
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Virtual Book Tour & #Giveaway for Love In A Dangerous Season by Gloria Gay

Love In A Dangerous Season - Banner

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour, presented by My Family's Heart, for Love in a Dangerous Season by Gloria Gay. Please leave a comment or question for Gloria to let her know you stopped by. You can enter her tour wide giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.

TITLE – Love In A Dangerous Season
AUTHOR – Gloria Gay
GENRE – Regency Historical Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – January 21, 2015
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 192 Pages
PUBLISHER – Amazon Kindle Direct
COVER ARTIST – Killion Group


For her insulting behavior toward the Earl of Ashcom, on whom her family depends for subsistence, beautiful Fantine Delmere earns for herself an unwanted London season and is forced to leave her beloved Evergreen and venture into the hard glare of the heartless haut ton she abhors. But Fantine’s arrival awakens jealousies and dangerous forces are put into motion…

Love In A Dangerous Season - Medium Cover


Fantine struggled in Ashcom’s arms as he pressed his mouth to hers, but to no avail. Her strength pitted against his was but a sigh to a powerful gale. Then even against her will she felt her treacherous lips responding hungrily to his bruising lips that tasted of recently sipped coffee and felt a rush of passion course madly through her limbs as he parted her lips forcibly and thrust his tongue into her mouth.
A thrilling rush of sensation shot out throughout her body, making her listless.
For a while he kissed her, hard and with a desperate hunger answered in measure by Fantine. He tasted the chocolate in her mouth and inhaled the sweet light scent he had chosen for her. He felt a tremor shoot out in sparks throughout his body and a strong response in his loins.
Hating his reaction to her and his weakening resolve, he let go of her suddenly and still holding her by her shoulders looked angrily into her eyes.
"Have you ever been kissed by a moneyed title, Miss Delmere? Well now you have." And with that he turned on his heel and strode out of the breakfast room.
Scandal At Almacks - Author Photo


From an early age I was drawn to painting and writing. Both have always been linked for me throughout the different stages of my life—studies, work, marriage, children, grand-children. Curiously enough it was a novel given to me as a prize for art excellence at the Catholic nuns’ academy where I studied through sixth grade that I was introduced to literature. Up until that time I only knew books as history, math, etc. Those nuns were very strict: novels only as a prize! I was amazed that a book could open doors into imagined worlds. I probably thought, as a nine-year-old, that movies just appeared on the screen by magic. :)

From that day forth I would make up stories to tell my brothers and my sister. Later on I started to put the stories down on paper. Then among the many novels I read I started one day to read “Rebecca” by Daphne Du Maurier. That first line in the novel: “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again…” was the spark that drew me toward serious writing, first the gothic novels popular at the time and then when I searched for more romance than mystery, to the novels of Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer.

Regency romance became my genre and I self-published four, then two more with a traditional publisher, Boroughs Publishing Group, and two with Amazon’s Kindle Direct. And although I will probably always write Regencies, I am also branching out to romantic suspense and will soon be publishing two of those and, hopefully, re-write the first gothic novel I wrote and abandoned many years ago.




Copy of the ebook

Tour Organized & Hosted by


  1. Thank you for hosting me and my book, Love In A Dangerous Season. Your site is sweet, happy, and welcoming.

  2. Love your website thank you so much for being part of the tour - Tonya@My Family's Heart
