town beauty queen, the old beau who tore her family apart, and one ugly armadillo, Charli’s intent on protecting what’s left of her past . . . and wrangling the lone killer who’s fixin’ to destroy her future . . .

About The Author

Three career paths resonated for Kym Roberts during her early childhood: detective, investigative reporter, and . . .nun. 

Being a nun, however, dropped by the wayside when she became aware of boys—they were the spice of life she couldn’t deny. In high school her path was forged when she took her first job at a dry cleaners and met every cop in town, especially the lone female police officer in patrol. From that point on there was no stopping Kym’s pursuit of a career in law enforcement. 

Kym followed her dream and became a detective who fulfilled her desire to be an investigative reporter, with one extra perk—a badge. Promoted to sergeant, Kym spent the majority of her career in SVU. She retired from the job reluctantly when her husband dragged her kicking and screaming to another state, but writing continued to call her name, at least in her head. Visit her on the web at

Tour & #Giveaway for The Ceo's Seduction by Diane Alberts

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by IndieSage PR, for The Ceo’s Seduction by Diane Alberts.  Please leave a comment or question for Diane to let her know you stopped by. You may enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below. You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  Good Luck!

The CEO’s Seduction
by Diane Alberts
Publication Date: December 12, 2016
Genres: Adult, Entangled: Indulgence, Contemporary Romance

About the book: 

The last thing Brett Ross wants is to be back in the same old damn small town he grew up in, but his best friend is getting married, so there’s no way he’s skipping yet another visit back home. He knows what he’s getting into, coming back here, but the one thing he didn’t count on was the way Anna Hamilton made him feel the first time he sets eyes on her…and she’s all grown up.Anna’s always been in love with Brett, even if she’s always been his best friend’s annoying little sister to him. But when he looks at her, she doesn’t see annoyance in his eyes anymore. If anything, she sees a silent calling for her to save him from himself…and she’s just the girl to do it. All she needs is to find a way to escape her pesky, protective older brothers… And then the game is on.



She glowered down at the place card. Craaaapppp. Why had she thought drawing a perfect little heart in the upper left corner of the card was a good idea? With that there, how was she supposed to sit next to him throughout dinner and act like she didn’t know he knew she was half in love with him? Maybe it wasn’t too late to switch his seat...after she gave him a new card minus a heart. She reached for his card, but as soon as her fingers closed around it, she sensed him behind her.

Son of a...

“Whatcha doing?” he asked.

“Nothing.” She hugged the piece of paper close to her chest and turned to face him. “Why?”

“You’re hiding something.” He pointed at her hand. “What is it?”

Damn him and his eagle eyes. “ card.” She forced a smile. 
“It’s...uh...spelled wrong. Totally wrong.”

Smooth, Anna. Real smooth.

He raised a brow. “‘Brett Ross’ is spelled wrong?”

Why couldn’t he have a harder name to spell?

“Yep. Mom’s been really stressed out with all this wedding stuff.” She sent a silent apology to her mother for making her the scapegoat. “I’ll get rid of it. She’d feel horrible about the error.”

Brett held out his hand. “Oh. Okay. Just give it to me, then. I’ll shove it in my pocket so she doesn’t see.”

“No. I have it. It’s fine.” She stepped back from him even more, but her back hit the chair. She had nowhere else to go. “I’ll hide it in my pocket.”

“You don’t have any pockets on your dress.” His gaze slid down her red satin cocktail dress, lingering on her legs. Or had she imagined the part about lingering? “I’ll take it.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m not handing it over.”

He put his hands on his hips, doing his best to look casual—but she knew his tricks—then shot his hand out, trying to snatch it out of her fingers. She jumped back and hid it behind her back. “You’ll have to be smoother than that if you want to fool me. You’ve been doing that move since you were eight, Brett-Brett.”

His lips twitched at the old nickname. She’d started using it when he started calling her Twinkletoes. It wasn’t very original, but it had annoyed him, so she’d gone with it. “Tell me what’s really happening. You’re up to something.”

She lifted her chin. “Am not.”

“Are too.”

She rolled her eyes. “How old are we again?”

“Old enough for what I’m about to do to get that card.”

He took a step toward her, and she tried to back up. She didn’t budge. Oh. Right. The chair. He held out a hand and narrowed his eyes on her. “Last chance. If you don’t give it to me, I’m going to tackle you to the floor and tickle you until you give in. And we both know you’ll give in.”

Anna’s mouth went dry at the thought of his body pressed against hers. “If you’re tackling me, it better be for something a lot more exciting than tickling.”

“Anna...” His eyes darkened slightly, and he took a small step toward her. “You better watch what you say to me. Someone might get the wrong idea. We’re not kids anymore.”

“I’m glad you noticed.” She lifted her chin. “Bring it, Brett-Brett.”

“You have no idea what you’re asking for.”

“Are you so sure about that?” she asked slowly, locking eyes with him.

He took a step in her direction, his eyes on her mouth. Holy crap, was he going to kiss—?“One.” He stepped closer. “Two.” Another step. “Three.”

He was in front of her, their feet touching. He, quite unfortunately, stopped there. 


“Well? What are you gonna do now?” she asked breathlessly. 


Diane Alberts is a USA TODAY bestselling Contemporary Romance author with Entangled Publishing. Under the name Jen McLaughlin, she also writes New York Times, USA TODAY, and Wall Street Journal bestselling books with Penguin Random House. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency. Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author. Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and three cats. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.