
Monday, April 20, 2015

Virtual Tour & #Giveaway for The Morgenstern Project by David Khara

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Tour, presented by France Book Tours, for The Morgenstern Project by David Khara .   Please leave a comment or question for David,to let him know you stopped by.  You can enter the  tour wide giveaway by filling out the Entry Form below.  My review will post separately later today.  

The Morgenstern Project

The Morgenstern Project
By David Khara
Translated by Sophie Weiner
Consortium, Book 3

Publisher:  Le French Book
Genre:  Thriller
Length: 260 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-939474-35-3

About the book :

Past and present collide. When you kill a legend, it becomes inspiration, and you can’t kill inspiration. Jeremy Corbin and Jacqueline Walls lead a calm life in a New Jersey suburb, when one day everything changes. Eytan Morgenstern returns to save them, and this improbably team must take on the Consortium, leading them on an epic journey from London to Tel-Aviv, from the Polish forests to Manhattan high-rises, from the shameful past to the threatening future. After a lifetime of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, the Mossad operative is once again fighting those who wish to study his superhuman body. The self-sacrificing secret agent must rely on the help of his friends to finally free himself of the physical and emotional scars of his past.

A New Generation of Soldiers - More Than a Thriller Scenario by David Khara

The Consortium thriller series is all about resistance and ethics—resistance against barbarism and fascism, as well as resistance against our own instincts, the dark sides of our souls. As for ethics, well, the term “human experiments” says it all. And of course, Eytan Morg, the hero of the series, embodies these two essential issues. In a way, he is even stuck between them, as we see in The Morgenstern Project.
Half of the book tells us more about Eytan’s past in a Polish Home Army in the 1940s, the other half, set in the present day, shows how a special commando is created by the US army. This commando is made of soldiers severely wounded on the battlefield, reconstructed with new-generation prosthetics. Sounds a little bit like the “Six Million Dollar Man,” doesn’t it?

Well, if you think this is mere fantasy, coming straight from the tortured brain of a French writer, you are mistaken. Okay, partly mistaken…

One of the main issues of any army at war is that experienced soldiers cost a lot to train and once they suffer major injuries, they become a burden, with a cost once again, and they cannot fight anymore. Does that sound cynical? Of course, and inhuman also, but through my research, I discovered that some people think this way (not all of them, hopefully).  What you will read in The Morgenstern Project is not science fiction. Prosthetics are being designed, not only to repair injured humans, but to improve them. This is where transhumanism shows up.  Science and mechanics will make us more than human, turning us into half humans, half robots. And since these new arms or legs are developed with money coming from armies, the main goal is to create a new breed of fighters. Imagine a soldier who could run for hours without getting tired, or able to lift unimaginable weight. Imagine the asset these soldiers would be on the battlefield. Pretty frightening indeed…and that is what science is working on right now.

The action described in the book might be five years ahead of science, but no more than that. Remember the man who climbed the stairs of a building in Boston three years ago, equipped with an electronic leg? Since this is what is shown to the public, imagine what is being developed that we haven’t heard of…

If you have any doubts, just look for some very serious medical publications on the Internet. Your discoveries might frighten you.

Once again, my goal is not to condemn science improvements. I simply ask the ethical questions that they raise. Why? Let’s take a quick glance at history. When testing the atomic bomb, the United States and the USSR both sent their own soldiers near the explosion points to check the effects of radiation on human beings. Once again, that is not a fantasy, but a proved fact.

Ethics is a real question, and the worst might happen. Of course, my job, as writer, is to imagine the worst scenario, which is the case in The Morgenstern Project. But then, I can also imagine that Eytan Morg shows up and save the day... 


 About the Author:

Shiro project David Khara

French author David Khara, a former journalist, top-level sportsman, and entrepreneur, is a full-time writer. Khara wrote his first novel—a vampire thriller—in 2010, before starting his Consortium thriller series. The first thriller in the series, The Bleiberg Project, was an instant success in France, catapulting Khara into the ranks of the country’s top thriller writers.

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About the Translator :

Sophie Weiner is a freelance translator and book publishing assistant from Baltimore, Maryland. After earning degrees in French from Bucknell University and New York University, Sophie went on to complete a master’s in literary translation from the Sorbonne, where she focused her thesis on translating wordplay in works by Oulipo authors. She has translated and written for web-based companies dedicated to art, cinema, and fashion as well as for nonprofit organizations. Growing up with Babar, Madeline, and The Little Prince, Sophie was bitten by the Francophile bug at an early age, and is fortunate enough to have lived in Paris, Lille, and the Loire Valley.


You can enter the global giveaway here or on any other book blogs participating in this tour. Be sure to follow each participant on Twitter/Facebook, they are listed in the entry form below.


Visit each blogger on the tour: tweeting about the giveaway everyday of the Tour will give you 5 extra entries each time! [just follow the directions on the entry-form]

 Global giveaway open internationally: 2 US resident winners will receive 1 print copy of The Morgenstern Project 3 winners will receive this book in digital format



The Morgenstern Project banner


1 comment:

  1. Favorite author of thrillers is currently Lisa Scottoline. I have many favorites though.
