
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Contest- Tempting The Fire by Sydney Croft (Acro Book 5)

For those who might not know Sydney Croft is the alter-ego of a writing team made up of Larissa Ione (Demonica Series) and Stephanie Tyler (Hard To Hold series, Harlequin Blaze and upcoming Shadow Force series).

I got turned onto the ACRO series a couple of years ago when I bought Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, Book 1)based on a recommendation from Amazon.  I then sent an email to Larissa Ione to let her know how much I loved the book and was really surprised when she answered my email in an hour.  She gave me information on her upcoming books and said that I might like the Acro series that she co-writes under the Sydney Croft name.  I bought the first book and was instantly smitten and haven't missed a book in this series since.  In honor of the release of the 5th book in the series I am doing a contest. 


Shockwaves shoot through the Agency for Covert Rare Operatives (ACRO) when horrific video surfaces from the Brazilian rain forest. A team of Navy SEALs has been nearly wiped out by something sinister and superhuman. Now ACRO agents Sela Kahne and Marlena West head to the world’s most unforgiving jungle in pursuit of a mythical monstrosity with a taste for human blood. And the only path that will take them to the creature runs through two men, each hiding his own dark secret.

Sela is an expert on cryptozoology with a sideline skill that could prove invaluable: when she makes love to a man, she engulfs his innermost thoughts. Teamed with Marlena, Sela makes contact with the lone SEAL survivor, Chance McCormack. Meanwhile Logan Mills, the man who rescued Chance, leads his private company on a hunt that has nothing to do with saving lives. Soon, Sela will put her supernatural charms to work on Logan, determined to extract information about the creature they are seeking. But in this sweat-drenched realm of danger and deception, Logan is more than just a passive target. He has the power to lead a highly-trained seducer into a jungle without any rules, without any limits—and no end to the heat.

Purchase Link: Tempting the Fire

Contest Rules-
I will be giving away one copy to the winner.

1.  You must answer the contest question.
2.  Please make sure to provide your email address in the post so that I can contact the winner for shipping details.
3.  Contest open to US and Canada residents only due to shipping issues.
4.  You must be 18 year old or older.  
5.  Contest open until Midnight on Thursday 29-July-30, winner will be  announced by noon on Friday 30-Jul-10.

Contest Question
If you could have any psychic gift (like the Acro Members have) which gift would you want?  Would you want more than one?
Good Luck Everyone!

FTC Disclosure:  Prize to be awarded has been purchased by site owner.


  1. I'm so excited about this new release and can't wait to read it! Love the entire ACRO Series!!

    If I could have any psychic gift......I think being able to read minds might be neat! :)

    thanks for the great contest!

  2. I think I would like to be able to read minds too, as long as I could turn it off when I wanted to.

  3. This is a great series, I think :)

    If I could have any gift, it would be to see into the future.

  4. This book sounds great. I think it would be cool to be able to move objects with your mind.


  5. I would love to have the ability to move things with my mind.

    This book sound great

    jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com

  6. I would have to go with the moving objects with your mind. That would be very useful and helpful. After a while the reading people's minds would get too intruding, not to mention bombarding.

  7. This is a tough one, it would be neat to see into the future. But it would be a hard one to have because what if you saw the death of loved ones. So I will pick moving objects with my mind. It would be neat to thump some one that made you

  8. I think being able to read minds would be the best choice. You would know when people aren't telling the truth and what they are really thinking. Seeing into the future scares me too much.

  9. Psychic gift that would be my pick would be to have the power to "heal", to be able to repair and balance the body's energy systems. Think that would come in handy next time someone in the family comes down with an extreme case of the flu or even worse problem!

    The first time I read one of these books was because lucky enough to win a back list book from Stephanie Tyler with a novella in it called "Shadow Play" and now am hooked on the entire series but have only gotten "Unleashing The Storm" as of yet so would love to get my hands on this one so thanks very much for the chance!

    jackie b


  10. I am so excited over this next book in the series!! Sqee!

    If I had a psychi would be to have mind power over weather elements, to be able to conjure with my mind storms and clouds.

    armiefox at yahoo dot com
