
Friday, May 27, 2016

Book Beginnings & Friday 56 - #34

Book Beginnings on Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader. Every Friday we share the first sentence (or so) of the book we’re currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

My Book Beginning:  

Gifted (The Hayven Series, Book 1) by Jessica George

Someone was watching me.   I turned the corner onto Dulscent Street, normally busy at five in the evening, but always deserted when it was raining. I looked back and caught the tail of a long black coat. Or it could have been a long black skirt. 

My Thoughts:  This is kind of a creepy beginning - not sure what's going to happen here. 

What do you think?  Don't forget to leave your book beginning below and to link-up at Rose City Reader.  


Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda’s Voice on every Friday.

To Play along here are the Rules:

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your post below. 
*Don’t forget to add your post URL (not your blog url) at Freda’s Voice.  
*It's that simple.

My 56 (Also from Gifted): 

     If you looked at only my face, you wouldn’t know I wasn’t skinny. I was one of those girls whose face shape didn’t reflect their waist shape. Even if you went a little lower, stopping after my boobs, you still probably wouldn’t guess. My boobs weren’t huge, but they weren’t very small. The problem was what came after my boobs: my stomach, hips and thighs. I was a size fourteen some days, a size twelve on others.

My Thoughts:  I completely understand where she's coming from - some days it feels as if I gain and lose at least 5 lbs.  I don't think anyone is every really happy with their appearance.  

What do you think?  Keep reading?  Don't forget to link up.

About Gifted (The Hayven Series, Book 1) by Jessica George

There is no chosen one in this story.

Avery Gray was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and happened to make a decision that altered her future forever. It happens to all of us every day. Avery is a size twelve university student with a penchant for dry humour, and she’s as normal as they come. Up until now, the biggest choice she’s had to make was glasses or contacts?

At the moment, it’s stay and save, or leave and be saved. Allow me to explain. One rainy afternoon, Avery had to make a choice: go through the alleyway or around it. Two possible options. One would have had her future continue on as planned, the other would ensure that her future never remained the same again. She unknowingly went with the latter.

But change is not always bad. Avery meets Theodore-James Connors, an enigmatic young man who takes her to Hayven, a city separated from the rest of the world, where only gifters – ordinary people with extra-ordinary gifts – can go. She soon finds herself in a close-knit group of friends she’d never have imagined herself in. Friends who are diverse in every possible way, from their ethnic backgrounds, to their personalities, from their gifts, to their life stories. Friends who make her laugh, who make her cry, who make her think and who make her…her.

However, change is not always good. The beautiful, golden city of Hayven has its dark side – Cliders. Gifters turned rogue, aka, Cliders are determined to aid fallen Clider, Madrina, return to rule Hayven. They will stop at nothing to make that happen, including harming those Ava has grown to love. Again, Ava is faced with a choice: spend her days finding a way to inhibit Madrina’s return, or walk away. After all, she isn’t the chosen one. Yet, there exists a third option – rig the future itself and make it work for her.


Don't forget to post your meme's and link up at both host locations.  

Have a great Friday! 


  1. Interesting! I can relate to the 56. I agree that I don't think anyone is completely happy with their appearance. We all have our focus area that we don't like. The beginning defintiely does sound creepy. I'm curious to see how the beginning and 56 are connected. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. Very creepy, but I like that!
    I had to edit your link, no biggie. Someone commented they couldn't visit. All good now. :-)
    Happy Memorial Day long weekend!

  3. Avery sounds like I would enjoy her. Happy reading and thanks for sharing. Here's my Friday Book.

  4. The description makes the beginning seem more exciting.

    Thanks for playing along on BBOF, even though I didn't have a Mr. Linky this week!

    1. Anytime Gilion - thanks for hosting it:)

  5. That makes me want to know what's going on! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  6. Okay, now you have piqued my curiosity, and I can relate to the character description, which could fit any number of people. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  7. Interesting snippets. I hope you enjoy this one! I was really intrigued by the synopsis. (I don't have an e-reader so couldn't accept the book for review)

  8. That first sentence definitely makes me want to keep going to see what's happening!

  9. I totally get the 56! I had a doctor actually ask me once if my blood was heavy because she didn't believe what the scale said incomparison with what she saw. LOL!
