Thursday, December 31, 2015

Virtual Book Tour & #Giveaway for A Beginner's Guide to Invading Earth by Gerhard Gehrke

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for A Beginnger’s Guide to Invading Earth by Gerhard Gehrke.  Please leave a comment or question for Gerhard to let him know you stopped by.  You may enter his tour wide giveaway, where Gerhard will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to one (1) randomly selected commenter, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may also follow all of the stops on his tour by clicking on the banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning.  

A Beginner’s Guide to Invading Earth
By Gerhard Gehrke

Publisher: Booktrope  
Release Date: August 27, 2015
Genre: Science Fiction
Format: eBook/Print
Length:  298 Pages (1043KB)
ISBN: 978-1620157176

Buy Links:  Amazon | B&N | iTunes 

About the book:

What would you do if you found a dead alien on a lonely highway?

Was it an accident, sabotage, or murder? And why is everyone blaming Jeff?

The extraterrestrials aren’t waiting for answers. They want revenge. And Jeff isn’t ready for company.

His only hope is an outcast mechanic from another world and a woman who might do anything to get off planet, including selling out her own kind. Jeff has to get to the bottom of why there are so many alien bodies piling up and who is really responsible.

A science fiction adventure novel, A Beginner’s Guide to Invading Earth tells the story of a reclusive ex-computer programmer who is the unwitting central figure of a plot to keep humanity from ever making first contact.


“Do you believe in aliens? Jordan asked.

Outside of town and with no moon, Jeff drove with care. The road ahead curved into black beyond the pickup truck’s headlights. Some of the turns had helpful signs with black arrows on reflective yellow, but most did not.

“Like little green men with designs on our world?” Jeff said.

“More like what’s been going on in the news,” she said. “The actual sightings of extraterrestrials. That alien body in Nevada.”

“I don’t watch T.V. Heard some crazy stuff on the radio. But I don’t listen to it much, either.”

“You really are cut off, you know. Like a hermit.”

Jeff smiled. Only a couple of cars passed them, both heading the opposite way. He thought of the gangly, hairy creature he had seen, working to fix his broken spaceship, panicking at the sight of a human, and somehow knowing Jeff’s name without so much as an introduction. Had that actually happened?

“It seems like pretty big news,” Jordan said. “If it’s real, that is. So do you like keeping yourself so isolated?”

“I like to think of myself as unplugged,” Jeff said. “Maybe more people should try it. As for the aliens, there’s this old theory about hysteria. It’s happened before. A commie in every closet. Fluoride in the drinking water lets the government control the population.” 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Gerhard Gehrke studied film at San Francisco State University. He wrote and produced several shows for community television. His Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror short stories have appeared in several publications, including an Editor’s Choice-winning short story at A Beginner’s Guide to Invading Earth is his first novel.

You can connect with him at


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Super Book Blast & #Giveaway for Commander Henry Gallant by H. Peter Alesso

Welcome to my stop on the Super Book Blast, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Commander Henry Gallant by H. Peter Alesso. Please leave a comment or question for H. Peter to let him know you stopped by. You may enter his tour wide giveaway, where one (1) randomly drawn winner will be awarded a $20 Amazon/BN GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You may follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning. 

Commander Henry Gallant
By H. Peter Alesso
The Henry Gallant Saga, Book 4

Publisher: Video Software Lab
Expected Release Date: February 19, 2016
Genre: Science Fiction
Format: eBook
Length: 294 Pages

Pre-Order Link:  Amazon 
Additional purchase links will be available on publication 

About the book:

He thought Alaina loved him, but now she’s found someone else. A tidal wave of loss and grief swept over Henry Gallant, leaving him undecided about what to do next, or how to move forward.

Despite his sorrow, he goes on a dangerous mission to an invading aliens’ home world in the Gliese-581 star system. There he uses a neural interface to penetrate their communication network and steal a high ranking alien’s identity. Through this artifice he learns about their history and society, and discovers a way to hinder and possibly defeat them.

A side-effect of linking into the alien network—which was created for autistic savants—is that Gallant’s mind was stimulated and enhanced to the point where he begins to experience superintelligence abilities.

Upon returning from his mission, there is concern that Gallant might pose an even more serious threat than the aliens. While he struggles to fend off those who doubt his loyalty, he fights to win back Alaina.

This is the fourth book of The Henry Gallant Saga, but it can be read as a standalone story.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

As a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations, and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of seven books.

You can visit his Web site at:

Author Social Media:

Facebook for Henry Gallant Saga:

Book Tour for Until You Came Along by Kshitij

Welcome to my stop on the Book Tour, presented by Bewitching Book Tours, for Until You Came Along by Kshitij.  Please leave a comment or question for Kshitij to let him know you stopped by. You may visit all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  

Until You Came Along
By Kshitij

Publisher:  Kshitij
Release Date:  December 25, 2015
Genre: YA Romance
Number of pages: 350
Word Count: 92000-94000
Format: Kindle

Buy Link:  Amazon

About the Book: 

People never change; they only become more or less of who they really are…

Just as mysteriously as Alyssa appeared in Estella’s life she disappeared. Who was Alyssa, really?  For all their years of friendship in college, Estella has no idea why Alyssa left without saying goodbye after graduation.  Now, after all these years, Alyssa leaves a recording on Estella’s voicemail –an RSVP to their college reunion! Trembling with delight and dread, Estella has only one question:  Why?

Alyssa has been searching for something all her life—her future. She believes in nothing but success and winning. Manipulative, wilful, emotionally cold is the best way she can describe herself.  To the world and her college mates, she’s glamorous, confident and has life on a silver platter—men dream of having her and women dream of being her!  But Alyssa is blind to everything except success… until she meets Kurt, a dreamy exchange student, who challenges everything she believes, while his touch runs through her body like the sweetest flame, making her want things she knows she shouldn’t have!  Kurt wants her heart and that’s the one thing Alyssa can’t give him.

Through seven years of silence, Estella and Alyssa discover life is ever changing—just as their perception of themselves…yet, how could they ever know tragedy and joy are from the same tears of life?  


This has to be my final and the most memorable trophy before the term at Stoke ends.” Alyssa looked at Estella with a smile, awaiting her response. Things somehow never seemed sure to Alyssa until Estella confirmed them. The answer to every question in Alyssa’s life, no matter how trivial it was, had to be assured by Estella. 

Estella nodded yes and then dropped her head to attend to the afternoon meal. While Alyssa somehow never felt the need to eat, Estella was pretty disciplined when it came to her food. She had to eat three times a day, no matter what was going on around her. She never believed in skipping meals. She knew it only took a few minutes to eat, even if one was in a hurry. But Estella had almost given up in her efforts to make Alyssa eat, and she herself sometimes missed meals when she was with Alyssa. The girls had made it a routine to be in the café at least for an afternoon meal and at all the times between or after their lectures.

“Est, why don’t you?” Alyssa said, widening her eyes.

Estella looked straight at her, wondering why her friend left the question hanging in the air. “Why don’t I what, Aly?”

“Why didn’t you register your name in QS?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Estella shook her head.

“No, I’m not. You know that.”

“Come on, Aly. You know me better than anyone. I’ve not registered because I just didn’t feel like being in it. It’s not the first time.”

Alyssa knew Estella avoided the dance competitions, or fancy dress competitions, or most of the contests of a similar kind. She couldn’t recall if they’d participated in the same competition. But Alyssa always wished Estella would consider it—she had all the qualities to win. Estella was perhaps the best at color and style, and she was a great dancer. But she only danced for fun in senior farewell parties, birthday bashes, or at Alyssa’s shindigs at London. Estella had good overall grades. Alyssa thought Estella could be her closest contender if she somehow managed to convince her friend to be part of the competition. But before Alyssa could further her argument, Estella read her face and quickly responded, “I’d never ever take part in the competition you’re in.” She grinned and made it all sound like a joke.

What was that supposed to mean? Alyssa thought, looking at Estella who was again busy with her food.

What Alyssa didn’t notice was the gaze that was locked onto her face. It was Kurt’s. He was sitting alone at the extreme corner of the café, in a seat with a view outside and with a half-finished burger, fries, and a Coke. Kurt had decided he’d never become obsessed with a single thing, person, or motive in his life. That was something he inherited from Woody. But from the first time he’d seen Alyssa, he, like so many others, couldn’t think of anything else but her. He managed to find out everything about her, which turned out to be an easy thing to do. He’d already become a stalker, following the girl, not knowing why and confused about his feelings.

“How are you, captain?” Kurt saw Nick taking a seat beside him. He’d started calling Kurt the captain, which was the best thing Kurt had heard since joining the team. Kurt thought that Nick had also noticed him staring blatantly at Alyssa. Sensing Nick had seen the subject of his gaze, Kurt dropped his eyes, feeling embarrassed.

“It’s okay, mate… she’s the hottest property in here,” Nick said, looking at Alyssa and then at Kurt. “And she’s used to such inviting and flirtatious eyes,” Nick added, picking up fries from Kurt’s plate.

Alyssa was talking and smiling, speaking with her pink lips, flashing glimpses of the dimples in her cheeks. As she tucked loose strands of hair behind her ears, Kurt saw her pierced ears and shining earrings. There were two different rings—one dangling much like a wind chime on a breezy day and the other that appeared to be a bit more unconventional in design but still held a precious jewel. That’s what Kurt assumed, not that he had any experience in female adornments.

Then he saw a man put his arm around Alyssa’s shoulder, and taking a seat with the girls.

“That’s Adam, her boyfriend,” He heard Nick say, but Kurt neither responded to Nick nor looked at Adam. His sight was fixated on her. He felt his heart was reading, looking, feeling, tasting, and breathing her. The kittenish batting of her eyes, the shape of her mouth, the gleam of her teeth, and those loose hair—wild, black, and beautiful. And then that snowy face, which could light the darkness and ignite a flame of passion in the most pessimistic soul. There must be a catch, Kurt thought. He’d heard somewhere that a smile could cure little things, but a smile like hers could end half of the world’s problems: how could anyone who’d seen Alyssa ever forget her or remember himself or remember anything, for that matter.

As he watched her kissing her boyfriend, his eyes couldn’t see anything but those lips—he opened his lips to fit hers. There was a space between them—the space he couldn’t see or feel. He was already savoring what he thought was their first of many kisses.  

About the Author:

Kshitij lives in New Delhi. He has written books in various genres. Classic literature novels, movies and culture have been his source of inspiration. Although he graduated with a business degree, the word ‘ART’ holds a special place his heart. When not writing, he can be found learning about history, food, and people for his new book.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Virtual Book Tour for Reckless in Pink by Lynne Connolly, The Lady Who Lived Again by Thomasine Rappold, Oath Sworn by Diana Cosby and Adrian by Heather Grothaus

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, presented by Pump Up Your Book, for Reckless in Pink by Lynne Connolly, The Lady Who Lived Again by Thomasine Rappold, Oath Sworn by Diana Cosby and Adrian by Heather Grothaus.  Please leave a comment or question for the authors to let them know you stopped by.  My review for The Lady Who Lived Again is in a separate post and can be located here.  

Title: Reckless in Pink
Author: Lynne Connolly
Release Date: December 8, 2015
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Ebook

Like the royals for whom they were named, the Emperors of London family have enemies and rivals of their own…

As a soldier for the Crown, Dominic is charged with locating the Young Pretender to the British throne so he can be tried as a traitor. But his mission is altered when he meets Claudia Shaw, an intriguing young woman who has inherited a house of ill repute. In an effort to protect Claudia from her own recklessness, Dominic finds himself allowing the Pretender to slip away…

Claudia is one of the Emperors of London, but her family despairs of her impetuous behavior. And try as he might, the disciplined Dominic cannot quite curb her excesses. In fact, she soon drags him into her adventures—and toward a passion neither can resist. But when a deadly secret comes to light that puts their lives, and their love, at risk, Claudia won’t allow Dominic to sacrifice himself. She is determined to have him—even if it means getting the Young Pretender out of the way herself.

“Lynne Connolly writes Georgian romances with a deft touch. Her characters amuse, entertain and reach into your heart.” — Desiree Holt

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I write sensuous historical romance as Lynne Connolly, and contemporary and paranormal romance as L.M. Connolly

I was born in Leicester, England, and lived in our cobbler’s shop with my parents and sister. It was an old house and most definitely haunted, but I didn’t find out until I left that my great uncle had hung himself in the living room! But I think our ghost might have been older than that. It was built on the site of the old Roman cemetery, and the land had been constantly inhabited, being in the centre of town. Then, when the council bought the house from us to build a road, my grandfather retired and my father went and worked for the Post Office. My mother was a sample machinist; that is, she worked with designers on the prototypes (models or samples) of garments. So I was very well dressed! We bought a relatively modern house in the country, and my mother was blissfully happy. It’s all very well living in a large old house, but it’s a dreadful task to keep it clean and warm!

My mother’s side of the family are Romany gypsies, although sadly we haven’t any of the old trailers that are so astonishingly beautiful. I was taught to read the Tarot cards, and I usually use two packs; the Rider pack for simple readings and the Crowley Thoth pack for the complex stuff. I’ve always had an interest in the paranormal and it’s been a delight to be able to put some of this into my novels.

My other huge interest is the historical. I love all periods of history, but my favorites are the Tudor and Georgian eras. I research and research, because I love it. I will travel miles to see a new variation on the Palladian mansion! I am fascinated in finding out how people lived then, and creating a credible story with people who lived in past ages.

Title: The Lady Who Lived Again
Author: Thomasine Rappold
Release Date: December 8, 2015
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Ebook

Madeleine Sutter was once the belle of the ball at the popular resort town of Misty Lake, New York. But as the sole survivor of the community’s worst tragedy, she’s come under suspicion. Longing for the life she once enjoyed, she accepts a rare social invitation to the event of the season. Now she will be able to show everyone she’s the same woman they’d always admired—with just one hidden exception: she awoke from the accident with the ability to heal.

Doctor Jace Merrick has fled the failures and futility of city life to start anew in rural Misty Lake. A man of science, he rejects the superstitious chatter surrounding Maddie and finds himself drawn to her confidence and beauty. And when she seduces him into a sham engagement, he agrees to be her ticket back into society, if she supports his new practice—and reveals the details of her remarkable recovery. But when his patients begin to heal miraculously, Jace may have to abandon logic, accept the inexplicable—and surrender to a love beyond reason…

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A three-time RWA Golden Heart nominee, Thomasine Rappold writes historical romance and historical romance with paranormal elements. She lives with her husband in a small town in upstate New York that inspired her current series. When she’s not spinning tales of passion and angst, she enjoys spending time with her family, fishing on one of the nearby lakes, and basking on the beach in Cape Cod. Thomasine is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Capital Region Romance Writers.

Readers can find her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter: @ThomRappold.

Title: An Oath Sworn
Author: Diana Cosby
Release Date: December 22, 2015
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Ebook

“Diana Cosby is superbly talented.” —Cathy Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author Bound by honor to save a country they love…

The bastard daughter of the French king, Marie Alesia Serouge has just one chance at freedom when she escapes her captor in the Scottish highlands. A mere pawn in a scheme to destroy relations between France and Scotland, Marie must reach her father and reveal the Englishman’s treacherous plot. But she can’t abandon the wounded warrior she stumbles upon—and she can’t deny that his fierce masculinity, Scottish or not, stirs something wild inside her.

Colyne MacKerran is on a mission for his king, and he’s well aware that spies are lying in wait for him everywhere. Wounded en route, he escapes his attackers and is aided by an alluring Frenchwoman…whose explanation for her presence in the Highlands rings false. Even if she saved his life, he cannot trust her with his secrets. But he won’t leave her to the mercy of brigands, either—and as they race for the coast, he can’t help but wonder if her kiss is as passionate as she is.

With nothing in common but their honor, Colyne and Marie face a dangerous journey to safety through the untamed Scottish landscape—and their own reckless hearts…

Praise for the novels of Diana Cosby “Cosby gives you it all—passion, danger, lush history and a touch of magic. Excellent reading.” — Hannah Howell, New York Times bestselling author

“A sexy new voice in historical romance. Scottish historicals have a bright new star (in Diana Cosby).”— Sandra Hill, USA Today bestselling author

“Diana Cosby writes wonderful historical romance!” — Susan King

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A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense.  Her award-winning books are translated in five languages.  Diana has appeared at Lady Jane’s Salon, in NYC, and in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happily Ever After,”, and in Texoma Living Magazine.

After retiring as a Navy Chief, AGC(AW), Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world.

Her years of living in Europe inspired Diana to write in the medieval time frame.  After watching the movie Braveheart and with her passion for writing complex plots, the idea for the MacGruder brothers series was born.

With the release of her 1st book in her new Scottish medieval The Oath trilogy, An Oath Taken, which hit bestseller lists in Canada and the United Kingdom, she’s now preparing for the release of the e Box Set of the MacGruder Brothers series on February 24th, and the last two books in The Oath trilogy, An Oath Broken – 22 June, and, An Oath Sworn – 23 December, 2015!

Diana has many passions in life, but one that resonates in her life is that of giving. She firmly believe that each of us can make a positive difference in another person’s life.  Some of the charities she supports are listed below:

The National Trust for Scotland, which acts asntfslogoguardian of Scotland’s magnificent heritage of architectural, scenic and historic treasures.

Habitat For Humanity, which gives a deserving family more than a home, but a foundation upon which to build their dreams..

Semper Fi Fund , is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to help with immediate financial support for injured and critically ill members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.

Homes For Our Troops, assists severely injured Servicemen and Servicewomen and their immediate families through various venues to aid them in building a home that allows them live a more independent life.

The Navy SEAL Foundation, provides immediate and ongoing support and assistance to the Naval Special Warfare community and their families.

Title: Adrianne
Author: Heather Grothaus
Release Date: December 22, 2015
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Ebook

In the medieval Holy Land, four brave Crusaders fight tyranny and betrayal. They are the Brotherhood of Fallen Angels—and one by one, they may discover that love is the greatest adventure of all…

From palaces and cathedrals to fortresses, Adrian Hailsworth’s engineering genius is evident across the land—including the castle of Chastellet. But a bloody siege has left the stronghold, and Adrian, in ruins. Now a wanted man, he is forced into hiding at The Brotherhood of Fallen Angels Abbey, his brilliant mind plagued with nightmares, his spirit broken—until Father Victor presents him with a fiery redhead in need of help only Adrian can give…

Maisie Lindsay is the lady-in-waiting to the Queen of Wyldonna, a small kingdom off the Scottish coast that is being blackmailed—by none other than the Brotherhood’s most treacherous enemy. The only chance of saving Wyldonna lies in unearthing its vast fortune, hidden within a labyrinth of deadly traps and secret passages. The challenge enlivens Adrian—as does the passion Maisie ignites. But she is far more than she appears, and the truth may force Adrian to sacrifice his heart’s longing to save her, before it’s too late for them all… 

Praise for Heather Grothaus’s Never Seduce a Scoundrel 

“Reinforcing her reputation for unique storytelling that is full of humor, suspense and pure romance, Grothaus wins readers’ hearts.” – RT Book Reviews

“An enticing and vibrant historical.” – Publishers Weekly

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Heather Grothaus has published eight medieval romances since 2006, which have been translated into several foreign languages. She fell in love with historical romance after reading a Kathleen E. Woodiwiss novel when she was far too young to be doing so, and has never looked back, building a reputation for crafting twisting adventures, laugh-out-loud dialogue, and heart-wrenching emotion. When she’s not writing, she spends her time homeschooling her children, gardening, listening to music, reading, and watching Sherlock. She lives on a small farm in Kentucky with her family.

December 21
The Lady Who Lived Again Reviewed at 100 Pages a Day
Reckless in Pink, The Lady Who Lived Again, An Oath Sworn and Adrian Reviewed at 3 Partners in Shopping

December 22
Books featured at The Reading Queen
Adrian Reviewed at Inner Goddess

December 23
Books featured at Griperang's Bookmark

December 24
Adrian Reviewed at Lisa's Louisiana Home

December 25
Books featured at Mikky's World of Books

December 28
The Lady Who Lived Again Reviewed at Queen of All She Reads
Books featured at The Book Connection

December 29
An Oath Sworn Reviewed at One Book Shy

December 30
Reckless in Pink Reviewed at Doing Some Reading

December 31
Books featured at I'm Shelf-ish

January 1
Books featured at Harmonious Publicity

January 4
Books featured at E-Romance News

January 5

January 6
Books featured at Write and Take Flight

January 7
Adrian reviewed at Reading Reality

January 8
Books featured at Reviews by Crystal

January 11
Books featured at Review From Here

January 12
Books featured at Teatime and Books

January 13
Books featured at A Taste of My Mind

January 14
Books featured at Deal Sharing Aunt

January 15
Books featured at Around the World in Books
Adrian reviewed at One Book Shy of a Full Shelf