
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Book Blast & #Giveaway for Dream Girl by S.J. Lomas

Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Blast Tour, presented by Goddess Fish Promotions, for Dream Girl by S.J. Lomas.  Please leave a comment or question for S.J. to let her know you stopped by.  You can enter her tour wide giveaway, for a $10 Amazon/B&N GC, by filling out the Rafflecopter form below.  You can follow all of the tour stops by clicking on the tour banner above, the more stops you visit, the better your odds of winning. 

Dream Girl
By S.J. Lomas

Publisher:  Scribe Publishing Company
Release Date:  October 30, 2013
Genre:  Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Length:  194 Pages
ISBN:  978-0985956295



About the book:

For Christine, dreams have never meant much. Until she meets Gabriel. Everyone thinks Christine should stay away from her new coworker at the library-thanks to his bad reputation-but when her dreams grow more vivid and she becomes entangled in a dangerous dream world with Gabriel every night, she can't stay away. Soon it's clear there is far more to dreams than Christine ever imagined, and now she's on the path to making the biggest, and strangest, decision of her life.


“Told in very short chapters with alternating points-of-view, Dream Girl tells an enticing story of friendship, adventure, and determining one’s path in life.”
- Randy-Lynne Wach, Review for San Francisco Book Review

“This part-adventure/part-romance will keep readers on the edge of their seats while trying to figure out where it all will end. This will appeal to fans of the Abandon series by Meg Cabot.”
-Deborah L. Dubois, Voice of Youth Advocates, (VOYA)


It was quickly getting too dark to see, but I knew the park well. We were heading toward the trail into the forest. I leaned closer to Gabriel so that our shoulders bumped into each other every few steps. Gently, he pressed his palm against my back. “Careful,” he whispered. “The path is uneven here.”

It didn’t take long to fall into a comfortable rhythm with Gabriel’s footsteps. The trees were like deep black sentinels standing against a star-speckled sky. I paid attention to the trail beneath my feet. Each step had to be carefully planted so as to not be caught off guard by the terrain of wood chips and tree roots. Except for the twinkling stars above the branches, the darkness had become so complete that it was easy to imagine our bodies didn’t exist. That only our spirits were floating among and within everything.

Gabriel tenderly took my hand, and the faint silhouette of our joined hands mingled with the dark of the trees, with the sky overhead, the earth below. The ancient pulse of the universe hummed around and through us.

It wasn’t until he pulled me back that I realized we’d come to the edge of the river. A river I’d walked beside countless times before, but never like this.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:

S.J. Lomas is a cheerful Michigan native who writes strange and somewhat dark stories. She is a wife, mother, librarian, and definitely a dreamer.

Readers can visit S.J. at her website:

Twitter: @SJLomasAuthor


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for hosting Dream Girl! I'll be checking in periodically if anyone has questions for me. :)
