
Friday, September 28, 2012

The Princess Bride - A 25th Anniversary Celebration

Twenty-five years ago, I went to the movies with the wife of a business acquaintance.  I let her choose the movie and she choose The Princess Bride.  I knew nothing about this film but when we got to the theater, I suspected she had chosen this film so she could "check it out" for her kids.  I wasn't too thrilled about the idea of the film but I had agreed to go and I'm very happy I did, I totally enjoyed this movie and have watched it numerous times since.  The romance in this story is wonderfully developed and is a testament to the power of love.

While I normally feature books on this blog, I wanted to feature this film today because in so many ways The Princess Bride is an excellent historical romance.  We get the fantasy of a king and a princess, the high seas adventures of the Dread Pirate Roberts and the sword fighting of Inigo Montoya, along with lots of action and witty dialogue.  Here's the trailer for the original release:  

While all of the actors have gone on to star in many other roles, I'll always remember Wesley (Cary Elwes), Buttercup (Robin Write), Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), Fezzik (Andre, the Giant), Prince Humperdinck (Christopher Sarandon), Count Rugen (Christopher Guest), The Grandfather (Peter Falk) and The Grandson (a very cute and young Fred Savage).

A film known for many fantastic lines some of my favorites include:

"Hello.  My name is Inigo Montaya.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die"

"As you wish"

"Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work, but I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped." 

So, have you watched "The Princess Bride" ?  What's one of your favorite lines from the movie?  

Answer my question below and I'll count it as an entry towards a contest for an version of The Princess Bride.  Contest will run over the weekend, winner to be chosen using on Monday, October 1, 2012.  Must be able to accept audio gift.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

VBT - Blood Memories by K.J. Dahlen

Welcome to my stop on K.J. Dahlen's Virtual Book Tour for her book, Blood Memories.  K.J. was kind enough to prepare a guest post for us today, please be sure to leave a comment or question for her below as she will be awarding a $20 Amazon Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter during her tour.  You can follow her tour here, the more often you comment, the better your chances at winning. 


Writing Murder and Suspense Tales in a CSI World
by K.J. Dahlen 

With all of the television shows on like CSI, and NCIS, I think it’s becoming easier to write mystery and suspense tales. Every day you can tune into a good number of shows, and find the information you need to complete your story; unless you villain is dying of some obscure disease and you really need to look online for ways to cure it. Even if you do, what you find on these shows can let you find the information you need online. You can usually find anything you need online, all you have to know is where to go and what questions to ask.

CSI and shows like this take you step by step through how the police use forensic science to find the evidence, and they even tell you how to connect the dots and find the answers to who done it and why. Years ago, before these shows were available, you had to find someone who knew the information you wanted and you actually had to talk to that person. In this day of enlightenment, all you have to do is tune in to your favorite television shows or better yet watch them on your phone, iPad or computer. 

I’m glad there are shows available to learn things from; I wouldn’t know who to actually talk to about some of the crimes I write about. I certainly don’t know any serial killers, nor do I wish to become one. Sometimes, when I’m not writing, I like to outline a crime and how to solve it, step by step. That way I can look back and find whatever I need.
I like to keep my research in a notebook which is becoming very thick at this point. I may never run out of ideas for new books! 


Blood Memories
by KJ Dahlen



When an accident turns out to be not an accident but murder Savannah must solve a double murder that happened over twenty years ago to find the truth. She was the only witness to her parent’s murder and now their killer is after her. She puts her trust into a man her aunt has known and all these years but evidence soon points to him being involved with the man she thinks killed her parents. Will she prove him innocent or fall prey to his intent? Her life and over two million dollars in diamonds is at stake.



Savannah  was about to walk down the hill to her car when she saw him. He was leaning against a tree not too far from where she stood.

She was sure she didn't know him yet he seemed very familiar to her. She tilted her head and studied him for a moment. Bits and pieces from her past flashed through her mind as she tried to place him, but it wasn't until he smiled she remembered where she'd seen him before. A few years ago when she was coming home from school, he was leaving her aunt's house. His smile was as warm then as it was now. He pushed away from the tree and began walking toward her.

Savannah waited until he reached her to hold out her hand. When he took her hand in his, she had to say, "I don't think we've met before, but I've seen you somewhere."

He smiled. "I've known you most of your life. I was a friend of your aunt's." He shifted his gaze to the disturbed ground of Donna's grave. "I'm sorry I didn't get here in time. I only arrived this morning. When I read the paper, I found her obituary. I had to come, at least to say good-bye.

Savannah smiled. "I remember you. I'd see you leaving as I was coming home. I asked her about you, but she wouldn't tell me who you were."

He smiled. "I'm sorry, my name is Charlie Manning."

Savannah shook his hand. "I'm Savannah George."

Charlie glanced away for a moment then looked back at her. "If Donna didn't tell you who I was, then she wouldn't have told you what I am."

"Excuse me?" Savannah said. "I don't understand. What should she have told me about you?" Savannah was intrigued now. She was finding her aunt had kept a number of secrets over the years.

Charlie leaned back on his heels. "You may not remember me, but I'm a cop from Chicago. We met once when you were three years old."

Savannah felt a chill run down her spine. She lived in the Chicago area with her parents until she was three years old. Taking a deep breath, "I think we should talk, but not here. Let's go back to my aunt's house. I have some questions for you. I think it’s time for me to know the truth."

Charlie stepped back and allowed her to lead the way down the hill. He got into his car and followed her back to Donna's house. The drive only took minutes but seemed longer.

Savannah glanced at the package sitting on the passenger seat. Whatever her past was, maybe the answers she'd sought all these years would finally be revealed. She checked her rear view mirror as Charlie Manning pulled in the space behind her.

Grabbing the package, she opened her door and walked to the front door. Once they were inside Savannah made a pot of coffee. A few minutes later she sat down at the kitchen table and stared at Charlie.

"Ok, mister policeman from Chicago, tell me what happened twenty two years ago that caused my aunt to take me and run." Savannah said.

Charlie studied her for a moment then decided to tell her the truth. "There is no easy way to say what I came here to say."

"Just spit it out then."

"How about the fact that at three years old, you might have been the only witness to the brutal double murders of your parents?" Charlie finally told her.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kim lives in a small town (population495) in Wisconsin. From her deck she can see the Mississippi River on one side and the bluffs, where eagles live and nest on the other side. She lives with her husband Dave and dog Sammy. Her two children are grown and she has two grandchildren. She loves to watch people and that has helped her with her writing. 

Kim loves to create characters and put them in a troubling situation then sit back and let them do all the work. Her characters surprise even her at times. At some point in the book they take on a life of their own and the twists and turns become the story. Of all the stories she could write she found she liked mystery/thrillers the best. She likes to keep her readers guessing until the very end of the book.

Web site:
I am on Facebook and Twitter as kjdahlen
My blog is on Facebook at K.J.’s blog

Please be sure to leave a comment or question for K.J. below in order to enter her giveaway.  You can follow the stops on her tour here.  The more often you comment, the better your chances at winning.  K.J. will be awarding a $20 Amazon Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter during her tour. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday - Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks

"Waiting on" Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine which highlights upcoming release we are eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks.

Title: Mortal Ties
Author: Eileen Wilks
Release Date: October 2, 2012
Series: World of Lupi, Book 9

About Mortal Ties: 

FBI agent Lily Yu is living at Nokolai Clanhome with her fiancé, lupi Rule Turner, when an intruder penetrates their territory, stealing the prototype of a magical device the clan hopes will be worth a fortune--if a few bugs can be worked out . . .

But the prototype can be dangerously erratic, discharging a bizarre form of mind magic—and it looks like the thief wants it for that very side effect. Worse, whoever stole the device didn’t learn about it by accident. There’s a Nokolai traitor in their midst.

Lily and Rule have to find the traitor, the thief, and the prototype. One job proves easy when the thief calls them--and his identity rocks Rule’s world.

As they race to recover their missing property, they find Robert Friar’s sticky footprints all over the place. Robert Friar--killer, madman, and acolyte of the Old One the lupi are at war with--an Old One whose power is almost as vast as her ambition to rock the entire world . . .

Why I'm Waiting for This Book:  I began reading this series by accident - I picked up an anthology that had a story from a series I was reading and ended up reading a novella by Ms. Wilks.  I couldn't put it down so I decided to go looking for other books by Ms. Wilks and discovered it was a part of the Lupi series (which is usually how things happen for me *sigh*).  Anyway, I fell in love with Ms. Wilks voice and easily caught up reading all of the books.  Unfortunately I've fallen behind (hey...I'm only behind one book and a novella) and I plan to catch up as soon as this story comes out.  Ms. Wilks has a very fantastic writers voice and this series, while involving several paranormal type characters, has a fairly unique take on werewolves and their mythology.  Plus, I want to be Lily Yu and have Rule, a super sexy werewolf, as my hero!


What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to play along? Just post your WoW entry on your blog and leave your link at Breaking the Spine and below.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I.O. Book Tours - Guest Blog and Giveaway for Cassandra By Starlight by Susan Mac Nicol

Welcome to my stop on Susan Mac Nicol's Blog Tour for Cassandra by Starlight.  Susan was kind enough to prepare a guest post for us today.  Please make sure to comment below and enter the Rafflecopter as Susan will be giving away 10 eBook copies of her book during her tour. 


Book:  Cassandra  by  Starlight  
Author:  Susan  Mac  Nicol  
Topic:  Press  and  Publicity     

Becoming  a  published  author  of  a  sexy  Romance  novel  has,  this  past  week,  given  me  more   amusement  than  I  ever  thought  possible.    

Being  a  tenacious  person,  I  asked  my  local  newspaper,  The  Essex  Chronicle,  whether  they   would  be  interested  in  doing  an  article  on  my  new  book  and  I.  They  were  quite  happy  to  do   so  and  a  young  man,  called  James,  called  me  up  and  asked  me  pertinent  questions  about  my   novel.  Most  of  his  questions,  as  you  might  imagine,  dealt  with  the  issue  of  the  sex  in  my   books.    
Was   I   like   E   L   James?   How   steamy   was   the   sex?   Was   there   any   personal   experiences   attached  to  said  sex  scenes?  Yes,  he  actually  did  ask  this.  After  replying  ‘No,  definitely  not   that  kind  of  sex’  ‘Spicy’  and  ‘Mind  your  own  business’,  the  conversation  turned  to  talk  of   Benedict   Cumberbatch   as   the   inspiration   for   my   new   novel.   I   explained   to   the   young   reporter  that  he  had  inspired  me,  through  his  striking  looks  and  talent  as  an  actor,  to  model   Bennett  Saville  on  him.  Later  on  in  the  conversation,  said  young  reporter  asked  idly,  “So,  this   crush  you  had  on  Benedict  Cumberbatch,  how  did  that  come  about?”    

I  hastily  refuted  such  a  notion  and  told  him  in  no  uncertain  terms  that  if  he  made  look  a  sad   middle-­‐aged  groupie  I  would  never  forgive  him.  He  giggled  manly  and  said  he  wouldn’t  do   such  a  thing.     

Imagine  my  surprise  when  the  article  came  out  proclaiming  me  to  be  the  “next  E  L  James”,   mentioned  the  specific  fact  that  I  had  a  crush  on  young  Mr.  Cumberbatch  (well,  perhaps  I  do   but   does   the   whole   world   have   to   bloody   know?)   and   made   me   out   to   be   “just   like   my   heroine”,  something  else  I’d  refuted.  In  character  definitely  –  physically  -­‐  not  a  chance.  I  do   not  look  like  Michelle  Pfeiffer.     

The  local  headlines  were  “EROTIC  NOVELIST  TO  RIVAL  FIFTY  SHADES  SUCCESS.”  I  saw  this   headline  in  a  huge  1m  flyer  posted  outside  my  local  supermarket  on  the  Sunday  morning   when  I  went  shopping.     

After  the  initial  shock,  I  came  to  realise  that  perhaps  they’d  done  me  a  favour,  as  surely   these   sorts   of   headlines   would   attract   readers?   The   proof   of   this   is   still   to   be   seen.   In   a   moment   of   mischief   I   sent   the   article   and   the   flyer   to   E   L   James   herself   in   a   tweet   and   imagine   my   surprise   when   she   actually   tweeted   me   back   wishing   me   luck.   What   a   great   gesture.  I  can  only  aspire  to  do  as  well  as  she  has....                

Title: Cassandra by Starlight
Author: Susan Mac Nicol
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
ISBN: 978-1-938876-01-1
Length: 268 Pages 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Publication Date: August 13, 2012

Buy Links:


A London woman is swept off her feet into the glamorous yet surprisingly dangerous world of an up-and-coming star of stage and screen.


Unconventional though she may be, Cassandra Wallace leads the life of an average Londoner, from blind dates to rush hour traffic. Then, along comes Bennett Saville. Charming, erudite, the up-and-coming actor is like the hero of a romantic movie. He sets Cassie afire like he has the stage and screen, and defies the tragedy that brought them together. From the tips of his Armani loafers to their scorching hot first kiss, he’s perfect. Only, he’s ten years younger and from the upper class, and those emerald eyes invite dangerous secrets. The world is full of hungry leading ladies, and every show must have its villain. Yet a true romance will always find its happy ending.


The voice came from behind her. She turned slightly to see the tall figure of a man to her right.

He smiled as he sat down in the chair opposite her. She had to admit, he was as stunning as her sister had said. He was just over six feet, thirty-seven years old according to Google, with dark brows, shoulder-length curly dark auburn hair and deep green eyes. He had a generous mouth that looked as if it was meant to be kissed. She felt a sudden shock at this thought. She wasn’t usually so fanciful.
“Forgive me if I don’t stand up,” she motioned to the crutches. “I haven’t mastered the art yet and people seem to be picking me up all the time which is a nuisance.”

He laughed, a rich chuckle that sounded as sexy as hell.

Oh my God! Cassie, my girl, she thought to herself in dismay over her reaction. What the hell is wrong with you?

“Your sister said you were feeling better. I can see she was right.”

He had a voice that was essentially very upper class, yet seemed to sound like melted chocolate. Cassie could almost feel herself blush at the random thoughts racing through her head. She leaned forward to look into his face.

“I’m so sorry about the loss of your brother. I wanted to thank you for your interest in how I’ve been doing, but you didn’t really have to do anything. It wasn’t your fault at all, so I wouldn’t expect you to carry on if you didn’t want to. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

Cassie stopped suddenly, aware that he was watching her with a quizzical expression and realising she was rambling on like some inane madwoman.

Bennett thought Cassie Wallace was charming, her openness a real treat. She was about five foot four, with reddish blonde hair just reaching to her shoulders. She had delicate features and an almost elfin face. She looked much younger than her forty-seven years, a fact he’d managed to entice from one of the nurses for an autograph and a cheeky grin. She had a figure like a Rubens painting, full and rounded. Even with the faint bruising and the scar on her cheek, she looked like a woman who knew who she was and had come to terms with it. He liked her sense of humour.
Sue Mac Nicol was born in Headingley, Leeds, in the United Kingdom. When she was eight years old her family emigrated to Johannesburg, South Africa. One day, after yet another horrific story of violence to friends, they decided it was time to leave. In December 2000 they found themselves in the Arrivals area at Heathrow and have stayed in the UK ever since, loving every minute of it.

In between her day job as a regulatory compliance officer for a financial services company in Cambridge and normal daily life, the inspiration for the Starlight series was born; Sue’s characters, Cassie and Bennett, finally made their debut onto the flickering screen of a laptop and gave her the opportunity to become a published author—a dream she’s had since being a young girl old enough to hold a pencil.

Sue is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. She lives in a town house in the rural village of Bocking, Essex, with her husband of twenty eight years, Gary (who believes he deserves a long service award for putting up with her for so long), two children, Jason, 24, and Ashley, 19, and a mixed collie mongrel called Blu.

Susan Mac Nicol Online:

Book Tour Stops:

9/25 M-N's Amazing Book Reviews First Chapter
9/25 Queen of All She Reads Guest Blog, and Giveaway
9/28 Harlie's Books First Chapter and Giveaway
10/3 Identity Discovery Guest Blog
10/4 Books, Books, and More Books Review, Interview,and Giveaway
10/4 The Bunny's Review First Chapter and Giveaway
10/5 Steamy Reading First Chapter
10/9 Kaisy Daisy's Corner Review and Giveaway
10/10 Book Lovin Mamas Review, Interview, and Giveaway
10/10 Storm Goddess Book Reviews & More Interview and Giveaway
10/11 smartmouthtexan Guest Blog, First Chapter, and Giveaway
10/15 I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read! Guest Blog, First Chapter,and Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway