
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for The Challenge by Kim Iverson Headlee

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blast, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for The Challenge by Kim Iverson Headlee.  Please leave a comment or question for Kim to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway, where Kim will award a signed print copy of her book Dawnflight to one (1) randomly drawn commenter (US Only), by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You can follow all of the stops on the tour by clicking on the banner above.  The more stops you visit, the better your chances of winning. 

The Challenge
By Kim Iverson Headlee
The Dragon’s Dove Chronicles, Book 3

Publisher:  Pendragon Cove Press
Release Date:  July 11, 2015
Genre:  Historical Fantasy Romance
Format:  eBook

*** This book will be offered for FREE on Kindle Oct 27-28***

About the book:

The gauntlet is thrown. One must die. Refusal is not an option.

Arthur the High King of Breatein has fallen captive of a longtime enemy, the Saxon warrior-princess Camilla, who lusts to avenge the death of her betrothed at Gyan’s hands and will stop at nothing, even the black arts, to achieve her goal. Because Gyan and Arthur have grown estranged, she fears that Arthur may side with Camilla and make her his new queen.

To meet Camilla’s challenge, Gyan must face all her demons—public as well as private.

Excerpt from the graphic novel of The Challenge by Kim Iverson Headlee, forthcoming in full color Kindle and paperback editions. Art and storyboard copyright 2015 by Wendy Carey.


Upon reaching Gyan’s side, Angusel thrust a scroll into her hand, his gaze softening. Her stomach knotted. It took all her strength of will to keep her hands from trembling as she broke the seal and unrolled the parchment to read its contents.

She had expected word of Arthur’s condition, couched in threats. Not this.

Camilla had issued a personal challenge to end the impasse by single combat in front of Gyan’s troops. If Gyan declined the challenge, violated the terms, or lost the fight, her crown would be declared forfeit.

Gyan crushed the parchment in her fist.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kim Headlee lives on a farm in southwestern Virginia with her family, cats, goats, Great Pyrenees goat guards, and assorted wildlife. People and creatures come and go, but the cave and the 250-year-old house ruins—the latter having been occupied as recently as the mid-twentieth century—seem to be sticking around for a while yet.

Kim is a Seattle native and a direct descendent of twentieth-century Russian nobility. Her grandmother was a childhood friend of the doomed Grand Duchess Anastasia, and the romantic yet tragic story of how Babushka escaped Communist Russia with the aid of her American husband will most certainly one day fuel one of Kim’s novels. Another novel in the queue will involve her husband’s ancestor, the seventh-century proto-Viking king of the Swedish colony in Russia.

For the time being, however, Kim has plenty of work to do in creating her projected 8-book Arthurian series, The Dragon’s Dove Chronicles, and other novels clamoring for attention. She has been a published novelist since 1999, beginning with the original editions of Dawnflight (Sonnet Books, Simon & Schuster) and Liberty (writing as Kimberly Iverson, HQN Books, Harlequin).

Website  –
Street team “Kim’s all-stars” –
Triberr profile –


YouTube video interview 2013
YouTube video interview 2015 –

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I enjoyed reading the excerpt from the book, and I want to read more. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Thanks, Jen, I hope you had a chance to download your free copy! :)

  2. Thank you for hosting THE CHALLENGE on your blog, and it's a FREE Kindle download worldwide Oct. 28!
    Kim Headlee
    Stories make us greater.
