Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for Afterlife or Bust by June Mayes

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Afterlife or Bust by June Mayes.  Please leave a comment or question for June to let her know you stopped by.  To enter her tour wide giveaway, for a $10 Amazon or B&N GC, fill out the Rafflecopter below.  You can follow all of the stops of her tour by clicking on the tour banner above.  

Afterlife or Bust
By June Mayes
The Afterlife, Book 2

Publisher:  June Mayes
Release Date: December 30, 2014
Genre: Paranormal/Satire
Length: 140 Pages

Buy Link:  Amazon 

About the book: 

Lizzie is making the best of her life, er afterlife. She's working hard being a doctor to all things supernatural and for the most part has managed to behave. With her daytime watcher in tow and a very enticing Master Vampire turning up the heat of their romance, things couldn’t be better.

Of course things could get worse and do. Being killed again was not part of Lizzie’s agenda and having to navigate the politics of all things that go bump in the night is just icing on the afterlife cake. But Lizzie has plans. She's going to make her death worth living and she is going to drag everyone else along kicking and screaming.


“Sure, I’ll ask them to make an appointment for you, and Bob’s your uncle. All I need is your name.“ I smiled and was surprised that my canines were down and in full view. Either there was a threat here I was less than aware of or I was a little hungry. Hmm yup, no bleeding patients yet today. I would need to go in search of an unwary patient or two.

“Cuthbert.” The gargoyle brought me back to what I was doing with that simple pronouncement. “But I don’t have an Uncle Bob.”

“Forget Bob. Your name is Cuthbert?” I repeated, stunned.

“Yes,” he continued to smile at me. Well, it was more a tiny upturn of one side of his lips, which could have been a grimace or gas come to think of it. No, I was going with smile. He did genuinely look a little happier, which was a good sign. I did have to look down and try to school my expression into a calm understanding doctor face before I looked back up at him.

“A gargoyle named Cuthbert.”

“Correct.” Okay, now I know he was smiling. There was a dimple in one cheek and everything. Course it came and went so fast you would have needed vampire vision to see the dimple. But hey, that’s why I was the vampire doctor.

“OK,” I said calmly before leaving the room, closing the door behind me. Godzilla came up as if to discuss something, and I just shook my head at her. Cuthbert the gargoyle. Great.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:

June Mayes is a Cape Cod born and bred writer who lived in London for 10 years before returning home. She’s a hopeless romantic with a passion for writing all sorts of genre. Her days are spent juggling family life, walking the dog, writing and reading books, more books and even more books!


  1. I enjoyed reading the excerpt from the book. It sounds like a good read.

  2. I enjoyed reading the excerpt.

  3. The fun cover is my favorite part.

  4. Hi Maria - thanks so much for hosting Afterlife or Bust! Very much appreciate it. Hope the excerpt brings a smile to a few readers' faces today!

  5. Thanks everyone! Glad you're enjoying Lizzie and her escapades !

  6. Why Cuthbert? Such a funny name for anyone, much less a gargoyle!

  7. Believe it or not but I had a great uncle named Cuthbert so when a wrinkly and grouchy gargoyle stumbled into Lizzie's ER it seemed the perfect fit!

  8. What a unique and fun story. Loved the excerpt.

  9. I love that you named him after an uncle

  10. I loved the excerpt...looks like the book would be fun to read.

  11. My favorite thing on the post is the book cover. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed! Lizzie and her crew are just too much fun not to write about! Working on a new adventure so watch out for the next book in the next few months!

  13. i liked the excerpt - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  14. I like the excerpt and the cover art

  15. I like the statement that she was planning to make her 'death worth living'.

  16. I like the description of Afterlife or Bust. I learned that Lizzie wants to be a doctor in the supernatural field and I would love to know more by reading the book.

  17. the fact that the book has 140 pages.more the better.i love to read !!

  18. 3/27/15 daily comment: My favorite thing about the post is the book cover. Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. What a clever, funny excerpt. I want to read this. Thanks for the giveaway.
