Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, hosted by Great Escapes
Virtual Book Tours, for Lost Then Found by Christina Freeburn. Please
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Self-Rescue Princess Heroine
Christina Freeburn
When I first started writing inspirational fiction, I wanted
to create heroines who were in the role of protector rather than being saved by
the hero. It wasn’t easy as traditional publishers of Christian and
inspirational fiction wanted woman-in-jeopardy type of storylines.
Women often find themselves in the role of protector during
their lifetime, so I wanted to portray those types of heroines in my books. I
wanted to show that women, even Christian women, were capable of changing their
lives on their own, and didn’t need to wait around for a man to better their
For me, a heroine is a self-rescuing princess not just by
kicking butt, or not needing anyone, but a willingness to confront the problems
in their personalities and life. I wanted to write about heroines who wouldn’t allow
anyone to push them around, yet weren’t a “my way or the highway” kind of
I enjoy reading about heroines who embrace themselves flaws
and all, even when being truly, completely themselves has others judging them
for it. I love heroine who know they are flawed and see not only the flaws in
others, but also in themselves and work on changing those characteristics.
A self-rescuing princess heroine isn’t one who is all good,
pure, and never makes a mistake, but one who has struggled with the world – and
herself – and decides to grow and change because she wants more from life. She
doesn’t wait around for someone to lead the way for her, but goes and finds it
herself and fights through the obstacles others (and maybe even herself) puts
in her way.
Christina is the author of the New Beginnings Series published by Desert Breeze Publishing. The
books in the series are: Lost Then Found,
Led Astray, Safe and Sound, Long Gone, and Far and Away. She is also the
author of the Scrap This Mystery Series
published by Henery Press.
Lost Then Found
By Christina Freeburn
New Beginnings, Book 1
New Beginnings, Book 1
Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc
Date: April 13, 2014
Inspirational Romantic Suspense
Paperback: 180 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1612527505
E-Book File Size: 479 KB
Paperback: 180 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1612527505
E-Book File Size: 479 KB
Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Desert Breeze
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About the book:
The hope of a future for the broken begins in Mourning.
Skip-tracer Renee Stratford-Knight’s life plan changed upon
her sister’s murder. Instead of using her skills to find people, Renee opened
New Beginnings a firm specializing in “vanishing” abused women. Now her
ex-husband -and former business partner – Jonas Knight reenters her life asking
about her most vulnerable client.
Jonas knows his ex-wife helped embezzler Gina Howard elude
the authorities and intends to bring the young woman to justice. When Renee is
threatened, Jonas grows suspicious of his client’s reason for finding his
In order to uncover the secret a teenager girl disappeared
to keep, and a killer wants silenced, Jonas and Renee must struggle through
distrust and the pain of their pasts to work together to save the life of
teenage girl – and their own.
ExcerptShe entered into the small room and Jonas followed, stepping into the dark office. The room had one small window near the top of the wall. A coat of dust blocked out most of the sunshine.“Thanks for talking to me.”“Hold the thanks.” Renee pressed the door closed then turned to face him. Renee jabbed a finger toward a plush chair across the room. “Sit.”Without a word, Jonas complied.Sweat coated her hands and her stomach clenched. Give her a screaming, profanity-spewing ex-husband of one of her clients instead of an indifferent and calm Jonas Knight. To hide the tremble wanting to buckle her knees, she slid onto the desk and thumped her heels against the marred wooden legs of the hand-me-down furniture.“All I want to do is help you.” Jonas leaned forward, decreasing their distance.“I can handle a man like Howard.” She scooted back a few inches. “And I did. I don’t need you showing up here putting my staff and my clients in danger. What if he followed you again? I thought you were better than that.” The baiting words flowed from her before thought stopped the spitefulness.Blankness filled his gray eyes. Jonas steepled his fingers and pressed them against his lips. Renee had always assumed the lack of readable emotions came from being a top-notch skip tracer, not an ingrained personality trait. She learned otherwise, discovering love couldn’t…and wouldn’t…change it.She pressed her hands onto the wooden top to stave off the tremor building in her body. “I have no information for you. I want you to stop harassing me. Leading people to me.”His brows rose. “Little dramatic, aren’t you? This is not harassment. This is one professional coming to talk to another professional about a common case.”“We have nothing in common.”A hint of an unreadable emotion jumped in his eyes. “We have a lot in common. Denying it doesn’t change the fact.”Something fluttered in her heart, and she refused to acknowledge it enough to define it. “We’re not here to talk about us.”Jonas settled into the chair and rested one jean-clad leg on top of the other. “Aren’t we? Isn’t this whole issue about us?”Renee clenched her hands, knuckles jamming into the desk. Pinpricks of pain traveled up her arms. Why did Jonas turn everything into a battle? “Not on my end. Is it on yours?”A smile inched up the corners of Jonas’ mouth. Her heart fluttered. His smile always affected her. The first time she saw it, he stood in front of the classroom listing his credentials. The grin grabbed her and reeled her in. She focused on the shape of his mouth rather than the words coming out of it. The paper in front of her remained blank, and she had to take that particular seminar again. The next time, she chose a different instructor as the handsome, renegade Jonas Knight distracted her attention and captured her heart.In three months, he swept her off her feet and to the altar. Her heart had never known such happiness. A memory of her sister’s funeral trickled into her mind. Or pain. Jonas had stood beside her, arms crossed, staring into the distance without a flicker of emotion on his face or in his eyes. Renee had needed the feel of his arms around her, to lean on him and gather strength, but Jonas denied her comfort that day. He closed himself off to her, to her parents, to Alex. Her husband turned himself into a stranger the day she needed him most.

Christina Freeburn is a full-time writers and focuses on
stories with characters, especially heroines, overcoming their pasts and
striving to help the down-trodden turn around their lives. The stories are
sometimes told with humor, other times serious, but always with heart.
The New Beginning Series includes the books: LOST THEN FOUND, LED ASTRAY, SAFE AND SOUND,
She lives in West Virginia with her husband, children, dog,
and rarely seen cat except by those who are afraid or allergic to felines.
Webpage: www.christinafreeburn.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChristinaFreeb1
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